JCET Summer Program 2009

JCET Summer Program 2009

Employment Opportunities in JCET

GEST/JCET IT Specialist Position Posted
Koren, Martins and Remer have been featured on the UMBC Research Page for their recent Science paper "Smoke Invigoration Versus Inhibition of Clouds over the Amazon" (Science, 321, 946-949)).
Lazaros Oreopoulos and Steven Platnick received recognition for their recent paper in JGR through the Environmental Research Web
Ref: Lazaros Oreopoulos and Steven Platnick, Radiative susceptibility of cloudy atmospheres to droplet number perturbations: 2. Global analysis from MODIS, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D14S21, doi:10.1029/2007JD009655, 2008
On July14, 2008, we had a severe disk crash of the JCET and GEST webserver. As much of the material and content were lost (including the structure of the site), we have used this opportunity to rebuild the JCET site using Movable Type 4.0. 

We appreciate the patience of those who have borne with us through this tough time.


How to Contact Us

     Suite 320
     5523 Research Park Drive
     Baltimore, MD 21228
     410-455-6362 (tel)
     410-455-1291 (fax)