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                                   Before the

   Federal Communications Commission

                             Washington, D.C. 20554

     In the Matter of                    )                               
     NOS COMMUNICATIONS, INC.            )   File No. EB-05-TC-055       
     Compliance with the Commission's    )   NAL/Acct. No. 200832170004  
     Rules and Regulations Governing     )   FRN: 0004321006             
     the National Do-Not-Call Registry   )                               


   Adopted: November 7, 2007 Released: November 9, 2007

   By the Chief, Enforcement Bureau:

    1. In this Order, we adopt the attached Consent Decree entered into
       between the Enforcement Bureau of the Federal Communications
       Commission ("FCC" or "Commission") and NOS Communications, Inc.
       ("NOS"). The Consent Decree terminates an investigation initiated by
       the Enforcement Bureau regarding potential non-compliance by NOS with
       the National Do-Not-Call Requirements contained in Section 227 of the
       Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the "Act") and Section 64.1200
       of the Commission's rules.

    2. The Enforcement Bureau and NOS have negotiated the terms of a Consent
       Decree that would resolve this matter and terminate the investigation.
       A copy of the Consent Decree is attached hereto and incorporated by

    3. After reviewing the terms of the Consent Decree, we find that the
       public interest would be served by adopting the Consent Decree and
       terminating the investigation.

    4. Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED, pursuant to Section 4(i) of the
       Communications Act of 1934, as amended, and the authority delegated by
       sections 0.111 and 0.311 of the Commission's rules, that the attached
       Consent Decree IS ADOPTED.

    5. NOS shall make its voluntary contribution to the United States
       Treasury by mailing payment by check or money order to Forfeiture
       Collection Section, Finance Branch, Federal Communications Commission,
       P.O. Box 358340, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15251. Payment by overnight
       mail may be sent to Mellon Client Service Center, 500 Ross Street,
       Room 670, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15262-0001, Attn: FCC Module
       Supervisor. Payment by wire transfer may be made to: ABA Number
       043000261, receiving bank Mellon Bank, and account number 911-6229.
       Include your NAL/Acct. No. with your wire transfer remittance.

    1. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the above-captioned Commission
       investigation into the matters described herein is terminated.


   Kris A. Monteith

   Chief, Enforcement Bureau

                                   Before the


                             Washington, D.C. 20554

     In the Matter of                    )                               
     NOS COMMUNICATIONS, INC.            )   File No. EB-05-TC-055       
     Compliance with the Commission's    )   NAL/Acct. No. 200832170004  
     Rules and Regulations Governing     )   FRN: 0004321006             
     the National Do-Not-Call Registry   )                               

                                 CONSENT DECREE


   1. The Enforcement Bureau ("Bureau") of the Federal Communications
   Commission (the "FCC" or "Commission") and NOS Communications, Inc.
   ("NOS"), by their authorized representatives, hereby enter into this
   Consent Decree for the purpose of terminating the Bureau's investigation
   into possible noncompliance by NOS with the requirements of Section 227 of
   the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the "Act") and Section
   64.1200(c) of the Commission's Rules.

   2. The Telephone Consumer Protection Act ("TCPA") was enacted in 1991 as
   Section 227 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended ("the Act"), to
   restrict certain telemarketing practices. The TCPA requires the Commission
   to adopt rules governing such practices, including the delivery of
   telephone solicitations to residential telephone lines. Consistent with
   this statutory mandate, the Commission first adopted rules to implement
   the TCPA in 1992, establishing a company-specific do-not-call regime
   whereby residential telephone consumers may register do-not-call requests
   to companies whose telephone solicitations they do not want to receive.
   Following considerable changes in the telemarketing industry, and further
   statutory requirements, the FCC amended its TCPA rules in 2003. While
   retaining the company-specific do-not-call option to prevent telemarketing
   calls from particular entities, the amended rules, inter alia, expand this
   system to establish a National Do-Not-Call Registry that provides
   residential consumers with a one-step option to prohibit unwanted
   telephone solicitations.


