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Rocky Mountain Research Station
Natural Resources Res. Ctr.
2150 Centre Ave., Bldg. A
Fort Collins, CO 80526-2098

Telephone: 970-295-5000
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New To The Web:
Journal Articles and Other Reports

Papers posted to the Web during the current fiscal year (FY08). Complete lists of journal articles and online series publications are also available along with the FY07 list.

Condition of live fire-scarred ponderosa pine trees six years after removing partial cross sections
Posted September 23, 2008

Condition of live fire-scarred ponderosa pine eleven years after removing partial cross-sections
Posted September 23, 2008

Grassland bird densities in seral stages of mixed-grass prairie
Posted September 23, 2008

Elk responses to humans in a densely roaded area
Posted September 23, 2008

Comparison of methods to estimate population densities of black-tailed prairie dogs
Posted September 23, 2008

Dynamics of a threatened orchid in flooded wetlands
Posted September 23, 2008

Recent biodiversity patterns in the Great Plains: Implications for restoration and management
Posted September 23, 2008

Characteristics of white-tailed deer fawn beds, Black Hills, South Dakota
Posted September 23, 2008

Habitat of birds in ponderosa pine and aspen/birch forest in the Black Hills, South Dakota
Posted September 23, 2008

Avian use of successional cottonwood (Populus deltoides) woodlands along the middle Missouri River
Posted September 23, 2008

Seasonal migration and home ranges of female elk in the Black Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming
Posted September 23, 2008

Pre-incubation movements of female wild turkeys relative to nest initiation in South Dakota
Posted September 23, 2008


Old Black Hills ponderosa pines tell a story
Posted September 23, 2008

Rocky Mountain Riparian Digest
Posted September 19, 2008

Multistage remote sensing: toward an annual national inventory
Posted September 19, 2008

Classification accuracy for stratification with remotely sensed data
Posted September 19, 2008

Growth, resource storage, and adaptation to drought in California and eastern Mediterranean oak seedlings
Posted September 4, 2008

Human impacts on regional avian diversity and abundance
Posted September 4, 2008

Rejoinder to Harrison (2008): The myth of plant species saturation
Posted September 4, 2008

The myth of plant species saturation
Posted September 4, 2008

Forest structure estimation and pattern exploration from discrete return lidar in subalpine forests of the Central Rockies
Posted September 4, 2008

Venture capital: States suffer as suppression expenses climb
Posted September 3, 2008

Analysis of trade-offs between threats of invasion by nonnative brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and intentional isolation for native westslope cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi)
Posted September 3, 2008

Summer movements of boreal toads (Bufo boreas boreas) in two western Montana basins
Posted September 3, 2008

Climate change and the Nation's forests: Challenges and opportunities
Posted September 3, 2008

Guidelines on the use of molecular genetics in reintroduction programs
Posted September 2, 2008

Lack of genetic differentiation in aggressive and secondary bark beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae) from Arizona
Posted September 2, 2008

Scientist contributions
Posted September 2, 2008

Synoptic climatology of the long-distance dispersal of white pine blister rust I. Development of an upper level synoptic classification
Posted September 2, 2008

Synoptic climatology of the long-distance dispersal of white pine blister rust II. Combination of surface and upper level conditions
Posted September 2, 2008

Nearest neighbor imputation of species-level, plot-scale forest structure attributes from LiDAR data
Posted September 2, 2008

Fine-scale variation of historical fire regimes in sagebrush-steppe and juniper woodland: An example from California, USA
Posted September 2, 2008

Multi-season climate synchronized forest fires throughout the 20th century, Northern Rockies, USA
Posted September 2, 2008

Mitigating exotic impacts: restoring native deer mouse populations elevated by an exotic food subsidy
Posted September 2, 2008

Northern goshawk habitat: an intersection of science, management, and conservation
Posted September 2, 2008

Why sampling scheme matters: the effect of sampling scheme on landscape genetic results
Posted September 2, 2008

A smoothed residual based goodness-of-fit statistic for nest-survival models
Posted September 2, 2008

Viviendo Con Incendios: Una guía para los dueños de casas en Nuevo México [Living with Fire: A Guide for the Homeowner-New Mexico]
Posted September 2, 2008

Evaluation of funnel traps for characterizing the bark beetle (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) communities in ponderosa pine forests of North-Central Arizona
Posted September 2, 2008

Weed biocontrol insects reduce native plant recruitment through second-order apparent competition
Posted September 2, 2008

