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Is "Free Trade" Working?
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Mr. Christopher Wenk
Senior Director International Policy, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Commerce

United States Senate
Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation
Interstate Commerce, Trade and Tourism Subcommittee
Hearing on Is “Free Trade” Working?
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
10:00 a.m.
253 Russell Senate Office Building
Testimony by
Christopher Wenk
Senior Director, International Policy
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
On behalf of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, I am pleased to appear before the Senate Commerce Subcommittee on Interstate Commerce, Trade and Tourism to provide testimony on how trade is working for the U.S. economy. International trade plays a vital part in the expansion of economic opportunities for American workers, farmers, and businesses.  As the world’s largest business federation — representing more than three million businesses and organizations of every size, sector, and region — the U.S. Chamber views efforts to expand trade opportunities as squarely in the interests of America’s workers, farmers, consumers, and companies.
As such, the Chamber has helped lead the business community’s effort to make the case for initiatives to expand trade, including global trade negotiating rounds under the purview of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and its predecessor, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, as well as bilateral and regional free trade agreements (FTAs).  The Chamber does so because U.S. businesses have the expertise and resources to compete globally — if they are allowed to do so on equal terms with our competitors.
Trade, Growth, and Prosperity
The facts show that while some are hurt — and should be helped — the overwhelming majority of Americans derive great benefits from international trade and investment.  America’s international trade in goods and services accounts for roughly 27% of the country’s GDP.  As the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative has pointed out, the combined effects of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Uruguay Round trade agreement that created the WTO have increased U.S. national income by $40 billion to $60 billion a year.  In addition, the lower prices for imported goods generated by these two agreements mean that the average American family of four has gained between $1,000 and $1,300 in spending power — an impressive tax cut, indeed. 
When Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) lapsed in 1994, the international trade agenda lost momentum.  The Uruguay Round was implemented, but no new round of global trade negotiations was launched as the 1990s wore on.  Moreover, the United States was compelled to sit on the sidelines while other countries and trade blocs negotiated numerous preferential trade agreements that put American companies at a competitive disadvantage. 
As the Chamber pointed out during its 2001-2002 advocacy campaign for approval of TPA, the United States was party to just three of the roughly 150 FTAs in force between nations at that time.  Since then, the United States has approved FTAs with an additional dozen countries, and they are bringing substantial economic benefits.  Today, just under half (43%) of American exports go to markets where they enter duty free thanks to these FTAs.  Only a third of U.S. exports enjoyed this advantage back in 1994, the year NAFTA came into force.  With sales to our newest FTA partners growing twice as fast as U.S. export growth to the rest of the world; it’s no surprise that U.S. exporters are enjoying robust growth. 
Free Trade Agreements
As noted above, the United States is an extraordinarily open economy.  Consider how U.S. tariffs compare with those of countries where FTA negotiations have recently been concluded or are underway.  According to the World Bank, the United States has a weighted average tariff rate of less than 2%.  By contrast, the weighted average tariff on U.S. manufactured goods falls in the 10-11% range in Colombia, Korea, and Peru.
An academic observer may regard the price disadvantage that falls to U.S. companies from these lopsided tariffs as insignificant.  However, business men and women face narrower margins than these every day, very often with the success or failure of their firm on the line, so these tariffs can prove decisive.  Best of all, a free trade agreement can fix this imbalance once and for all.
The way FTAs level the playing field for U.S. workers, farmers, and business is borne out in the results attained by America’s FTAs.  For example, the U.S.-Chile FTA was implemented on January 1, 2004, and immediately began to pay dividends for American businesses and farmers.  U.S. exports to Chile surged by 33% in 2004, and by a blistering 85% in 2005.  In fact, U.S. exports to Chile nearly doubled in the first two years of the agreement’s implementation.