   3. NOS is a nationwide telecommunications service provider offering
   domestic and international voice services to businesses, residential
   customers, and other carriers. NOS provides all of its services by
   reselling services of other telecommunications carriers. NOS holds
   authorizations to provide telecommunications services from both the FCC
   and state public utility commissions. As a matter of company policy, NOS
   authorizes telemarketing to potential customers directly through both an
   in-house marketing staff and outside third party telemarketing companies.
   In November 2003, NOS hired a third party telemarketing company, Beyond
   Media Ventures, to conduct telemarketing on its behalf, which in turn,
   subcontracted its call center function to an affiliated outsource provider
   of telemarketing services, Ameco Tech, in Cairo, Eqypt. In July, NOS
   terminated its contract with Beyond Media Ventures. Since that time, NOS
   has maintained only a small, in-house telemarketing operation focused
   primarily on offering facilities-based, carrier-to-carrier wholesale

   4. In a letter of inquiry ("LOI") to NOS dated March 8, 2006, the Bureau
   commenced an investigation concerning NOS' telemarketing practices to
   residential consumers in connection with calls reportedly made on behalf
   of the company to consumers who had registered their telephone numbers on
   the National Do-Not-Call Registry.

   5. During the course of the Investigation, NOS filed written responses to
   the LOI. NOS represents that it had developed and implemented an internal
   system consistent with the TCPA designed to ensure that no telemarketing
   calls would be placed to consumers who had placed their names on the
   National Do-Not-Call Registry, and it submitted a description of its
   internal system and procedures for implementing the National Do-Not-Call
   requirements. Further, NOS established that it had paid for and properly
   accessed the National Do-Not-Call Registry database as soon as it became


   6. For purposes of this Consent Decree, the following definitions shall

     a. "Act" means the Communications Act of 1934, as amended.

     b. "Bureau" means the Enforcement Bureau of the Federal Communications

     c. "Commission" means the Federal Communications Commission.

     d. "Effective date" means the date on which the Bureau releases the
        Adopting Order.

     e. "Inbound marketing" means marketing performed during inbound calls
        received by employees of NOS or Third Party Telemarketing Companies
        for the purpose of encouraging the purchase, or rental of, or
        investment in, property, goods, or services.

     f. "Investigation" means this investigation and any related proceedings
        commenced by the Bureau's Letter of Inquiry, dated March 8, 2006, to
        NOS regarding possible noncompliance by NOS with the requirements
        contained in Section 227 of the Act and Section 64.1200(c) of the
        Commission's Rules during the period of May 2005 through November
        2005, which shall include, for purposes of this Consent Decree, all
        complaints that were or could have been made against NOS for
        telemarketing calls made during the same period.

     g. "Order" or "Adopting Order" means an Order of the Bureau adopting the
        terms and conditions of this Consent Decree without change, addition,
        or modification, and formally terminating the above-captioned

     h. "Parties" means NOS and the Bureau.

     i. "NOS" means NOS Communications, Inc. and any telecommunications
        carrier subsidiary, successor, or telecommunications carrier
        controlled by NOS Communications, Inc.

     j. "Telemarketing" means the initiation of a telephone call or message
        for the purpose of encouraging the purchase or rental of, or
        investment in, property, goods, or services, which is transmitted to
        any person.

     k. "Telephone solicitation" means the initiation of a telephone call or
        message for the purpose of encouraging the purchase or rental of, or
        investment in, property, goods, or services, which is transmitted to
        any person, but such term does not include a call or message:

         i. To any person with that person's prior express invitation or

         ii. To any person with whom the caller has an established business
             relationship; or

         iii. By or on behalf of a tax-exempt nonprofit organization.

   k. "Third Party Telemarketing Company" means any third party telemarketing
   company employed by, or otherwise engaged on behalf of, NOS, to conduct
   outbound telemarketing on NOS' behalf, including outside call center
   vendors handling internal call center operations that conduct
   telemarketing campaigns on NOS' behalf.


   7. NOS agrees that the Bureau, by delegated authority of the Commission,
   has jurisdiction over it and the subject matter contained in this Consent
   Decree and the authority to enter into and adopt this Consent Decree.

   8. The Parties agree and acknowledge that this Consent Decree shall
   constitute a final settlement of the Investigation between NOS and the
   Bureau. In express reliance on the covenants and representations contained
   herein, the Bureau agrees to terminate the Investigation. In consideration
   for the termination of this Investigation and in accordance with the terms
   of this Consent Decree, NOS agrees to the terms, conditions and procedures
   contained herein.

