September 28, 2000 PRESS STATEMENT   



SEPTEMBER 28, 2000



Washington, DC – Senate Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Fred Thompson (R-TN) announced that the following legislation was reported favorably by voice vote:

S.2686, A bill to modify postal rates for non-profit mailings

H.R. 3069, Southeast Federal Center Public-Private Development Act

Ordered reported as amended by the Thompson Amendment.

S. 870, to amend the Inspector General Act

Ordered reported as amended by the Collins Amendment in the nature of a substitute.

An original bill to provide certain presidentially appointed Inspectors General with statutory law enforcement authority

S. 3030, Recovery Audit Act

H.R. 4110, A bill to authorize appropriations for the National Historical Publications and Records Commission for fiscal years 2002 through 2005

S. 1688, Federal Employees Health Benefits Children's Equity Act

H.R. 3995, District of Columbia Receivership Accountability Act

S. 3062, District of Columbia Performance Accountability Plan Amendments Act

Postal Office Naming Bills

S. 2303, H.R. 3985, S. 2620, H.R. 4169, S. 2629, H.R. 4534, S. 2804, S. 2893, H.R. 3030, S. 2895, H.R. 4615, H.R. 2302, H.R. 3454, H.R. 3909, H.R. 4157, H.R. 4447, H.R. 4448, H.R. 4449, H.R. 4484, H.R. 4517, H.R. 4554, H.R. 4658, H.R. 4884


Gerald Fisher, 
to be Associate Judge for the Superior Court of the District of Columbia

John Ramsey Johnson,
 to be Associate Judge for the Superior Court of the District of Columbia

George Omas,
 to be a Commissioner of the Postal Rate Commission


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