National Institute for Literacy

[FocusOnBasics 308] Re: Discussion starts today: Video as aProfessional Development Tool

Julie McKinney julie_mcKinney at
Mon Jun 5 11:41:14 EDT 2006


Thanks for sharing your reactions to your videotaped class! I am curious
to know how it came about, and how it was used. Was it a purposeful
professional development activity, or just something you decided to try?
And it's interesting that you watched it with your students--was there a
specific process that helped you get feedback from them? From other

It's interesting that you say one of the best things was that it focused
on the students, which fits with Jessica's experience as she described
in the article.


Julie McKinney
Discussion List Moderator
World Education/NCSALL
jmckinney at

>>> Janet_Isserlis at 06/05/06 9:35 AM >>>

All - a few impressions about using video:

> 1. Have you ever seen a video of yourself teaching? If so, what was


> impression? Did it affect your teaching? How?

The most helpful thing about seeing a tape of my teaching was that the
colleague who made the tape was wise enough to focus almost entirely on
students; I learned how I tend to teach to the left (to my physical
left) -
so hadn't spent the kind of time I'd like to have on teaching around the
entire room. My physical focus was limited to a part of the classroom.

As well, the sound of my voice alone was, well, more present than one
have hoped for. A lot more teacher talk than I'd have thought...

Students liked watching the tapes - especially a month or so after
been made, where they could see progress they'd made between the time of
taping and the time of the viewing.

>> 2. What do you think you might gain from seeing yourself and your

> students on video?

perspective; a look at folks who I may not have been attentive to - what
they doing, how do they interact with one another? - as well as a sense
the flow of a class.


Janet I

National Institute for Literacy
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