   9. The Parties agree that this Consent Decree does not constitute either
   an adjudication on the merits or a factual or legal finding or
   determination regarding any compliance or noncompliance by NOS with the
   requirements of the Act or the Commission's rules or orders. The Parties
   agree that this Consent Decree is for settlement purposes only, and that
   by agreeing to this Consent Decree, NOS does not admit or deny any
   noncompliance, violation, or liability associated with or arising from its
   actions or omissions involving the Act or the Commission's rules that are
   the subject of this Consent Decree.

   10. In consideration for the termination of the Investigation in
   accordance with the terms of this Consent Decree, NOS agrees to
   voluntarily implement a Compliance Program consisting of the components
   delineated below.

   a. Not later than thirty (30) days after the Effective Date, NOS will
   adopt written policies and procedures for, at minimum: complying with the
   requirements of the National Do-Not-Call Registry rules; maintaining NOS'
   internal Do-Not-Call list; managing outbound telemarketing campaigns; and
   creating, approving, and distributing to both its in-house marketing staff
   and Third Party Telemarketing Companies engaged by NOS, lists of potential
   customers and telephone numbers ("Call Lists"). NOS' written policies and
   procedures shall be available upon request, and will be memorialized in a
   Telemarketing Compliance Manual, which will include the following

   i. All Call Lists shall be scrubbed against a version of the National
   Do-Not-Call Registry that has been obtained from the administrator of the
   Registry not more than thirty-one (31) days prior to the date of any call
   made on NOS' behalf and a version of NOS' in-house do-not-call list ("NOS
   Do-Not-Call List") that has been updated by NOS not more than thirty (30)
   days prior to the date of any call made on NOS' behalf;

   ii. No outbound telemarketing campaign may be initiated on NOS' behalf
       without prior written authorization from NOS confirming that the Call
       Lists have been scrubbed against the National Do-Not-Call Registry and
       the NOS Do-Not-Call List;

   iii. The Third Party Telemarketing Company shall generate and transmit to
        NOS on a daily basis compliance reports containing data on all
        Do-Not-Call complaints and requests received by such vendor; and

   iv. Each outbound telemarketing campaign shall be monitored for compliance
       by NOS through the audit procedures described in Para. 10(h), below.

   b. Not later than thirty (30) days after the Effective Date, NOS will
   commence the training of all employees of NOS involved in telemarketing or
   inbound marketing and all employees of Third Party Telemarketing Companies
   involved in telemarketing or inbound marketing on behalf of NOS.  NOS will
   require such employees to acknowledge in writing that they have read,
   understand, and will abide by the policies and procedures in the
   Telemarketing Compliance Manual.

   c. Before employees of NOS involved in telemarketing or inbound marketing
   or employees of Third Party Telemarketing Companies involved in
   telemarketing or inbound marketing on behalf of NOS make telephone
   solicitations to residential telephone subscribers, the representative
   will receive thorough Do-Not-Call training. Such training will include
   educating the representative concerning federal and state Do-Not-Call
   rules, including, at a minimum, the requirements of the TCPA and
   associated federal rules currently in effect and as revised in the future.

   d. Not later than thirty (30) days after the Effective Date, NOS will
   commence the training of all employees of NOS involved in telemarketing or
   inbound marketing and all employees of Third Party Telemarketing Companies
   involved in telemarketing or inbound marketing on behalf of NOS. Not later
   than sixty (60) days after the Effective Date, NOS will complete the
   training of all employees of NOS involved in telemarketing or inbound
   marketing and all employees of Third Party Telemarketing Companies
   involved in telemarketing or inbound marketing on behalf of NOS. The
   training for all such employees will include the following components:

   i. Distribution to employees of written training materials, including but
   not limited to: NOS' Telemarketing Compliance Manual; a "FAQs" document
   providing answers to frequently asked questions about the National
   Do-Not-Call Registry rules and the NOS Do-Not-Call List; flow charts
   depicting the process employees of NOS involved in telemarketing or
   inbound marketing and employees of Third Party Telemarketing Companies
   involved in telemarketing or inbound marketing on behalf of NOS are
   required to follow when receiving a Do-Not-Call request or complaint; and
   a copy of NOS' written policy for complying with National Do-Not-Call
   rules and maintaining the NOS Do-Not-Call List.

