APRIL 13, 2000


Washington, DC – Senate Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Fred Thompson (R-TN) today sent a letter to Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Director Jacob Lew, expressing disappointment with OMB’s lack of leadership in complying with the Results Act.

Senator Thompson voiced particular frustration with OMB’s own performance report for fiscal year (FY) 1999. The report, distributed March 31, at the same time agency reports were due for the first time under the Government Performance and Results Act (Results Act), was supposed to outline the success OMB had in meeting goals.

While pointing out several key deficiencies in the report, Senator Thompson wrote, "The purpose of analyzing the content of OMB’s FY ‘99 report is not to ensure compliance with the technical requirements of the Results Act. I am more interested in making an evaluation of your performance in addressing the major management challenges that face our government. Unfortunately, OMB’s FY 1999 Performance Report gives me no basis on which to make such an evaluation."

Senator Thompson also wrote in his letter to OMB Director Lew, "OMB has a unique responsibility of leadership in implementing and sustaining the move toward greater use of performance information throughout the federal government. If you allow OMB to be held publicly accountable for progress in addressing major management challenges, agencies will be more likely to take such accountability on themselves. Until that time, your ability to lead in this area will be hampered substantially."

The Results Act, passed in 1993, is designed to provide policy-makers and the public with systematic, reliable information about where federal programs and activities are going, how they will get there, and how we will know when they have arrived. Agencies have had mixed results complying with the reporting requirements of the Act. The Act requires performance reports to be filed by March 31st of each year, beginning this year.

| to view a copy of Senator Thompson’s letter to OMB Director Lew click here |




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