The 'Appar' flax release: Origin, distinguishing characteristics, and use; and a native alternative
Posted September 2, 2008

Pluralities of place: A user's guide to place concepts, theories, and philosophies in natural resource management
Posted August 26, 2008

Living artifacts: The ancient ponderosa pines of the West
Posted August 21, 2008

Diversity-invasibility across an experimental disturbance gradient in Appalachian forests
Posted August 21, 2008

Fire and stand history in two limber pine (Pinus flexilis) and Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine (Pinus aristata) stands in Colorado
Posted August 21, 2008

Spatial and temporal variability in fire occurrence within the Las Bayas Forestry Reserve, Durango, Mexico
Posted August 21, 2008

Topography affected landscape fire history patterns in southern Arizona, USA
Posted August 21, 2008

A comparison of the performance of threshold criteria for binary classification in terms of predicted prevalence and Kappa
Posted August 20, 2008

Classification and regression trees
Posted August 20, 2008

Modeling effects of overstory density and competing vegetation on tree height growth
Posted August 20, 2008

Effects of competitor spacing in a new class of individual-tree indices of competition: semidistance-independent indices computed for Bitterlich versus fixed-area plots
Posted August 20, 2008

Composition of soil seed banks in southern California coastal sage scrub and adjacent exotic grassland
Posted August 20, 2008

Stability of exotic annual grasses following restoration efforts in southern California coastal sage scrub
Posted August 20, 2008

Unusual holocene alluvial record from Rio Del Osos, Jemez Mountains, New Mexico: Paleoclimatic and archaeologic significance
Posted August 20, 2008

Quantifying the abundance of co-occurring conifers along Inland Northwest (USA) climate gradients
Posted August 13, 2008

National forests
Posted August 7, 2008

Executive summary
Posted August 7, 2008

Evaluation of the Barr & Stroud FP15 and Criterion 400 laser dendrometers for measuring upper stem diameters and heights
Posted August 5, 2008

Forests and carbon storage
Posted August 5, 2008

Native plant development and restoration program for the Great Basin, USA
Posted August 5, 2008

Chondrilla juncea L.: Post-fire invasiveness in Artimesia tridentata communities of western north America
Posted August 5, 2008

Executive summary
Posted July 15, 2008

Chapter 1 - Introduction
Posted July 15, 2008

Chapter 3 - Land resources: Forest and arid lands
Posted July 15, 2008

Chapter 6 - Synthesis
Posted July 15, 2008

Rapid forest change in the Interior West presents analysis opportunities and challenges
Posted June 27, 2008

The investigation of classification methods of high-resolution imagery
Posted June 27, 2008

Measurement of disturbance and regrowth with Landsat and Forest Inventory and Analysis data: anticipated benefits from Forest Inventory and Analysis' collaboration with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and university partners
Posted June 27, 2008

Use of LIDAR for forest inventory and forest management application
Posted June 27, 2008

Use of FIA plot data in the LANDFIRE Project
Posted June 27, 2008

Sagebrush systematics and distribution
Posted June 6, 2008

Applicability of Montreal Process Criterion 2: Productive capacity--to rangeland sustainability
Posted June 6, 2008

The geography of private forests that support at-risk species in the conterminous United States
Posted May 20, 2008

A novel approach for assessing density and range-wide abundance of prairie dogs
Posted April 28, 2008

Large area mapping of southwestern forest crown cover, canopy height, and biomass using the NASA Multiangle Imaging Spectro-Radiometer
Posted April 28, 2008

Mapping U.S. forest biomass using nationwide forest inventory data and moderate resolution information
Posted April 28, 2008

Forest disturbance and North American carbon flux
Posted April 28, 2008

Remote sensing-based predictors improve distribution models of rare, early successional and boradleaf tree species in Utah
Posted April 28, 2008

Restoration ecology: A new forest management paradigm, or another merit badge for foresters?
Posted April 28, 2008

Effect of a controlled burn on the thermophysical properties of a dry soil using a new model of soil heat flow and a new high temperature heat flux sensor
Posted April 14, 2008

Multi-season climate synchronized historical fires in dry forests (1650-1900), Northern Rockies, USA
Posted April 14, 2008

Long-term impacts of prescribed burns on soil thermal conductivity and soil heating at a Colorado Rocky Mountain site: a data/model fusion study
Posted April 14, 2008

Foliar and ecosystem respiration in an old-growth tropical rain forest
Posted April 12, 2008