   ii. A training session given by the NOS Do-Not-Call Team (which consists
   of NOS' Vice President for Customer Care, Systems Administrator, Marketing
   Manager, and Regulatory Attorney), which will explain NOS' policies and
   procedures for telemarketing compliance and permit its employees to ask
   questions about the policies and procedures. NOS will require all
   employees in attendance to acknowledge in writing that they have attended
   the training session and understand and will abide by NOS' policies and

   iii. NOS will require all new employees involved in telemarketing or
   inbound marketing and all employees of Third Party Telemarketing Companies
   involved in telemarketing or inbound marketing on behalf of NOS to
   complete such training within the first week of employment. NOS will
   require all such employees to attend refresher training at least once a

   e. NOS will develop and implement a certification process for all in-house
   telemarketing agents and employees of Third Party Telemarketing Companies
   who perform telemarketing or inbound marketing on behalf of NOS. NOS will
   require its own principal(s) and principals of Third Party Telemarketing
   Companies to certify on an annual basis that they acknowledge, understand,
   and abide by all NOS policies concerning telemarketing. Such principals
   will also certify that all sales managers, their supervisors, and staff
   have received copies of all NOS' policies concerning telemarketing within
   five (5) business days of the certification, and have been trained with
   respect to NOS' policies.

   f. Not later than thirty (30) days after the Effective Date, NOS will
   prepare and distribute an Escalation Alert document that will identify the
   criteria by which NOS will evaluate Third Party Telemarketing Company
   Reports or Customer Care Reports (see Para. 10(h) below), and, if such
   criteria are met, will trigger escalation of the report to the next level
   of telemarketing compliance management. The Escalation Alert document will
   identify for each level of escalation the NOS manager (and an alternate)
   to whom such report shall be forwarded and the maximum timeframe within
   which notification shall be made. The Escalation Alert document will
   identify a clear path of successive levels of escalation, to ensure that
   NOS can promptly identify and respond to data indicating a failure or
   potential failure of telemarketing compliance. The Escalation Alert
   process will be administered by NOS.

   g. NOS' contracts with Third Party Telemarketing Companies will provide

   i. The Third Party Telemarketing Company shall comply with all applicable
   federal and state telemarketing laws, rules and requirements, including
   the requirement that the Third Party Telemarketing Company use a process
   to prevent unauthorized use of the National Do-Not-Call database and
   refrain from participating in cost-sharing arrangements;

   ii. The Third Party Telemarketing Company shall comply with NOS' policies
   and procedures set forth in NOS' Telemarketing Compliance Manual,
   including the requirement that the Third Party Telemarketing Company
   maintain and preserve all reports and records required by law, and all
   supplemental instructions from NOS;

   iii. The Third Party Telemarketing Company shall transmit to NOS, on a
   daily basis, reports that identify and provide data for each complaint or
   request relating to Do-Not-Call and other telemarketing issues ("Third
   Party Telemarketing Company Reports");

   iv. The Third Party Telemarketing Company shall not utilize telemarketing
   equipment that permits a residential phone number database field to be
   edited without authorization from a management level employee responsible
   for compliance with applicable federal and state telemarketing laws and
   requirements; and,

   v. NOS will take appropriate action in the event that any Third Party
   Telemarketing Company Report, or any other source, establishes that a
   Third Party Telemarketing Company has failed to follow its legal
   obligations or NOS' policies with respect to the Commission's Do-Not- Call
   rules. Violation of such legal obligations and NOS' policies shall be
   grounds for termination of the Third Party Telemarketing Company's
   contract with NOS.

   h. Not later than sixty (60) days after the Effective Date, NOS will
   implement procedures to audit compliance with the Commission's Do-Not-Call
   rules, through the following procedures and additional measures to be
   determined by NOS:

   i. Third Party Telemarketing Company Reports. NOS will require its Third
   Party Telemarketing Companies to provide the NOS Do-Not-Call Team a daily
   written report containing data for each and every complaint or request
   relating to do-not-call and other telemarketing issues received by the
   Third Party Telemarketing Company.

