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Skip Navigation U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Agency for Healthcare Research Quality
Adapting Community Call Centers for Crisis Support

Appendix 4. Developing an Interactive Response Tool: The HELP Model (continued)

4.2 Drug Identification (DI) Application


The DI application will allow inbound callers to obtain self-service identification for the different appearances of antibiotic drugs that are being dispensed at POD sites during a public health emergency. The callers should be given clear directions from the menu messages and be able to repeat messages or descriptions of the identified drug. The caller should also have the ability to identify more than one drug appearance per call or to repeat messages. The application should have messages that refer callers to other resources if they cannot utilize the self-service application or the rug appearance is not included as an option (if it could be modified to automatically transfer them to an information provider for assistance). This application will be designed to accommodate one language selection (English). However, future programming changes may be need for additional language selections that the caller will select at the beginning of the call (just as with the other three applications). The DI application will also provide reporting on how many callers selected each of the drug identification options. The DI application should be able to accommodate options for all expected antibiotic drug appearances that are to be distributed.

DI Main Call Flow (English)
DOXY Cap Flow
DOXY Tab Flow
General & Ciproflaxacin Announcements
Levaquin & Doxycycline Announcements

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