Forage adaptability trials for forage and seed production in Bolivia; effect of 5 herbicides on 7 native Utah forbs
Posted April 12, 2008

Potential of basalt milkvetch (Astragalus filipes Torr. Ex A. Gray) populations and rhizobial strains for revegetation and restoration of Intermountain West rangelands
Posted April 12, 2008

DNA barcoding of western North American taxa: Leymus (Poaceae) and Lepidium (Brassicaceae)
Posted April 12, 2008

Beneficial fungal interactions resulting in accelerated germination of Astragalus utahensis, a hard-seeded legume
Posted April 12, 2008

DNA markers and gene expression polymorphisms associated with growth habit quantitative trait loci in Leymus wildryes
Posted April 12, 2008

Competition for soil nitrate and invasive weed resistance of three shrub-steppe growth forms
Posted April 12, 2008

Genetic structuring of Coues white-tailed deer in the southwestern United States
Posted April 8, 2008

Effects of prescribed fire on wintering, bark-foraging birds in northern Arizona
Posted April 8, 2008

Prescribed fire, soil, and plants: burn effects and interactions in the central Great Basin
Posted March 25, 2008

Measurements of the effects of forest cover upon the conservation of snow waters
Posted March 25, 2008

Papers on climatology in relation to agriculture, transportation, water resources, etc.: The Coconino Forest Experiment Station near Flagstaff, Ariz
Posted March 25, 2008

A meteorological study of parks and timbered areas in the western yellow-pine forests of Arizona and New Mexico
Posted March 25, 2008

Criterion 1: Conservation of biological diversity - Indicator 6: The number of forest dependent species
Posted March 25, 2008

Criterion 1: Conservation of biological diversity - Indicator 7: The status (threatened, rare, vulnerable, endangered, or extinct) of forest dependent species at risk of not maintaining viable breeding populations, as determined by legislation or scientific assessment
Posted March 25, 2008

Criterion 1: Conservation of biological diversity - Indicator 8: The number of forest dependent species that occupy a small portion of their former range
Posted March 25, 2008

Exercise 12: Creating a stage-based deterministic PVA model - the western prairie fringed orchid
Posted March 25, 2008

Exercise 13: The concept and use of elasticity in population viability models
Posted March 25, 2008

Exercise 14: Using stochastic models to incorporate spatial and temporal variability
Posted March 25, 2008

Exercise 15: Conservation and management issues and applications in population viability analysis
Posted March 25, 2008

Influence of summer biogeography on wood warbler stopover abundance
Posted March 24, 2008

Effects of sampling design on age ratios of migrants captured at stopover sites
Posted March 24, 2008

Stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen in the study of avian and mammalian trophic ecology
Posted March 24, 2008

Influence of small-scale disturbances by kangaroo rats on Chihuahuan Desert ants
Posted March 24, 2008

Density-dependent mass gain by Wilson's Warblers during stopover
Posted March 24, 2008

Insights into Wilson's Warbler migration from analyses of hydrogen stable-isotope ratios
Posted March 24, 2008

Geography of spring landbird migration through riparian habitats in southwestern North America
Posted March 24, 2008

Seed production of native forbs shows little response to irrigation in a wet year
Posted March 19, 2008

Using simulated historical time series to prioritize fuel treatments on landscapes across the United States: The LANDFIRE prototype project
Posted March 14, 2008

The distribution and incidence of white pine blister rust in central and southeastern Wyoming and northern Colorado
Posted March 14, 2008

Diverse recreation experiences at Denali National Park and Preserve
Posted March 14, 2008

Gobbling of Merriam's turkeys in relation to nesting and occurrence of hunting in the Black Hills, South Dakota
Posted March 14, 2008

Survival and cause-specific mortality of Merriam's turkeys in the southern Black Hills
Posted March 14, 2008

Post-fire burn severity and vegetation response following eight large wildfires across the Western United States
Posted March 14, 2008

Mapping ground cover using hyperspectral remote sensing after the 2003 Simi and Old wildfires in southern California
Posted March 14, 2008

Return rate, fidelity, and dispersal in a breeding population of flammulated owls (Otus flammeolus)
Posted March 14, 2008

Aeolian and fluviolacustrine landforms and prehistoric human occupation on a tectonically influenced floodplain margin, the Méma, central Mali
Posted March 14, 2008

Variation in ant populations with elevation, tree cover, and fire in a pinyon-juniper-dominated watershed
Posted March 14, 2008