   ii. Customer Care Reports. NOS will require a management-level employee to
   provide the NOS Do-Not-Call Team a weekly report containing data for each
   and every Do-Not-Call complaint and request to be placed on the NOS
   Do-Not-Call List received by NOS' customer service representatives. iii.
   Telemarketing Campaign Management Reports. NOS will require its NOS
   Do-Not-Call Team to issue to the Legal Department a weekly report
   summarizing the status of compliance for each active telemarketing
   campaign, which report shall be based upon the daily Third Party
   Telemarketing Company Reports and weekly Customer Care Reports.

   iv. "Failsafe" mechanisms designed to prevent noncompliance due to human
   error. These mechanisms may include, but not be limited to, "seeding" Call
   Lists with names of NOS representatives who are registered on the National
   Do-Not-Call Registry and/or the NOS Do-Not-Call List; the testing/auditing
   of the Third Party Telemarketing Company's response to verbal requests by
   NOS employees not to be called again and to be placed on NOS' Do-Not-Call
   list; and monitoring of the Third Party Telemarketing Company's responses
   to questions about the Do-Not-Call requirements.

   i. Not later than thirty (30) days after the Effective Date, NOS will
   create a register that contains, in an orderly manner, all compliance
   reports and telemarketing agreements associated with each NOS
   telemarketing campaign. NOS will designate a register manager, who will be
   responsible for maintaining and updating the register.

   j. NOS will continue to monitor do-not-call complaints, and will promptly
   investigate any unusual patterns in those activations that suggest
   unauthorized telemarketing may be occurring.

   k. NOS will formally establish an internal process to promptly investigate
   and resolve inquiries and informal complaints alleging unauthorized
   telemarketing, as follows:

   i. All written complaints forwarded by a government agency will be
   investigated by or under the supervision of NOS' Legal Department.

   ii. In all cases, except where not practicable, investigation will be
   completed within thirty (30) days of NOS' receipt of the complaint.

   iii. Investigation results for written complaints forwarded by a
   government agency, to the extent those are requested, will be included in
   a response to the agency at the close of the investigation (typically
   within thirty (30) days from receipt of complaint).

   iv. NOS will ensure that at least one member of NOS' in-house Legal
   Department is specifically trained and responsible for handling
   telemarketing complaints as those matters arise from both in-house
   telemarketing and telemarketing conducted on its behalf by Third Party
   Telemarketing Companies, including up to one hundred percent (100%) of
   this person's time as warranted. Should one person be unable to handle
   such complaints within thirty (30) days, NOS will add additional
   responsible staff as necessary.

   v. All written complaints that NOS receives directly from consumers will
   be screened by NOS' customer care staff and those complaints that do not
   appear to involve collections activity will be forwarded to NOS' Legal

   l. NOS will implement a communications program regarding compliance with
   federal Do-Not Call regulations directed toward both in-house marketing
   staff and Third Party Telemarketing Companies with which it contracts.
   This program will include regular reminders of its Do-Not-Call policies.

   m. NOS will reach out to consumers about how they can take steps to
   prevent unauthorized telemarketing by including information on its web
   site on how to report telemarketing complaints.

   n. NOS will implement a Quality Control Monitoring Program for its
   Telemarketing Program, memorialized in its Telemarketing Compliance

   i. For at least two (2) years from the Effective Date, NOS will perform
   quality control monitoring of the compliance by its telemarketing
   representatives and those of NOS' Third Party Telemarketing Companies with
   the obligation to accept Do-Not-Call requests by residential customers and
   appropriately transmit them for implementation on the NOS Do-Not-Call

   ii. In connection with paragraph (n)(i), NOS will monitor, on a random
   basis across all in-house and Third Party Telemarketing operations, at
   least seven percent (7%) of telemarketing calls per month, which number
   shall increase or decrease proportionately to the extent that NOS' number
   of monthly telemarketing calls increases or decreases from its current
   monthly telemarketing volume, and in response to data received as part of
   the audit and compliance procedures herein.

   iii. NOS will retain the results and all documents related to its quality
   control monitoring, and any remedial action taken, for at least four (4)
   years from the Effective Date, and shall make such results and all related
   documents available to the Commission within twenty (20) days after the
   Commission submits a request for such results to NOS.

   o. To the extent that such quality control monitoring may disclose that
   NOS' telemarketing representatives (or those of its Third Party
   Telemarketing Companies) have failed accurately to record and/or
   appropriately to transmit for implementation a Do-Not-Call request made by
   any customer, NOS will promptly correct its Do-Not-Call list to reflect
   that request.

