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Random Acts of Violence

The following information resources may offer victim assistance information, research findings, educational materials, or strategies for program and policy development specific to this topic. A general listing of all OVC publications is also available.

The Community Crisis Response Team Training Manual, Second Edition (May 1998)
This OVC manual (NCJ 173406) is designed to train individuals and communities on crisis response. It presents an overview of crisis, trauma, and crisis response intervention, including scope of catastrophes, factors affecting trauma response, and how crisis intervention services must take these factors into account. Other topics include group crisis intervention techniques, coordinating a crisis response team, managing the media in crisis situations, and stress reactions of caregivers. A 210-item bibliography is also included. e-only icon
HTML, ASCII (52.1 kb split into 26 smaller files), or PDF (2.6 mb split into 26 smaller files)

First Response to Victims of Crime (December 2001)
This OVC handbook for law enforcement officers (NCJ 189631) describes how to approach and help different types of crime victims. It is designed as a field guide for personnel who respond first to crime victims and includes contacts for assistance. Also available in other languages. e-only icon

Mental Health Needs: Trauma Assessment and Intervention, National Victim Assistance Academy Text (2001)
The NVAA text emphasizes foundations in victimology and victims' rights and services, as well as new developments in the field of victim assistance, and contains a chapter on mental health needs. e-only icon

The News Media's Coverage of Crime and Victimization (videotape) (February 2000)
The news media provide a necessary and invaluable public service, but their work can often result in the painful re-victimization of victims. This 26-minute video (NCJ 178239) explores how the news media tend to cover crime and victimization, what can be done to help victims effectively deal with sometimes insensitive coverage, and how victim service providers can work together with members of the media to promote timely, sensitive media coverage.

OVC Handbook for Coping After Terrorism: A Guide to Healing and Recovery (September 2001)
This OVC handbook (NCJ 190249) provides victims of terrorism with information based on the expertise of mental health, crisis counseling, and victim assistance professionals. The handbook is intended to help these victims understand their reactions to an act of terrorism or mass violence. Also available in other languages.
HTML, ASCII (20 kb), or PDF (165 kb)

OVC Help Series Brochures Resources for Victims in Crisis (March 2002)
The OVC Help Series includes ten crisis referral brochures for the following areas of victimization: assault, child abuse, domestic violence, drunk driving, homicide, robbery, sexual assault, and stalking. The brochures are meant to supplement the information victim service providers offer to victims of crime. Each brochure includes crime facts, resources for information and assistance, information regarding the experience of the victim, and what a person can do to help. Also available in other languages. e-only icon

Providing Services to Victims Viewing a Trial at Multiple Locations (September 2006)
To help victims and survivors of mass violence and terrorism, some courts have ordered the closed-circuit transmission of trial proceedings to multiple locations so that victims may more easily participate in the trial process. This e-pub (NCJ 212293) presents a protocol for providing standardized quality services in a safe haven environment to victims during the trial, sentencing, and other court proceedings of those involved in crimes of mass violence and terrorism. e-only icon

School Crisis Response Initiative (September 2003)
This OVC bulletin (NCJ 197832) describes an innovative model for preparing for fast and effective responses to the needs of students after violent or traumatic crises. Crisis response teams made up of trained school personnel and community members provide student support and assistance, including triage, counseling, and referral to community services.

Understanding DNA Evidence: A Guide for Victim Service Providers
This OVC bulletin (NCJ 185690) and brochure (BC 000657) offer victim service providers an understanding of how DNA testing may be used in victims' cases, the process and procedures used, and the potential outcomes from the test.
Bulletin (April 2001): HTML, ASCII (14 kb), or PDF (573 kb)
Brochure (May 2001): ASCII (14 kb) or PDF (360 kb)

Working with Grieving Children After Violent Death: A Guidebook for Crime Victim Assistance Professionals (August 1996)
This OVC guidebook (NCJ 165814) is intended as a "quick reference" for victim assistance professionals in their work with children, parents, teachers, and school counselors, clergy members, and others as they address the needs of grieving children who have been touched by the death of a family member or close friend. An Instructor's Guide (NCJ 178939) is also available. e-only icon

Working With Victims of Gun Violence (July 2001)
This OVC bulletin (NCJ 186155) describes the impact of gun violence on victims, co-victims, and their communities. It identifies key victim issues and needs, develops recommendations for how federal and state crime funds could be used to address the unmet needs of gun violence victims, and identifies promising practices to serve victims of gun violence. e-only icon


This document was last updated on May 30, 2008