Tritrophic effects of birds and ants on a canopy food web, tree growth, and phytochemistry
Posted March 14, 2008

Assessing accuracy of point fire intervals across landscapes with simulation modelling
Posted March 14, 2008

The scotopic visual sensitivity of four species of trout: A comparative study
Posted March 14, 2008

Preparing the landscape for invasion - Early intervention approaches for threatened high elevation white pine ecosystems
Posted March 14, 2008

Proactive intervention to sustain high-elevation pine ecosystems threatened by white pine blister rust
Posted March 14, 2008

Comparison of fire scars, fire atlases, and satellite data in the northwestern United States
Posted March 14, 2008

Developing a framework for evaluating proposals for research in wilderness: Science to protect and learn from parks
Posted March 14, 2008

Effects of prescribed burns on wintering cavity-nesting birds
Posted March 14, 2008

Geologic influences on Apache trout habitat in the White Mountains of Arizona
Posted March 14, 2008

Threats, status & management options for bristlecone pines and limber pines in Southern Rockies
Posted March 14, 2008

White pine blister rust in high-elevation white pines: Screening for simply-inherited, hypersensitive resistance
Posted March 14, 2008

Southwestern willow flycatchers (Empidonax traillii extimus) in a grazed landscape: factors influencing brood parasitism
Posted March 14, 2008

Colonization of the eastern bluebird along the Rio Grande in New Mexico
Posted March 14, 2008

Carbon allocation in forest ecosystems
Posted March 14, 2008

Evaluation of a post-fire tree mortality model for western US conifers
Posted March 14, 2008

The relationship of multispectral satellite imagery to immediate fire effects
Posted March 14, 2008

Prescribed fire, snag population dynamics, and avian nest site selection
Posted March 13, 2008

Wildland fire use barriers and facilitators
Posted March 13, 2008

Climate effects on historical fires (1630-1900) in Utah
Posted March 13, 2008

Twenty years of change on campsites in the backcountry of Grand Canyon National Park
Posted March 13, 2008

PresenceAbsence: An R package for presence absence analysis
Posted March 13, 2008

Influence of temperature on spring flight initiation for southwestern ponderosa pine bark beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae)
Posted March 13, 2008

Climate drivers of regionally synchronous fires in the inland northwest (1651-1900)
Posted March 13, 2008

Climate change effects on historical range and variability of two large landscapes in western Montana, USA
Posted March 13, 2008

Effects of fire severity and pre-fire stand treatment on plant community recovery after a large wildfire
Posted March 13, 2008

Decades-old silvicultural treatments influence surface wildfire severity and post-fire nitrogen availability in a ponderosa pine forest
Posted March 13, 2008

Susceptibility of ponderosa pine, Pinus ponderosa (Dougl. Ex Laws.), to mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins, attack in uneven-aged stands in the Black Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming USA
Posted March 13, 2008

Origin of the flax cultuvar 'Appar' and its position within the Linum perenne complex
Posted March 13, 2008

Effect of conifer encroachment into aspen stands on understory biomass
Posted March 13, 2008

Production and carbon allocation in a clonal Eucalyptus plantation with water and nutrient manipulations
Posted March 13, 2008

Influence of elevation on bark beetle (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae) community structure and flight periodicity in ponderosa pine forests of Arizona
Posted March 13, 2008

Implementing northern goshawk habitat management in Southwestern forests: A template for restoring fire-adapted forest ecosystems
Posted March 13, 2008

Ecology of whirling disease in arid lands with an emphasis on Tibufex tubifex
Posted March 13, 2008

Posted March 13, 2008

Defining, valuing and providing ecosystem goods and services
Posted March 13, 2008

An ecosystem approach to determining effects of prescribed fire on southwestern borderlands oak savannas: A baseline study
Posted March 13, 2008

Hydrology of southwestern encinal oak ecosystems: A review and more
Posted March 13, 2008

Investigating potential effects of Heli-skiing on Golden Eagles in the Wasatch Mountains, Utah
Posted March 13, 2008

Hillslope erosion rates in the oak savannas of the southwestern borderlands region
Posted March 13, 2008

Understanding global fire dynamics by classifying and comparing spatial models of vegetation and fire
Posted March 13, 2008

Spatio-temporal distribution of white-tailed deer (Odocioleus virginianus) relative to prescribed burns on rangeland in south Texas
Posted March 13, 2008

