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Title IV - Acid Deposition Control


Sec. 401. Findings and purpose.
Sec. 402. Definitions.
Sec. 403. Sulfur dioxide allowance program for existing and new units.
Sec. 404. Phase I sulfur dioxide requirements.
Sec. 405. Phase II sulfur dioxide requirements.
Sec. 406. Allowances for States with emissions rates at or below 0.80lbs/mmBtu.
Sec. 407. Nitrogen oxides emission reduction program.
Sec. 408. Permits and compliance plans.
Sec. 409. Repowered sources.
Sec. 410. Election for additional sources.
Sec. 411. Excess emissions penalty.
Sec. 412. Monitoring, reporting, and recordkeeping requirements.
Sec. 413. General compliance with other provisions.
Sec. 414. Enforcement.
Sec. 415. Clean coal technology regulatory incentives.
Sec. 416. Contingency guarantee; auctions, reserve.

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