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National Reading Conference
Address: 7044 S. 13th St. Oak Creek, WI 53154
Main Office: 414.908.4924
CustomerCare Center: 414-908-4924, ext. 450
Fax: 414-768-8001

Executive Board & Board of Directors
Journal of Literacy Research
Annual Conference
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NRC is a professional organization for individuals who share an interest in research and the dissemination of information about literacy and literacy instruction. NRC sponsors a conference each year during the first week in December. The program consists of keynote addresses by distinguished speakers, symposia, paper sessions, research reviews of current trends and issues, and alternative format sessions. During the conference, NRC also confers the Oscar S. Causey Award for reading research, the Albert J. Kingston Award for outstanding service to NRC, the J. Michael Parker Award for contributions to adult literacy, the Edward B. Fry Book Award for contributions to literacy research and practice, the Early Career Achievement Award for contributions to literacy research and education, the Distinguished Scholar Lifetime Achievement Award for contributions to literacy research, theory and practice, and the Student Outstanding Research Award.

In addition to sponsoring an annual conference, NRC publishes a quarterly journal, the Journal of Literacy Research (JLR), and the NRC Yearbook, which contains selected papers from the previous year's conference.


President: Kathleen Hinchman
Past-President: Norman A. Stahl
Executive Director: Christopher Roper


Past Conference Videos now available

NRC 2009 Proposal Reviewer Sign-up

2009 Annual Meeting Call for

Upload or Download Papers from NRC 2008

NRC Literacy Research Reviews and Policy Briefs

The Path to Competence: A Lifespan Developmental Perspective on Reading, Patricia A. Alexander [Doc | PDF]

High Stakes Testing and Reading Assessment, Peter Afflerbach [Doc | PDF | Brochure]

Effective Beginning Reading Instruction, Michael Pressley [Doc | PDF]

Effective Literacy Instruction for Adolescents, Donna E. Alvermann [Doc | PDF]

Resisting Commercial Influences On Accessing Scholarship: What Literacy Researchers Need To Know And Do, Ad Hoc Committee on Accessing Literacy Research Online [Doc | PDF]

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