The Library of Congress >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >> Senegal
Portals to the World: Links to Electronic Resources from Around the World selected by Library of Congress Subject Experts
Selected Internet Resources

History : Senegal

May include timelines, chronologies, biographical dictionaries, auxiliary studies (e.g. stamps and coins).

Created and maintained by the
 African & Middle Eastern Division,
Collections and Services Directorate
For Library of Congress contact information and research and bibliographic materials on Senegal, consult the Senegal Country page of the African Section of the African and Middle Eastern Division, see also the Library's online catalog available at for books, and materials in other formats held by the Library, and the Library's Thomas Legislative Information at: for legislative materials (bills, hearings, acts, etc.) relating to relations between the United States and the Republic of Senegal, as well as to the interests of the Senegalese-American community.  (
From the Electronic Library, searching the by country provides numerous narrative articles on its history, culture, politics.

Infoplease  (
Part of the electronic Learning Network, this homepage allows searches by country which yield articles in almanacs, dictionaries, encyclopedias, biographical works, etc. Additional reference links are provided as well.

United States. Library of Congress Country Studies  (
A series published by the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress under the Country Studies/Area Studies Handbook Program sponsored by the Department of the Army.

World Statesmen  (
“World Statesmen is an attempt at a comprehensive and accurate list of the heads of state and heads of government (and, in certain cases, de facto leaders occupying neither of those formal positions) for all countries and territories, going back to about 1700 or in some cases earlier. Some go further back, some only from their creation. Some subdivisions of some countries are present including native or traditional polities, provinces, or states. This sight also lists the leaders of international, religious, and governmental organizations.” Searchable by leader or by nation, offers a map of the country, audio and text versions of the national anthem, and text of the national constitution for most countries.

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  African and Middle Eastern countries - African and Middle Eastern Reading Room

  Library of Congress >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >> Senegal
  September 22, 2005
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