Other recent FTAs have borne similar fruits.  Trade with Jordan has risen four-fold since the U.S.-Jordan FTA was signed in 2000, fostering the creation of tens of thousands of jobs in a country that is a close ally of the United States.  The U.S. trade surplus with Singapore nearly quadrupled over the first two years of implementation of the U.S.-Singapore FTA (2004-2005).  And over the 12 years since implementation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), by far the largest and most important of these agreements, U.S. exports to Canada and Mexico have surged by well over $200 billion (to a total of approximately $375 billion in 2006), sustaining literally millions of new jobs and businesses.
One of the most compelling rationales for these FTAs is the benefit they afford America’s smaller companies.  The following table reveals how America’s small and medium-sized companies are leading the charge into foreign markets, accounting for more than three-quarters of exporting firms to these three selected markets (one a market where an FTA was recently approved, the second where FTA negotiations were recently concluded, and the third where an FTA has just been proposed).  As a corollary, it suggests how smaller businesses stand to gain disproportionately from the market-opening measures of a FTA:

No. of U.S. companies exporting to the market
No. of U.S. SMEs exporting to the market
No. of U.S. SMEs as a percentage of exporters
DR-CAFTA countries
Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, 2004 data (latest available).
Beyond the highly successful track record of America’s FTAs as measured in terms of new commerce, the Chamber and its members also support FTAs because they promote the rule of law in emerging markets around the globe.  This is accomplished through the creation of a more transparent rules-based business environment.  For example, FTAs include provisions to guarantee transparency in government procurement, with competitive bidding for contracts and extensive information made available on the Internet — not just to well-connected insiders. 
FTAs also create a level playing field in the regulatory environment for services, including telecoms, insurance, and express shipments. In addition, recent FTAs have strengthened legal protections for intellectual property rights in the region, as well as the actual enforcement of these rights. 
Following are observations on some of the trade agreements that have been in the headlines lately:
Peru, Colombia, Panama:  Negotiations for the Peru Trade Promotion Agreement were concluded in December 2005, and a similar agreement was reached with Colombia a few months later.  In December 2006, the U.S. and Panamanian governments announced they had completed negotiations on a Trade Promotion Agreement “with the understanding that it is subject to further discussions regarding labor,” according to the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative.
U.S. trade with Peru, Colombia, and Panama has nearly doubled since 2000, and U.S. commerce with the three countries last year totaled $8 billion, $15 billion, and $3 billion, respectively.  These are ambitious and comprehensive agreements.  Eighty percent of U.S. consumer and industrial products and a majority of the most competitive U.S. farm exports will enter these markets duty-free immediately upon implementation of the agreements.
U.S. investors in these countries also regard the Trade Promotion Agreements as a helping hand for close allies.  As described above, the agreements will lend support for the rule of law, investor protections, internationally recognized workers’ rights, and transparency and accountability in business and government. 
The agreements’ strong intellectual property and related enforcement provisions against trafficking in counterfeit or pirated products will help combat organized crime.  The agreements will promote economic growth, lending strength to the regional economy and providing local citizens with long-term alternatives to narcotics trafficking or illegal migration.
The Chamber is serving as Secretariat of the Latin America Trade Coalition, a broad-based group of U.S. companies, farmers, and business organizations advocating for approval of the three Trade Promotion Agreements.    
Korea:  The Chamber also strongly supports the recently concluded U.S.-Korea FTA, which is the most commercially significant FTA the United States has entered into since NAFTA.  In 2006, Korea was the United States’ seventh-largest U.S. trading partner, seventh-largest export market, and its sixth-largest agricultural market overseas.  U.S. goods exports to Korea totaled $32.5 billion last year, an increase of 17 percent over the previous year, and U.S. services exports to Korea reached $10.2 billion in 2005.  The United States is the largest investor in Korea and is Korea’s second-largest market.
While we look forward to reviewing the text of the U.S.-Korea FTA as it becomes available, we have been briefed on its substance and believe that the agreement achieves most of the business community’s key objectives.  Under the agreement, 95 percent of trade in consumer and industrial products and more than half of current U.S. agricultural exports to Korea will become duty free upon implementation of the agreement.  This agreement will eliminate significant non-tariff market access barriers in Korea to U.S. goods, services, and investment, and it includes robust provisions on transparency, intellectual property rights, competition, and other rules that will protect U.S. interests.  Moreover, the agreement would also strengthen the important political relationship and alliance between the United States and Korea, further contributing to security and stability in the Asia-Pacific region. 