   p. NOS will take appropriate disciplinary action and/or require
   supplemental training in the event that its quality control monitoring or
   any other source establishes that any telemarketing representative has
   failed to follow legal obligations or NOS policies and procedures with
   respect to Do-Not-Call requests. In the case of a knowing and intentional
   failure by a telemarketing representative employed by one of its Third
   Party Telemarketing Companies, NOS will direct its Third Party
   Telemarketing Company to ensure that the representative no longer performs
   telemarketing on NOS' behalf. In the case of a knowing and intentional
   failure by an NOS employee, NOS will take such disciplinary action to the
   extent permitted under collective bargaining agreements and applicable

   q. NOS shall not perform telemarketing or allow telemarketing to be
   performed on its behalf until the Telemarketing Compliance Program has
   been implemented, as described herein.

   r. Nothing in this Compliance Plan shall alter NOS' obligation to
   otherwise comply with the Act and with the Commission's rules and orders.

   s. Not later than sixty (60) days after the Effective Date, and every one
   hundred eighty (180) days thereafter, NOS will submit a written report to
   the Bureau of its compliance with this Consent Decree, including in the
   first report, its progress in implementing its Compliance Program.

   t. NOS will maintain and make available to the Bureau, within fourteen
   (14) days of receipt of any specific request from the Bureau, business
   records documenting its compliance with the terms and provisions of this
   Consent Decree.

   u. Should NOS change its telemarketing policy, NOS will notify the Bureau
   in writing within thirty (30) days of any modification to its
   Telemarketing Compliance Program.

   v. NOS will give the Bureau thirty (30) days prior written notice of any
   change in its legal status, including a name change, a change of control,
   merger, reorganization, or dissolution.

   11. NOS agrees to make a voluntary contribution to the United States
   Treasury, without further protest or recourse to a trial de novo, in the
   amount of $500,000.00. Of this amount, $100,000.00 will be paid within ten
   (10) business days after the Effective Date of the Adopting Order.
   Additional payments of $50,000.00 will be made, in the manner described
   below, by the first day of each quarter, starting with the first full
   quarter following the Effective Date, until the full amount is paid. The
   payment must be made by check or money order and mailed to Forfeiture
   Collection Section, Finance Branch, Federal Communications Commission,
   P.O. Box 358340, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15251. Payment by overnight mail
   may be sent to Mellon Client Service Center, 500 Ross Street, Room 670,
   Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15262-0001, Attn: FCC Module Supervisor. Payment
   by wire transfer may be made to: ABA Number 043000261, receiving bank
   Mellon Bank, and account number 911-6229. Include your NAL/Acct. No. with
   your wire transfer remittance.

   12. The Bureau agrees that, in the absence of new material evidence, it
   will not use the facts developed in this Investigation through the
   Effective Date of the Consent Decree, or the existence of this Consent
   Decree to initiate, on its own motion, any new proceeding, formal or
   informal, or take any action on its own motion against NOS, concerning the
   matters that were the subject of the Investigation, provided that NOS
   satisfies all of its obligations under this Consent Decree.  The Bureau
   also agrees that, in the absence of new material evidence, it will not use
   the facts developed in this Investigation through the Effective Date of
   this Consent Decree, or the existence of this Consent Decree, to
   institute, on its own motion, any proceeding, formal or informal, or take
   any action on its own motion against NOS with respect to NOS' basic
   qualifications, including its character qualifications, to be a Commission
   licensee or authorized common carrier.  Nothing in this Consent Decree
   will prevent the Bureau from instituting or recommending to the Commission
   any new investigation or enforcement proceeding against NOS in the event
   of any alleged future misconduct involving violation of this Consent
   Decree, or violation of the Act or the Commission's rules.  Nothing in
   this Consent Decree shall prevent the Commission or its delegated
   authority from adjudicating complaints filed pursuant to section 208 of
   the Act, 47 U.S.C. S: 208, against NOS for alleged violations of the Act,
   or for any other type of alleged misconduct, regardless of when such
   misconduct took place.  The Commission's adjudication of any such
   complaint will be based solely on the record developed in that proceeding.

