FEBRUARY 23, 2000


Washington, DC -- Senate Governmental Affairs Chairman Fred Thompson (R-TN) and Ranking Member Joseph I. Lieberman (D-CT) announced today that the Committee will hold a March 2 hearing to discuss the security of the federal government’s information systems.

"We know that federal agencies continue to use a band-aid approach to computer security rather than addressing the systemic problems which make government systems vulnerable to repeated computer attacks," said Thompson. "Hopefully, the recent breaches of security at the various ‘’ companies is the wake-up call needed to focus attention on the security of government computer systems. This Committee has been looking at the federal government's use of computers since the passage of the Brooks Act in 1965. Since I became chairman of the Committee in 1997, we heave heard from security experts, senior government officials and the General Accounting Office about the persistent security risks associated with the government’s information holdings."

Senator Lieberman added, "The simple and frightening fact is, government computer systems are vulnerable to the kinds of attacks e-businesses have been suffering lately - and worse. Lax government computer security threatens our national security, our transportation and emergency services, our banking and finance. And if this weren't cataclysmic enough, it also leaves the most personal information of all our taxpayers - our veterans, our elderly, our sick - vulnerable to exposure and exploitation. Scores of government systems have already been hacked although fortunately, none of the intrusions to date has been damaging. But let's face it: it's only a matter of time."

The March 2 hearing will explore the human side of computer security as it relates to successfully implementing a sound government computer security program.

On November 19, 1999, Thompson and Lieberman introduced S. 1993, the Government Information Security Act that provides a framework for how the government could make its systems more secure while simultaneously providing continuous, uninterrupted services to the public. The legislation is based on Governmental Affairs Committee hearings and a GAO best practices study.



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