The Chamber-administered U.S.-Korea Business Council is serving as Secretariat of the U.S.-Korea FTA Business Coalition.  This coalition already embraces over 200 leading U.S. companies and business associations that strongly support the conclusion and passage of a U.S.-Korea FTA to advance the interests of the U.S. business community and promote further bilateral trade and investment.
Malaysia:  When U.S. and Malaysian officials announced in March 2006 that the two countries would undertake negotiations for a FTA, the initiative won immediate broad support. Malaysia is the largest U.S. trading partner in Southeast Asia and the 10th largest U.S. trading partner in the world.  Two-way trade between the countries in 2005 surpassed $44 billion.  The United States is Malaysia’s largest export market, purchasing more than 20% of Malaysia’s exports, and the sum of U.S. direct investments in Malaysia surpasses that of any other country.  Unfortunately, this agreement will not be concluded under the current Trade Promotion Authority (TPA).
The Doha Development Agenda
While the FTAs the United States has negotiated represent an ambitious and comprehensive way to open markets one country or region at a time, the Doha Development Agenda (DDA) — the global trade negotiations currently being conducted under the aegis of the World Trade Organization — offers the remarkably broad opportunity to lower barriers to trade globally.  By leveraging both the breadth of the DDA and the depth of FTAs, U.S. business can attain important new market opportunities in the years ahead.
In essence, the DDA represents a unique opportunity to unlock the world’s economic potential and inject new vibrancy in the global trading system by reducing barriers to trade and investment throughout the world.  The round was launched on the premise that both developed and developing nations alike share in the economic gains resulting from global trade liberalization, particularly by addressing unfinished business in the agricultural sector. 
Ambition is the key to the DDA’s success.  As one of the most open economies in the world, the United States must be ambitious in its approach to liberalization of trade in manufactured goods, services, and agricultural products if we are to convince our more reluctant trading partners to share our goals.  Of course, we cannot lead alone.  The European Union and the G20, in particular, need to demonstrate that they, too, are committed to the success of the DDA and willing to make the concessions necessary for a balanced result that can win the support of all WTO member countries. 
The Chamber and its member companies are working with the Administration, Congress, and their counterparts around the world to ensure that the negotiations advance.  On October 25, 2005, the Chamber, in partnership with other leading U.S. business organizations and a broad range of companies and agricultural groups, launched the American Business Coalition for Doha (ABC Doha) to ensure that the U.S. private sector is coordinated, mobilized, and focused on achieving success in the DDA.  The recommendations that follow represent the Chamber’s priorities for the DDA, and we will be working actively with our trading partners around the world in the weeks and months ahead to build support for the objectives set out below.
Trade in Agricultural Products:  In 2001, the WTO member countries committed to making “substantial improvements in market access; reductions of, with a view to phasing out, all forms of export subsidies; and substantial reductions in trade-distorting domestic support.”  We are encouraged that last fall’s proposals set forth by the United States and the G20 seem to have re-energized negotiations with respect to agricultural reforms.  We hope these advances will stem what we had perceived before the 6th WTO ministerial conference in Hong Kong last December to be an emerging lack of ambition on the part of some key parties to the negotiations.  
In a World Bank paper, Kym Anderson concludes that 92% of developing countries’ gains in agricultural trade will come from reductions in market access barriers.  The paper finds that such tariff reductions will not only improve the trade climate between developed and developing nations, but more importantly will yield significant gains in trade among and between developing countries.  This outcome mirrors what we have witnessed in improved market access provisions in the areas of manufactured goods and services — the most robust gains are seen in trade among and between developing nations.