The polination ecology of Hedysarum boreale Nutt. (Fabaceae) and evaluation of its pollinating bees for restoration seed production
Posted March 13, 2008

Fuel and stand characteristics in ponderosa pine infested with mountain pine beetle, Ips spp., and southwestern dwarf mistletoe in Colorado's northern Front Range
Posted March 13, 2008

Dutchwoman Butte revisited: Examining paradigms for livestock grazing exclusion
Posted March 12, 2008

Leisure identities, globalization, and the politics of place
Posted February 26, 2008

Post-utilitarian forestry: What's place got to do with it?
Posted February 26, 2008

Environmental psychology: Human responses and relationships to natural landscapes
Posted February 26, 2008

Home and away? Creating identities and sustaining places in a multicentered world
Posted February 26, 2008

Leisure, environment, and the quality of life
Posted February 26, 2008

Wild-urban interface resident's views on risk and attribution
Posted February 26, 2008

Sense of place: An elusive concept that is finding a home in ecosystem management
Posted February 25, 2008

Support for wilderness recreation fees: The influence of fee purpose and day versus overnight use
Posted February 25, 2008

Structural equation modeling of users' response to wilderness recreation fees
Posted February 25, 2008

Environmental psychology: Mapping landscape meanings for ecosystem management
Posted February 25, 2008

Anatomy of the academy: Dissecting the past, resecting the future
Posted February 25, 2008

Collecting and analyzing qualitative data: Hermeneutic principles, methods and case examples
Posted February 25, 2008

An hermeneutic approach to studying the nature of wilderness experiences
Posted February 25, 2008

Back to the future? Tourism, place, and sustainability
Posted February 25, 2008

Increasing state market share through regional positioning
Posted February 25, 2008

Demographic influences on environmental value orientations and normative beliefs about national forest management
Posted February 25, 2008

Snapshots of what, exactly? A comment on methodological experimentation and conceptual foundations in place research
Posted February 25, 2008

Factors influencing woodlands of southwestern North Dakota
Posted February 5, 2008

First direct landscape-scale measurement of tropical rain forest Leaf Area Index, a key driver of global primary productivity
Posted February 5, 2008

yaImpute: An R package for kNN imputation
Posted February 5, 2008

Do forest community types provide a sufficient basis to evaluate biological diversity?
Posted February 5, 2008

Adaptation of growth and respiration of three varieties of Caragana to environmental temperature
Posted February 5, 2008

Habitat suitability models for cavity-nesting birds in a postfire landscape
Posted January 3, 2008

A chance constraint estimation approach to optimizing resource management under uncertainty
Posted January 3, 2008

Assessing the accuracy of respondents reports of the location of their home relative to a national forest boundary and forest cover
Posted December 19, 2007

Describing change in visitors and visits to the "Bob"
Posted December 19, 2007

Changing relationships with wilderness: A new focus for research and stewardship
Posted December 19, 2007

Cross-scale analysis of fire regimes
Posted December 19, 2007

New relationships with wilderness
Posted December 19, 2007

An outside assessment of wilderness research in the Forest Service
Posted December 19, 2007

The prevalence and significance of displacement for wilderness recreation management and research
Posted December 19, 2007

Giving voice to wildlands visitors: Selecting indicators to protect and sustain experiences in the eastern arctic of Nunavut
Posted December 19, 2007

Communication barriers to applying federal research in support of land management in the United States
Posted December 19, 2007

Emerging adults and the future of wild nature
Posted December 19, 2007

Nutrient availability in rangeland soils: influence of prescribed burning, herbaceous vegetation removal, overseeding with Bromus tectorum, season, and elevation
Posted December 18, 2007

Prescribed fire in a Great Basin sagebrush ecosystem: Dynamics of soil extractable nitrogen and phosphorus
Posted December 18, 2007

Prediction of cheatgrass field germination potential using wet thermal accumulation
Posted December 18, 2007

Spatial and temporal variability in stream sediment loads using examples from the Gros Ventre Range, Wyoming, USA
Posted December 18, 2007

Interactions of elevation, aspect, and slope in models of forest species composition and productivity
Posted December 18, 2007

The role of old-growth forests in frequent-fire landscapes
Posted December 17, 2007

Establishing native plants in crested wheatgrass stands using successional management
Posted December 17, 2007

Defining old growth for fire-adapted forests of the Western United States
Posted December 17, 2007

The effects of forest residual debris disposal on perennial grass emergence, growth, and survival in a ponderosa pine ecotone
Posted December 17, 2007

