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Disease/Syndrome Mycobacterium marinum infections
Category Infection, Occupational
Acute/Chronic Subacute
Synonyms Fish-Fancier's finger; Swimming pool granuloma; Mycobacterium marinum infection
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Comments Mycobacterium marinum is a common atypical mycobacterial infection. It is an occupational hazard for aquarium and fish tank attendants and swimming pool cleaners. In some cases, the infection may resemble sporotrichosis with ulcerating papules or nodules that ulcerate and ascend the arm or leg following regional lymphatic vessels. In some cases, deep infections cause tenosynovitis. Patients with AIDS are at increased risk for this infection. [LaDou, p. 288; Guerrant, p. 220]
Latency/Incubation Days to weeks
Diagnostic Clinical; Culture; Tuberculin skin test
ICD-9 Code 031.1
Effective Antimicrobics Yes
Image U. of Iowa - Photo of Mycobacterium marinum infection
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Last updated: September, 2008