The United States is uniquely positioned to press for success based on the highest levels of ambition.  Bold positions can help break what appears to be a stalemate between developed and developing countries over who should make the first move.  We cannot fail to deliver steep reductions in both trade-distorting domestic supports and tariff rates.  In the end, success will only be achieved through mutual recognition that comprehensive trade liberalization is an opportunity that will yield enormous benefits to farmers and consumers worldwide.
Trade in Manufactured Goods:  Manufactured goods represent 75% of global merchandise trade, and the manufacturing sector is a strong driver of U.S. economic growth and employment.  In 2001, the WTO member countries made a commitment “to reduce or as appropriate eliminate tariffs, including the reduction or elimination of tariff peaks, high tariffs, and tariff escalation, as well as non-tariff barriers, in particular on products of export interest to developing countries.”  While some progress has been made toward this goal, much work remains to be done in the non-agricultural market access (NAMA) negotiations.
In order to deliver on its development promises, the DDA must provide genuine new market access by substantially reducing or eliminating tariffs among, at minimum, the developed and developing countries through a formula that focuses on making meaningful reductions in tariffs across all product segments, particularly peak and high tariffs.  A final agreement must also allow for a voluntary sectoral approach to tariff elimination.  Above all, achieving a “level playing field” requires an approach that recognizes the current differences among countries’ tariffs, and mandates reductions in tariffs that will reduce and eliminate those differences, so as to avoid an outcome where countries with high average tariffs are only required to make relatively small reductions.
While tariff elimination is a critical component of the round, non-tariff barriers are increasingly becoming as important, if not more important, as tariffs in constraining global trade.  The DDA should focus on removing these hindrances to international trade, using both horizontal and sectoral approaches.  In addition, the WTO should strengthen, or create where necessary, problem-solving mechanisms specifically focused on addressing and removing non-tariff barriers.
In order to ensure that the NAMA negotiations lead to substantially increased opportunities for trade, growth, and development for all countries, flexibilities should be built into the process that can provide some room for less developed and small economies to take part without shouldering the same burden as their more developed counterparts.
Finally, the Chamber recognizes that the NAMA negotiations are impacted by progress in the broader negotiating environment.  It is important that negotiations on agriculture, services, and NAMA move forward on parallel tracks to ensure that success in the broader round is achieved.
Trade in Services:  The services sector is the backbone of the economy in developed and developing countries alike.  In total, it represents about two-thirds of world GDP, or $35 trillion in 2004.  Further liberalization of this critical sector will allow WTO member countries to attract greater foreign direct investment and take full advantage of the growth and employment that this vital sector provides.
In 2001, the services liberalization work that had been conducted under the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) was incorporated into the DDA mandate.  WTO members endorsed the existing negotiating modalities and set a schedule for successive market access requests and offers.  Progress has been unsatisfactory to date: few offers and even fewer revised offers have been tabled, despite the fact that the May 2005 deadline is long passed.  While new methods that hold promise are being explored to revitalize the process, the objective of achieving substantial new liberalization commitments within the next few months should guide U.S. efforts.
In mode one (cross border supply of services), the U.S. should seek full market access and most-favored nation (MFN) treatment for all cross border services trade.  This level of ambition should apply for mode two (consumption of services abroad) as well.  In mode three (commercial presence), the U.S. should seek the abolition or, at the very least, substantial easing in equity limits for services investments and allow for the incorporation of services businesses in whatever legal form makes the most business sense.  In mode four (temporary movement of professionals), countries should commit to screen temporary workers, ensure they will leave when their visas expire, and generally commit to containing illegal migration in return for their professionals’ access to host countries.
Trade Facilitation:  The Doha Declaration recognizes the case for “further expediting the movement, release and clearance of goods, including goods in transit, and the need for enhanced technical assistance and capacity building in this area.”  Trade facilitation initiatives provide significant opportunities to achieve real, nuts-and-bolts improvements for businesses of all sizes.  Progress in such areas as port efficiency, customs procedures and requirements, the overall regulatory environment, and automation and e-business usage are important for all companies but are especially valuable to smaller and medium-sized enterprises. 
