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The Health Consequences of Smoking on the Human Body

Surgeon General’s 2004 Report: The Health Consequences of Smoking on the Human Body  
 Surgeon General’s 2004 Report: The Health Consequences of Smoking - U.S. Public Health Service 1798 Logo


Welcome to the 2004 Surgeon General’s Report: The Health Consequences of Smoking.

This presentation will help you understand that smoking damages nearly every organ in the human body. Use our animated models for a 360-degree view of where these effects occur.

To see how smoking can damage the body, compare our photos of diseased organs beside healthy ones.

Most importantly, we offer tips to stop smoking and information on the health benefits of quitting.

On behalf of the Surgeon General, we encourage you to share this information with others. We hope it makes a life-saving difference to you, your family, friends, and colleagues.

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Disclaimer: Data and findings provided on this page reflect the content of this particular Surgeon General's Report. More recent information may exist elsewhere on the Smoking & Tobacco Use Web site (for example, in fact sheets, frequently asked questions, or other materials that are reviewed on a regular basis and updated accordingly).


Page last updated May 27, 2004