   13. NOS' decision to enter into this Consent Decree is expressly
   contingent upon the Bureau's issuance of an Order that is consistent with
   this Consent Decree, and which adopts the Consent Decree without change,
   addition or modification.

   14. If either Party (or the United States on behalf of the Commission)
   brings a judicial action to enforce the terms of the Adopting Order,
   neither NOS nor the Commission shall contest the validity of the Consent
   Decree or the Adopting Order, and NOS and the Commission will waive any
   statutory right to a trial de novo with respect to the issuance of the
   Adopting Order and shall consent to a judgment incorporating the terms of
   this Consent Decree.

   15. Provided that the Bureau issues an Order adopting the Consent Decree
   without change, addition or modification, NOS waives any and all rights it
   may have to seek administrative or judicial reconsideration, review,
   appeal or stay, or to otherwise challenge or contest the validity of this
   Consent Decree and the Order adopting this Consent Decree.

   16. In the event that this Consent Decree is rendered invalid by a court
   of competent jurisdiction, it shall become null and void and may not be
   used in any manner in any legal proceeding.

   17. By this Consent Decree, NOS neither waives nor alters its right to
   assert and seek protection from disclosure of any privileged or otherwise
   confidential and protected documents and information, or to seek
   appropriate safeguards of confidentiality for any competitively sensitive
   or proprietary information.

   18. NOS agrees that any violation of the Order or of this Consent Decree
   shall constitute a separate violation of a Commission order, entitling the
   Commission to exercise any rights and remedies attendant to the
   enforcement of a Commission order.

   19. The Parties agree that if any provision of this Consent Decree
   conflicts with any subsequent rule or order adopted by the Commission
   (except an order specifically intended to revise the terms of this Consent
   Decree to which NOS does not consent), that provision will be superseded
   by such Commission rule or order.

   20. The Parties agree that the requirements of this Consent Decree shall
   expire thirty-six (36) months from the Effective Date.

   21. This Consent Decree may be signed in counterparts.

   For: NOS Communications, Inc.

   __________________________ ____________________________

   Date NOS Communications, Inc.

   For: Enforcement Bureau

   Federal Communications Commission

   _____________________ ____________________________

   Date    Kris A. Monteith Chief, Enforcement Bureau

   NOS Communications, Inc. is a Maryland Corporation that provides local and
   long distance telephone service, including international and calling card
   services, to both business and residential customers throughout the United
   States. NOS also conducts business under other names, including:
   International Plus, 011 Communications, INETBA, iVantage Network
   Solutions, and Blue Ridge Telecom Systems. Mr. Joseph Koppy serves as the
   company's Chief Executive Officer. The headquarters for NOS
   Communications, Inc. is located at 4380 Boulder Highway, Las Vegas, Nevada

   47 U.S.C. S: 227; 47 C.F.R. S: 64.1200.

   47 U.S.C. S: 154(i).

   47 C.F.R. S:S: 0.111, 0.311.

   NOS Communications, Inc. is a Maryland Corporation that provides local and
   long distance telephone service, including international and calling card
   services, to both business and residential customers throughout the United
   States. NOS also conducts business under other names, including:
   International Plus, 011 Communications, INETBA, iVantage Network
   Solutions, and Blue Ridge Telecom Systems. Mr. Joseph Koppy serves as the
   company's Chief Executive Officer. The headquarters for NOS
   Communications, Inc. is located at 4380 Boulder Highway, Las Vegas, Nevada

   47 U.S.C. S: 227; 47 C.F.R. S: 64.1200(c).

   Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991, Pub. L. No. 102-243, 105 Stat.
   2394 (1991), codified at 47 U.S.C. S: 227. The TCPA amended Title II of
   the Communications Act of 1934, 47 U.S.C. S: 201 et seq. Section 227(c)(1)
   requires the Commission to conduct a rulemaking proceeding "concerning the
   need to protect residential telephone subscribers' privacy rights to avoid
   receiving telephone solicitations to which they object."

   See Rules and Regulations Implementing the Telephone Consumer Protection
   Act of 1991, Report and Order, 7 FCC Rcd 8752 (1992) (1992 TCPA Order);
   see also 47 C.F.R. S: 64.1200. Pursuant to petitions for reconsideration,
   the Commission adopted amendments to the TCPA rules in 1995 and 1997.
   Rules and Regulations Implementing the Telephone Consumer Protection Act
   of 1991, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 10 FCC Rcd 12391 (1995) (1995 TCPA
   Reconsideration Order); Rules and Regulations Implementing the Telephone
   Consumer Protection Act of 1991, Order on Further Reconsideration, 12 FCC
   Rcd 4609 (1997) (1997 TCPA Reconsideration Order).