Major world regions are already embracing trade facilitation.  In 2002, the 21 member economies of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum launched a Trade Facilitation Action Plan that included a commitment to reduce trade-related transaction costs by five percent within six years.  In November 2004, the APEC leaders were proud to announce that they had reached their goal three years ahead of schedule.  And in the Western Hemisphere, the countries negotiating the Free Trade Area of the Americas committed in 1999 to implement a package of nine customs-related “business facilitation” measures that covered much of the same ground as the APEC action plan.   In November 2005, a group of over 100 of the Western Hemisphere’s leading business organizations released a declaration favoring an ambitious stance in the trade facilitation negotiating group of the DDA.
These efforts have served to raise the profile of trade facilitation as an opportunity for the DDA, but much more can be done.  Trade facilitation can bring great benefits if adopted unilaterally, but a global rules-based approach also offers the advantages of certainty, stability, and enhanced commonality to customs measures and port administration.  This is the promise of the DDA’s trade facilitation negotiations.
Trade, Labor and Workforce Development
The opportunities trade presents are clear, but there are challenges as well.  In recent years, Congress has engaged in a dialogue about how to ensure that U.S. workers and workers in developing countries can benefit from increased trade and investment flows.  The U.S. business community encourages these discussions as well as efforts to provide American workers with the tools they need to raise their productivity.  The Chamber welcomes new ideas on ways to improve Trade Adjustment Assistance programs, and hopes that Congress will also consider new programs that will assist American workers in remaining competitive and highly productive. 
In addition to the benefits for the United States, there is powerful evidence that deepening economic ties with developing countries promotes their growth, fosters job creation, and promotes improvements in worker conditions in markets where American companies are active and engaged.  Numerous studies show that American companies operating in foreign markets lead the way in driving improvements in working conditions and act as stellar examples of responsible corporate citizens.  U.S. companies promote ethical and responsible business behavior, market-oriented business practices, and respect for the rule of law.  They also operate under high environmental, health and safety standards in developing country markets, and they encourage local suppliers to adopt and adhere to similar practices. Compared to employees in local companies, employees in U.S. companies enjoy competitive to superior compensation, benefits, and training. 
The Chamber is hopeful that Congressional discussions with the Administration on trade and labor will reflect the goals we all share for promoting working conditions and creating jobs in developing countries. The Chamber is optimistic that Congress will develop a way forward on trade legislation that will enable the U.S. to continue to pursue an active and engaged trade policy, opening markets to U.S. goods, services, and agricultural products.  The U.S. business community stands ready to support those discussions on the way forward, and we want to work in partnership with Congress and the Administration in developing substantive, comprehensive strategies that will bolster America’s competitiveness and improve America’s workforce.
The Chamber believes that trade expansion is an essential ingredient in any recipe for economic success in the 21st century.  To make the case more clearly, the Chamber recently issued a landmark report entitled Global Engagement: How Americans Can Win and Prosper in the Worldwide Economy.  It maps out the benefits of trade — as well as challenges to America’s ability to compete that have been laid bare by globalization. 
The Chamber also recently published Impact of Trade, which lays out in the clearest fashion possible the benefits that the 50 states of the union are already deriving from international commerce. The Chamber is pleased to present these documents for the record, and they are available on our website (www.uschamber.com) as well.
If U.S. companies, workers, and consumers are to thrive amidst rising competition, new trade agreements such as the DDA and the various FTAs cited above will be critical.  In the end, U.S. business is quite capable of competing and winning against anyone in the world when markets are open and the playing field is level. 
Mr. Chairman, Mr. Ranking Member, Members of the Committee, we greatly appreciated the opportunity to testify today before Senate Commerce Subcommittee on Interstate Commerce, Trade and Tourism to provide testimony on the critical importance of  advancing the U.S. international trade agenda.  The Chamber stands ready to work with you on these and other challenges in the year ahead.  Thank you very much.

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Tel: 202-224-5115
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