
Program Office: Impact Aid
CFDA Number: 84.041
Program Type: Discretionary/Competitive Grants

Program Background

The No Child Left Behind Act included amendments to the Impact Aid discretionary construction program first authorized under Section 8007(b) for FY 2001. The Impact Aid Discretionary Construction Grant Program authorizes competitive grants for emergency repairs and modernization of school facilities to certain eligible local educational agencies (LEAs) that receive Impact Aid.

Emergency repair grants must be used to repair, renovate, or alter a public elementary or secondary school facility to ensure the health, safety, and well being of students and school personnel. Modernization grants may be used to extend a public elementary or secondary school facility to ease overcrowding and provide facilities that support a contemporary educational program. The law specifies that applications for Emergency grants receive first and second priority in the competition, while applications for Modernization grants are treated as third and fourth priorities.

Last Modified: 06/19/2006