U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation
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Contact: Joe Brenckle - Republican Press Office 202-224-3991
Brian Eaton w/Stevens 202-224-0445
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Statement by Senator Stevens on Introducation of Travel and Tourism Legislation

Mr. President, I am pleased to speak in support of the Travel Promotion Act of 2007, which I introduced late yesterday with Senator INOUYE and Senator DORGAN. Our legislation has a simple purpose: To increase the number of foreign tourists who visit the United States. To accomplish this goal, two complementary strategies must be undertaken: existing travel problems must be resolved, and fundamental improvements must be made to the manner in which we market our country to prospective tourists. First, the efficiency of our border entry and screening processes must be improved.

The Commerce Committee recently held two hearings on this issue, and industry leaders testified about the adverse effect September 11, 2001, has had on travel to the United States. Heightened security measures implemented after 9/11, while necessary, continue to inconvenience many travelers. We heard witnesses describe the aforementioned difficulties international visitors face with regard to our Nation’s entry and screening processes, including the issuance of visas. To address these problems, the Senate has already passed legislation that establishes a ‘‘Model Ports’’ program at the 20 busiest international airports in the United States. This program should reduce bottlenecks to safely and efficiently move travelers through the screening process.

The legislation we introduced yesterday, the Travel Promotion Act, would establish a nonprofit corporation to promote travel to the United States. This entity would not use one cent of taxpayer funds. Instead, this corporation will be funded by fees paid by travelers who enter our country and matching contributions from members of the travel and tourism industry. The corporation would be led by experts in the travel and tourism industry, appointed by the Secretary of Commerce, and held accountable by Congress. This essential step will let foreign visitors know that our country is open to tourists.

The travel and tourism industry plays an important role in every State. Those of us in Congress should take steps to resolve these pressing issues and encourage tourists to visit America. In my home State of Alaska, the travel and tourism industry is the second largest private sector employer. More than 24,000 Alaskans hold tourism- related jobs, and the industry contributes more than $2 billion to our State’s economy each year. I look forward to working with my colleagues on this legislation.

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June 2007 Press Releases  « May | July »   « 2006 | 2008 » 
28th -  Stevens Applauds FDA Ban on Farm-Raised Seafood from China
28th -  Committee Approves Coastal and Ocean Observation System Act
27th -  Truth in Caller ID Act Passes Senate Commerce Committee
27th -  Committee Approves Stevens - Inouye Bill to Encourage Travel to the U.S.
27th -  Senate Commerce Committee Reports Bills Promoting Travel to U.S., Protecting Consumers From Caller ID “Spoofing”
26th -  Inouye Encourages Parents, Industry, Government to Act Together to Lessen Children’s Exposure to TV Violence
22nd -  Vice Admiral Lautenbacher to Testify at NOAA Budget and Oversight Hearing
21st -  Senator Stevens Cosponsors Truth in Caller ID Act
21st -  Senate Adopts Bipartisan Fuel Economy Compromise
21st -  U.S. Senate Approves Increase in Fuel Economy Standard [ listen to Audio Clip ]
21st -  Senate Adopts Compromise Fuel Economy Measure [ listen to Audio Clip ]
20th -  Inouye, Stevens, and Dorgan Introduce Travel Promotion Act
20th -  Senate Commerce Committee Announces June 27 Markup
20th -  current Press Release
19th -  Witnesses Announced for Hearing on Energy Efficiency Technologies
19th -  Commerce Committee Releases Witness List for Caller ID Spoofing Hearing
18th -  Aviation Subcommittee Announces Witnesses for Foreign Repair Stations Hearing
18th -  Senate Commerce Committee Announces Caller ID Spoofing, Media Violence Hearings
13th -  Inouye Introduces by Request Administration’s Offshore Aquaculture Act
13th -  The Hill Op-Ed -- Improving public safety communications is matter of life and death in emergencies
12th -  Lautenberg Introduces Maritime Hazardous Cargo Security Act
12th -  Aviation Subcommittee to Hold Oversight Hearing on Foreign Repair Stations
12th -  Oceans Subcommittee to Hold NOAA Budget and Oversight Hearing
12th -  Innovation Subcommittee to Explore Energy Technology Programs
12th -  Senator Stevens Calls for Universal Service Reform
11th -  Commerce Committee Announces Witnesses for Hearing on 700 MHz Auction
8th -  Commerce Committee Announces USF Hearing Witness List
7th -  Senate Commerce Committee Works to Protect Nation’s Oceans, Coastline
7th -  Inouye and Stevens Sponsor Oceans Legislation
6th -  Stevens Recognized as Oceans Advocate by Fishing Associations
6th -  NASA IG Investigation Oversight Hearing Witnesses List Revised
4th -  Inouye: Disappointed with Second Circuit Decision
4th -  Senate Commerce Committee Schedules USF, 700 MHz Action Hearings
4th -  Commerce Committee Postpones U.S. Trade Relations with China Hearing
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Public Information Office: 508 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg • Washington, DC 20510-6125
Tel: 202-224-5115
Hearing Room: 253 Russell Senate Office Bldg • Washington, DC 20510-6125
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