
October 23, 2006


To:                   All DOI Employees


From:               Debra E. Sonderman, Director   /s/ E. Melodee Stith  for

Office of Acquisition and Property Management


Subject:            Changes to the Integrated Charge Card Program


The purpose of this message is to announce:  (1) an extension to the time allowed for cardholder and approving officials to review and sign cardholder’s statement of account; and (2) the increase to the micro-purchase threshold.  These changes are effective October 20, 2006. 


The time allowed by this extension for the review of cardholder statements is being increased to 30 calendar days from the date of the cardholder statement of account.  This timeframe was increased in order to allow cardholders and approving officials adequate time to complete their review.   This review is for all cardholder activity which includes the purchase, travel, fleet and corporate business lines.  To demonstrate this review and approval, cardholders and approving officials must sign and date each cardholder statement in the designated certification block on the monthly statement.  As you are aware, approving officials are the cardholder’s supervisor and this duty may not be redelegated.  See DOI Integrated Charge Card Guide, Sections 2.9.3 and 3.11.2.


A recent revision to the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Section 2.101 increased the micro-purchase threshold from $2,500 to $3,000.  Accordingly, the single purchase limit transaction threshold was increased from $2,500 to $3,000 also. This increased threshold applies to the purchase of all supplies but does not extend to the following:


·          Acquisitions of construction services subject to the Davis-Bacon Act threshold of $2,000;

·          Acquisitions of services subject to the Service Contract Act threshold of $2,500;   

·          Cardholders that currently have been delegated single purchase limits less than $2,500. 


The charge card is an essential tool to achieve Interior’s program missions.  Approving officials are relied upon heavily to ensure proper use of the card and maintain a program with utmost integrity.


If you have any questions regarding these changes please contact your Agency/Organization Program Coordinator (A/OPC) or Cynthia Martin, DOI Integrated Charge Card Program Manager on 202 606-3144.