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U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation

For Immediate Release
July 18th, 2007
Measure Would Require Strict Safety Compliance for All ATV Manufacturers

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Ted Stevens (R-Alaska), Vice Chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, today introduced the All-Terrain Vehicle Standards and Compliance Act of 2007. The bill would require all foreign and domestic companies and manufacturers that market and sell all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) in the United States, to meet the same product safety standards and to promote training courses and provide safety information to consumers. Senator Stevens announced the bill’s introduction during a Senate Commerce Committee meeting today on the safety of Chinese imports.

“Many rural Alaskans use ATVs every day for work and recreational purposes,” said Senator Stevens.  “This legislation will protect Alaskans, and all Americans, by requiring both domestic and foreign ATV companies to comply with the same basic safety standards and sales practices.  ATVs that do not meet these stringent product safety standards create serious safety hazards for those who use them, especially our children.”

The Senate Commerce Committee recently held two hearings to examine manufacturer compliance with existing ATV product safety standards.  Information submitted during the hearings, including testimony from the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), showed that many of the new ATVs imported into the United States do not meet current industry safety standards and are being sold to American consumers without adequate warnings, instructions and training opportunities.

On June 5, 2007, the CPSC issued a warning to American consumers about ATVs manufactured in China that do not meet strict United States safety requirements. The CPSC’s warning centered around several specific safety features that are missing from the imported Chinese ATVs, including no front brakes, no parking brake, and the ability of the vehicle to be started in gear.  The measure introduced by Senator Stevens would directly address imported ATVs like the ones receiving warnings by the CPSC and will protect consumers by requiring all ATV companies to comply with the same basic safety standards and sales practices.

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