Table 2.3a. Racial and Ethnic Differences in Timeliness and Patient Centeredness

Core Report Measure Racial Differencei Ethnic Differenceii
  Black Asianiii NHOPIiii AI/AN >1 Race Hispanic
Adults who sometimes or never can get care for illness or injury as soon as wantediv     =
Emergency department visits in which the patient left without being seenv          
Patient Centeredness
Adults whose health providers sometimes or never listened carefully, explained things, showed respect, and spent enough time with themiv =   =
Children whose health providers sometimes or never listened carefully, explained things, showed respect, and spent enough time with themiv = =     =

i Compared with Whites.

ii Compared with non-Hispanic Whites.

iii Findings are presented separately for Asians and NHOPIs whenever possible. However, some data sources collected data for Asians and Pacific Islanders (APIs) as a single population; in these cases, the Asian and NHOPI cells are merged into a single cell representing APIs.

iv Source: Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, 2002. This source did not collect information for >1 race.

v Source: National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey – Emergency Department, 2001-2002. Missing rates preclude analysis by ethnicity.

Key: NHOPI = Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; AI/AN = American Indian or Alaska Native.

Key to Symbols Used in Quality of Health Care Tables:

= Group and comparison group receive about same quality of health care or have similar outcomes.

↑ Group receives better quality of health care than the comparison group or has better outcomes.

↓ Group receives poorer quality of health care than the comparison group or has worse outcomes.

Blank cell: Reliable estimate for group could not be made.

Table 2.3b. Socioeconomic Differences in Timeliness and Patient Centeredness Table 2.2a. Racial and Ethnic Differences in Patient Safety

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