   See Rules and Regulations Implementing the Telephone Consumer Protection
   Act of 1991, Report and Order, 18 FCC Rcd 14014, 14021-22 (2003) (2003
   TCPA Order) (describing expansion of telemarketing industry since 1992).

   Do-Not-Call Implementation Act, Pub. L. No. 108-10, 117 Stat. 557 (2003),
   codified at 15 U.S.C. S: 6101 (Do-Not-Call Act). The Do-Not-Call Act,
   inter alia, directs the FCC to adopt rules that maximize consistency with
   those of the Federal Trade Commission ("FTC"). In 2003, the FTC had also
   amended its telemarketing rule, 16 C.F.R. S: 310 et seq., to include a
   National Do-Not-Call Registry.

   2003 TCPA Order, 18 FCC Rcd at 14014.

   Letter from Danny E. Adams and Joseph Price, Counsel for NOS
   Communications, Inc., to Colleen Heitkamp, Chief, Telecommunications
   Consumers Division, Enforcement Bureau, Federal Communications Commission,
   dated May 15, 2006 ("NOS' May 15, 2006 Response"), attachment at 2-6.

   NOS' May 15, 2006 Response," attachment at 3-6.

   NOS' May 15, 2006 Response at 2, and attachment at 3-4. Neither NOS, or
   its affiliated companies, nor its officers, directors or shareholders,
   have any ownership or other interest in either BMV or Ameco Tech.

   NOS' May 15, 2006 Response, attachment at 3-6.

   During the period from May 2005 through November 2005, the Commission and
   the FTC together received numerous complaints from consumers who allegedly
   received telephone solicitation calls from NOS. See Letter from Colleen
   Heitkamp, Chief, Telecommunications Consumers Division, Enforcement
   Bureau, Federal Communications Commission, to NOS Communications, Inc.,
   dated March 8, 2006.

   Letter from Danny E. Adams and Joseph Price, Counsel for NOS
   Communications, Inc., to Colleen Heitkamp, Chief, Telecommunications
   Consumers Division, Enforcement Bureau, Federal Communications Commission,
   dated May 15, 2006; Letter from Danny E. Adams and Joseph Price, Counsel
   for NOS Communications, Inc., to Colleen Heitkamp, Chief,
   Telecommunications Consumers Division, Enforcement Bureau, Federal
   Communications Commission, dated July 11, 2006; Letter from Danny E. Adams
   and Joseph Price, Counsel for NOS Communications, Inc., to Colleen
   Heitkamp, Chief, Telecommunications Consumers Division, Enforcement
   Bureau, Federal Communications Commission, dated September 6, 2006.

   47 U.S.C S: 227(a)(3); see also 47 C.F.R. S: 64.1200(f)(10).

   47 U.S.C S: 227(a)(3); see also 47 C.F.R. S: 64.1200(f)(12).

   Section 64.1200(c)(2)(ii) of the Commission's rules requires that prior
   express invitation or permission "must be evidenced by a signed, written
   agreement between the consumer and seller which states that the consumer
   agrees to be contacted by this seller and includes the telephone number to
   which the calls may be placed." 47 C.F.R. S: 64.1200(c)(2)(ii).

   For do-not-call purposes, the term "established business relationship"
   means "a prior or existing relationship formed by a voluntary two-way
   communication between a person or entity and a residential subscriber with
   or without an exchange of consideration, on the basis of the subscriber's
   purchase or transaction with the entity within the eighteen (18) months
   immediately preceding the date of the telephone call or on the basis of
   the subscriber's inquiry or application regarding products or services
   offered by the entity within the three months immediately preceding the
   date of the call, which relationship has not been previously terminated by
   either party." 47 C.F.R. S: 64.1200(f)(4).

   47 U.S.C S: 227(a)(3).

   See 47 C.F.R. S:S: 0.111, 0.311.

   Federal Communications Commission DA 07-4552


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   Federal Communications Commission DA 07-4552