The Library of Congress >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >> Marshall Islands
Portals to the World: Links to Electronic Resources from Around the World selected by Library of Congress Subject Experts
Selected Internet Resources

Geography and Environment : Marshall Islands

This pathfinder includes information about geography and environment in the Marshall Islands.

Created and maintained by the
 Asian Division
Collections and Services Directorate

Bikini Facts  (
This web page provides basic geographical information about Bikini Atoll including maps and statistics.

Global Warming in Oceania  (
Information about the causes and effects of global warming in Oceania. From Jane Resture's Oceania Web site.

Indo-Pacific Conservation Alliance Home Page  (
The Indo-Pacific Conservation Alliance is a non-profit biodiveristy conservation organization focusing on the tropical Pacific region. Its website contains information about its programs, partners and products.

Island Directory: Marshall Islands  (
Part of the United Nations Environmental Program, this web site provides basic geographic information about including all its constituent islands.

BirdLife - Pacific  (
Part of BirdLife International's website, this page provides ornitholigical information about the Pacific.

Library of Congress Geography and Map Reading Room  (
While this site does not contain information about the Marshall Islands per se, it is an excellent place to begin research about geographic and environmental issues.

Maps of the Marshall Islands  (
Part of the Perry-Castanada Library Map Collection, this web site provides maps of the Marhsall Islands.

Micronesia Water and Wastewater  (
The Micronesia Water and Wastewater training project is designed to help communities in Palau, the Federated States of Micronesia, American Samoa, Hawaii and Guam improve the operation, maintenance and management of the water and wastewater utilities. Its web site contains information about its accomplishments, team members, and schedules as well as links to detailed information about activities in specific regions.

Radiation on Bikini Atoll  (
This web page provides information about radiation on Bikini Atoll, including the potential for rehabilitation and resettlement.

SPREP - South Pacific Regional Environment Programme  (
Based in Apia, the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme is the Pacific region's major intergovernmental organisation charged with protecting and managing the environment and natural resources. Its web site contains information about natural resources, nature conservation, coastal management, marine species, Pacific birds, invasive species, biodiversity, pollution, environmental awareness, climate change and international waters.

Traditional Navigation in the Western Pacific  (
An on-line presentation of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, this web site contains information about traditional navigation techniques and the science involved in them. There is information about astronomy, meteorology, geography and culture as well as a bibliography.

WWF South Pacific Programme homepage  (
This web site contains information about Pacific ecoregions, marine ecosystems, forest ecosystems, wetland ecosystems, climate change, mining and conservation in the Pacific, as well as the World Wildlife Federation's publications and activities.

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  Library of Congress >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >> Marshall Islands
  May 30, 2007
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