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workshops > a.r.m. loxahatchee nwr science workshops > summary of 2004 workshop (presentation)

Summary of 2004 A.R.M. Loxahatchee NWR Science Workshop

Purpose of Workshop
Photo of introductory talk at meeting
  • Provide a forum for discussion of refuge science needs
  • Discuss ongoing research
  • Make a broader audience aware of refuge management issues needing science support
  • Facilitate collaboration and partnerships


  • Over 60 people from 10+ different groups including
    • Universities (UF, FAU, FIU)
    • Federal (FWS, USACOE, USGS, NPS)
    • State (SFWMD)
    • Private (A.R.M. Loxahatchee Foundation, Community watershed fund, Habita specialists, Inc.)


  • Plenary sessions
    • Background
    • General management needs
  • Poster session
  • Break out sessions
    • General
    • Water management
    • Lygodium
  • Field Trips
Photo of Nick Aumen giving a talk


Poster Session
Photo of poster session
  • Twenty-one posters
    • General refuge information
    • Wildlife and habitats
    • Tree islands
    • Exotics
    • Water quality
    • Supporting data layers


Session Summary - General
  • Develop a list of projects (and contacts) that relate to refuge management issues
    • Four groups of approximately 15 people
    • 117 Projects in 25 broad categories
    • Spreadsheet of projects and contacts
    • Could not assign status of Addressing refuge need or Could address refuge need


Session Summary - Water Management
  • Develop a matrix of attributes that can be used as a guide for future water management decisions
    • Three groups 12-14 people
    • Twelve general categories of attributes
    • Ongoing studies (identified in general session) addressed eight of the categories


Session Summary - Lygodium
  • Develop an action plan that will help meet Lygodium control goals
    • Two groups of 10-12 people
    • Group A discussed maintenance control, the refuge performance measure, and how the measure would be evaluated
    • Group B focused on what was needed to reach maintenance control


  • Everyone who responded felt the workshop met the stated objectives
  • Plenary and poster session most useful
  • Good opportunity for interaction and to see where research interests and needs overlap
Photo of three people talking at meeting


  • Provide more information on refuge goals and constraints
  • Provide template for projects before workshop
  • Provide more specific information on focus of discussion groups
  • Provide additional training/guidance for facilitator and note takers
  • Focus on one topic and spend more time on it


Benefits of Workshop
  • Increased collaboration
    • SFWMD-Fire, water quality
  • Identification of future workshop topics
  • Application of lessons learned to other refuges and future workshops
  • Summary report


Summary Report
  • Program and Abstracts
  • Session Summaries
  • Recommendations for Future Workshops
  • Appendices
    • Background material
    • List of pre-registered participants
    • Summary of evaluation forms


Potential Follow up Workshops
  • What are the hydrologic targets for tree islands/ridge and slough, alligators, wading birds, and apple snails in the refuge?
  • What management/operations are necessary to achieve the desired targets?
  • How will maintenance control be defined for meeting performance measures outlined in the License Agreement?
  • Are refuge strategies for control of Lygodium the most effective and efficient given current information?
  • Florida Panther and Ten Thousand Islands NWR
    • Hydrology
    • October 2005 (tentative)


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Last updated: 03 June, 2005 @ 09:09 AM(HSH)