Department of the Interior
Acquisition Virtual Library

Commercial and Association Sites*

Government Contractor Resource Center
National Contract Management Association

* Listing the following web sites does not indicate that the Department ofthe Interior endorses the products or services mentioned on these sites

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Department of the Interior

Bureau Acquisition Homepages
Interior's Office of Inspector General
Office of Financial Management
Office of Small and Disdvantaged Business Utilization
-- Interior's Forecast of Fiscal Year Acquisitions

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General Services Administration(GSA)

GSA Advantage
GSA Homepage

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Laws and Regulations

Code of Federal Regulations
Congressional Documents - Bills and Congressional Record/Legislative Information (Thomas)
Department of the Interior Acquisition Regulation
Department of the Interior Acquisition Policy Release
Executive Orders (1937 - present)
Federal Acquisition Circulars
Federal Acquisition Regulation (GSA)
Federal Register(GPO)
OMB Circulars (OMB)
U.S. Code (House of Representatives)

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Office of Management and Budget(OMB)

Cost Accounting Standards Board (CASB)
Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP/OMB)

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Other Federal Government Sources

Department of Labor, Employment Standards Administration, Wage and Hour Division (DOL)
Department of Labor, Occupational Health and Safety Administration (DOL)
Department of Labor, Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (DOL)
DOI Inter/Intra-Agency Agreement Handbook
EEO Pre-Award Clearance
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Federal Accounting Standards Board
Federal EDI
FedWorld Information Network(NTIS/Commerce)
Government Accountability Office Information (GAO)
Government-wide Procurement Preference Goaling Program (SBA Goaling)
Inspector General Network (IGNet)
SBA Government Contracting

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