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Nutrition and Physical Activity Choose a Link Topic
CATCH Program
The CATCH Program, an evidence based school and community health promotion program used to reduce child obesity. CATCH has actually proven, with over $40M in research, that student behaviors and obesity rates can be changed. Currently used in schools, YMCA's, Boys and Girls Clubs, and Hospital programs around the US, CATCH is the largest federally funded school based health promotion study ever conducted in the US.

We Can!
(Ways to Enhance Children's Activity & Nutrition) is a national program designed as a one-stop resource for parents and caregivers interested in practical tools to help children 8-13 years old stay at a healthy weight. Tips and fun activities focus on three critical behaviors: improved food choices, increased physical activity and reduced screen time.

Weight Control Information Network
(W I N) provides strategies to encourage at-risk individuals to achieve and maintain healthy weight

CATCH Program
The CATCH Program, an evidence based school and community health promotion program used to reduce child obesity. CATCH has actually proven, with over $40M in research, that student behaviors and obesity rates can be changed. Currently used in schools, YMCA's, Boys and Girls Clubs, and Hospital programs around the US, CATCH is the largest federally funded school based health promotion study ever conducted in the US.

SPARK Programs
are dedicated to creating, implementing, and evaluating programs that promote lifelong wellness.

Action for Healthy Kids
provides extensive tools, resources, and contacts

Center for Weight and Height Site
features links to literature and research

Diabetes Exercise and Sports Association
(D E S A) Provides information on enhancing self-care and self management skills among sports-minded individuals with diabetes; and Promote networking, support and sharing of experiences among physically active people with diabetes

Michigan Department of Education Website
for kids is filled with fun and exciting interactive games as well as other fun sites to visit.
For People With Diabetes

For Health Care Providers

Health Systems Information

Indian Health Service Websites
Other Government Agencies

Health Organizations

Children w/Type 2 Diabetes

Dental, Eye and Foot Health

Mental Health and Depression



Nutrition and Physical Activity

Publications and Education Material Development

Womens Health
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This file last modified:   Wednesday March 21, 2007  3:21 PM