A case for classifying the Rio Grande silvery minnow (Hybognathus amarus) as an omnivore
Posted December 17, 2007

Spatial analysis of effects of mowing and burning on colony expansion in reintroduced black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus)
Posted December 17, 2007

Beginnings of range management: Albert F. Potter, first Chief of Grazing, U.S. Forest Service, and a photographic comparison of his 1902 Forest Reserve Survey in Utah with conditions 100 years later
Posted December 7, 2007

Predicting wildfires
Posted November 29, 2007

Sex and the lonely Atriplex
Posted November 29, 2007

Monitoring with a modified Robel pole on meadows in the central Black Hills of South Dakaota
Posted November 29, 2007

Goshawk status and management: What do we know, what have we done, where are we going?
Posted November 29, 2007

Mastication: A fuel reduction and site preparation alternative
Posted November 29, 2007

IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 1
Posted November 29, 2007

Using basic geographic information systems functionality to support sustainable forest management decision making and post-decision assessments
Posted November 29, 2007

Tests of landscape influence: Nest predation and brood parasitism in fragmented ecosystems
Posted November 29, 2007

Improving sustainable seed yield in Wyoming big sagebrush
Posted November 26, 2007

Investigation into seed collection practices and shrub manipulations to improve sustainable seed yield in wildland stands of bitterbrush (Purshia tridentata)
Posted November 26, 2007

Factors influencing epiphytic lichen communities in aspen-associated forests of the Bear River Range, Idaho and Utah
Posted November 26, 2007

A multiscale curvature algorithm for classifying discrete return LiDAR in forested environments
Posted November 26, 2007

Lessons learned from Rapid Response Research on wildland fires
Posted November 26, 2007

Postfire soil burn severity mapping with hyperspectral image unmixing
Posted November 26, 2007

Production of Landsat ETM+ reference imagery of burned areas within Southern African savannahs: comparison of methods and application to MODIS
Posted November 26, 2007

Evaluation of linear spectral unmixing and deltaNBR for predicting post-fire recovery in a North American ponderosa pine forest
Posted November 26, 2007

Estimating forest canopy bulk density using six indirect methods
Posted November 26, 2007

Analysis of algorithms for predicting canopy fuel
Posted November 26, 2007

Estimating canopy fuels in conifer forests
Posted November 26, 2007

Forest health monitoring in the Eastern Arc Mountains of Kenya and Tanzania: A baseline report on selected forest reserves
Posted November 9, 2007

Monitoring the health of selected eastern arc forests in Tanzania
Posted November 9, 2007

Aspen indicator species in lichen communities in the Bear River range of Idaho and Utah
Posted November 9, 2007

Evaluating kriging as a tool to improve moderate resolution maps of forest biomass
Posted November 7, 2007

Forest Inventory and Analysis in the United States: Remote sensing and geospatial activities
Posted November 7, 2007

Habitat classification modelling with incomplete data: Pushing the habitat envelope
Posted November 7, 2007

Modeling forest bird species' likelihood of occurrence in Utah with Forest Inventory and Analysis and Landfire map products and ecologically based pseudo-absence points
Posted November 7, 2007

Distribution and broad-scale habitat relations of the wolverine in the contiguous United States
Posted November 7, 2007

Classifying and comparing spatial models of fire dynamics
Posted November 7, 2007

Seasonal habitat associations of the wolverine in central Idaho
Posted November 7, 2007

An economical wireless cavity-nest viewer
Posted November 7, 2007

Determining landscape extent for succession and disturbance simulation modeling
Posted November 7, 2007

The influence of white pine blister rust on seed dispersal in whitebark pine
Posted November 7, 2007

Wolverine conservation and management
Posted November 7, 2007

Reproductive responses of northern goshawks to variable prey populations
Posted November 7, 2007

Inferring geographic isolation of wolverines in California using historical DNA
Posted November 7, 2007

DNA markers for identifying individual snowshoe hares using field-collected pellets
Posted November 7, 2007

Sources and patterns of wolverine mortality in western Montana
Posted November 7, 2007

Comparative habitat use of sympatric Mexican spotted and great horned owls
Posted November 6, 2007

Predicting postfire Douglas-fir beetle attacks and tree mortality in the northern Rocky Mountains
Posted September 26, 2007

USDA Forest Service - Rocky Mountain Research Station Publications
Last Modified: September 23, 2008

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