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Genera for Family = Scrophulariaceae
92 records returned

Click on an accepted name below to view its PLANTS Profile with all synonyms, distribution map, more information, and web links if available.

Symbol Scientific Name Common Name
AGALI Agalinis Raf. false foxglove
ALECT2 Alectra Thunb. alectra
AMPHI5 Amphianthus Torr. amphianthus
ANGEL2 Angelonia Humb. & Bonpl. angelon
ANTIR2 Antirrhinum L. snapdragon
AUREO Aureolaria Raf. false foxglove
BACOP Bacopa Aubl. waterhyssop
BARTS Bartsia L. velvetbells
BELLA Bellardia All. lineseed
BESSE Besseya Rydb. kittentail
BRACH5 Brachystigma Pennell desert foxglove
BUCHN Buchnera L. bluehearts
BUTTO Buttonia McKen ex Benth. buttonia
CALCE2 Calceolaria L. slipper flower
CAPRA2 Capraria L. capraria
CASTI2 Castilleja Mutis ex L. f. Indian paintbrush
CHAEN7 Chaenorhinum (DC.) Rchb. dwarf snapdragon
CHELO Chelone L. turtlehead
CHION2 Chionophila Benth. snowlover
COLLI Collinsia Nutt. blue eyed Mary
CORDY Cordylanthus Nutt. ex Benth. bird's-beak
CRATE3 Craterostigma Hochst. craterostigma
CYCNI Cycnium E. Mey. ex Benth. cycnium
CYMBA Cymbalaria Hill cymbalaria
DASIS Dasistoma Raf. dasistoma
DIGIT Digitalis L. foxglove
DIPLA3 Diplacus Nutt. bush monkeyflower
DOPAT Dopatrium Buch.-Ham. ex Benth. dopatrium
EPIXI Epixiphium (A. Gray) Munz epixiphium
ERINU Erinus L.
EUPHR Euphrasia L. eyebright
GAMBE Gambelia Nutt. greenbright
GLOSS2 Glossostigma Wight & Arn. glossostigma
GRATI Gratiola L. hedgehyssop
HEBE Hebe Comm. ex Juss. hebe
HEMIC2 Hemichaena Benth. hemichaena
HOLMG Holmgrenanthe Elisens rocklady
HOWEL2 Howelliella Rothm. howelliella
KECKI Keckiella Straw keckiella
KICKX Kickxia Dumort. cancerwort
LAGOT Lagotis Gaertn. lagotis
LEUCO3 Leucophyllum Bonpl. barometerbush
LEUCO4 Leucospora Nutt. leucospora
LIMNO4 Limnophila R. Br. marshweed
LIMOS Limosella L. mudwort
LINAR Linaria Mill. toadflax
LINDE Lindernia All. false pimpernel
LOPHO6 Lophospermum D. Don lophospermum
MABRY Mabrya Elisens mabrya
MACRA2 Macranthera Nutt. ex Benth. macranthera
MAURA2 Maurandella (A. Gray) Rothm. maurandella
MAURA Maurandya Ortega maurandya
MAZUS Mazus Lour. mazus
MECAR Mecardonia Ruiz & Pav. mecardonia
MELAM2 Melampyrum L. cowwheat
MICRA Micranthemum Michx. mudflower
MIMET Mimetanthe Greene mimetanthe
MIMUL Mimulus L. monkeyflower
MISOP Misopates Raf. misopates
MOHAV Mohavea A. Gray mohavea
NEMES2 Nemesia Vent. nemesia
NEOGA Neogaerrhinum Rothm. neogaerrhinum
NOTHO4 Nothochelone (A. Gray) Straw nothochelone
NUTTA Nuttallanthus D.A. Sutton toadflax
ODONT4 Odontites Ludwig odontites
ORTHO Orthocarpus Nutt. owl's-clover
PAREN Parentucellia Viv. glandweed
PAULO Paulownia Siebold & Zucc. paulownia
PEDIC Pedicularis L. lousewort
PENST Penstemon Schmidel beardtongue
PEHY11 Penstemon ×hybridus hort. ex Groenl. & Rümpler, nom. inval.  
PHYGE Phygelius E. Mey. ex Benth. Cape fuchsia
PSEUD50 Pseudolysimachion (W.D.J. Koch) Opiz
PSEUD24 Pseudorontium (A. Gray) Rothm. pseudorontium
RHINA Rhinanthus L. yellow rattle
RUSSE Russelia Jacq. russelia
SAIRO Sairocarpus D.A. Sutton snapdragon
SCHIS3 Schistophragma Benth. ex Endl. schistophragma
SCHWA Schwalbea L. schwalbea
SCOPA Scoparia L. licorice weed
SCROP Scrophularia L. figwort
SEYME Seymeria Pursh blacksenna
SOPUB Sopubia Buchenau-Ham. ex D.Don
STEMO Stemodia L. twintip
STRIG Striga Lour. witchweed
SYNTH2 Synthyris Benth. kittentails
TONEL Tonella Nutt. ex A. Gray tonella
TOREN Torenia L. torenia
TRIPH3 Triphysaria Fisch. & C.A. Mey. owl's-clover
VERBA Verbascum L. mullein
VERON Veronica L. speedwell
VERON2 Veronicastrum Heist. ex Fabr. veronicastrum


Time Generated: 10/19/2008 09:15 AM MDT