Preparedness for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive Events: Operations Manual (continued)

6.1.2. Web Application Deployment Description

The CBRNE Preparedness Questionnaire site and the Questionnaire Administration site can be deployed as Web applications or as Web sites. The following steps assume that the system administrator is familiar with using IIS and that the Web server has been installed with the .NET Framework 1.1 with the latest service packs. In order to install the site, follow the steps below:

  1. Copy the CBRNESurveyApp folder to the Web server. For example, C:\CBRNE.

    Using IIS Manager, create a virtual directory or a Web site and point it to the location of the CBRNESurveyWeb folder contained in the CBRNESurveyApp folder. The CBRNESurveyWeb contains the actual Web questionnaire that end users will use to input data.

Associated Steps:

1a. To run the IIS, select the "Start" button, select "Administrator Tools," and then "Internet Information Services."
1b. Go to "Default Web Site," right-click "New," and select "Virtual Directory" (Figure 9).

Figure 9. Internet Information Services

Screen shot shows a File Manager titled 'Internet Information Services.' The file management tree is opened to show a folder labeled 'Web sites' containing a highlighted item labeled 'Default Web Site'; from the menu beside 'Default Web Site,' the 'New' option and 'Virtual Directory' are selected.

1c. In the "Alias" field, enter the alias you wish to use. "CBRNESurvey" is an example (Figure 10).

Figure 10. Virtual Directory

Screen shot shows a box labeled 'Virtual Directory Creation Wizard.' Text reads: 'Virtual Directory Alias.  You must give the virtual directory a short name, or alias, for quick reference. Type the alias you want to use to gain access to this Web virtual directory.  Use the same naming conventions that you would for naming a directory.' In the field below 'Alias,' the name 'CBRNESurvey' has been entered.  At the bottom of the screen, the 'Next' button is highlighted.

1d. Enter the directory where the Web site files are physically located, such as C:\CBRNE\CBRNE_Survey\Sites\CBRNESurveyApp\CBRNESurveyWeb (Figure 11).

Figure 11. Physical Web Site Directory

Screen shot shows the Virtual Directory Creation Wizard.  Text reads: 'Web Site Content Directory. Where is the content you want to publish on the Web site? Enter the path that contains the directory that contains the content.' In the field below 'Directory,' the path 'C:\CBRNE\CBRNE_Survey\Sites\CBRNESurveyApp\CBRNESurveyWeb' has been entered.  At the bottom of the screen, the 'Next' button is highlighted.

1e. Accept the default setting for the "Access Permissions" (Figure 12).

Figure 12. Access Permissions

Screen shot shows the Virtual Directory Creation Wizard.  Text reads: 'Access Permissions. What access permissions do you want to set for this virtual directory?' Below is a list of items with checkboxes: 'Read,' 'Run scripts (such as ASP),' 'Execute (such as ISAPI applications or CGI),' 'Write,' and 'Browse.'   'Read' and 'Run scripts (such as ASP)' have been checked. Beneath the list, text reads: 'Click Next to complete the wizard.'  At the bottom of the screen, the 'Next' button is highlighted.

1f. Complete the setting (Figure 13).

Figure 13. Completion

Screen shot shows the Virtual Directory Creation Wizard.  Text reads: 'You have successfully completed the Virtual Directory Creation Wizard.  Click Finish to continue.' At the bottom of the screen, the 'Finish' button is highlighted.

  1. Edit the Web.Config file contained in the CBRNESurveyWeb folder. 

Associated Steps:

2a. Update the path field of line 9 to a location where the log files are to be written.

Note: By default, the "publisher mode" is set to "Off." If you want to enable logging, then you should turn it on and give the ASPNET account write access permission to the folder.

Figure 14:  Select Users or Group

Screen shot shows a box labeled 'Select Users or Group.' In a field titled 'Select this object type,' 'User, Groups, or Built-in security principals' has been entered.  In a field titled 'From this location,' a folder named 'BAH528422YU' has been entered.  A 'Find' button is highlighted below these fields. Further below is a list of User/Group Names in folder BAH528422YU; a user named ASPNET has been selected.

Figure 15:  Log Properties

Screen shot shows a box labeled Log Properties, Security tab. A user named 'ASP.NET Machine Account (BAH528422YU/ASPNET)' has been selected from a list of Group or User Names.  Below is a checklist titled 'Permissions for ASP.NET Machine Account.' The following items can be checked to either Allow or Deny: Full Control, Modify, Read and Execute, List Folder Contents, Read, and Write.  All items except 'Full Control' are checked to Allow permissions.

2b. In <appSettings> session, update the server, uid, and password fields for accessing the database:

     <add key="siteTitleName" value="AHRQ-HRSA Survey" />
     <add key="connectionString"
  1. Using IIS Manager, create a virtual directory or a Web site, and point it to the location of the CBRNESurveyAdmin folder contained in the CBRNESurveyApp folder. The CBRNESurveyAdmin contains the questionnaire administration site where the questionnaire administrators can view the number of questionnaires submitted and download the submitted questionnaire data.

Associated Steps:

3a. To run the IIS, select the "Start" button, select "Administrator Tools," and then "Internet Information Services."
3b. Go to the Default Web Site, right-click "New," and select "Virtual Directory."
3c. Enter an alias. In this example, "CBRNESurveyAdmin" is used (Figure 16).

Figure 16:  Virtual Directory

Screen shot shows a box labeled 'Virtual Directory Creation Wizard.' Text reads: 'Virtual Directory Alias.  You must give the virtual directory a short name, or alias, for quick reference. Type the alias you want to use to gain access to this Web virtual directory.  Use the same naming conventions that you would for naming a directory.' In the field below 'Alias,' the name 'CBRNESurveyAdmin' has been entered.  At the bottom of the screen, the 'Next' button is highlighted.

3d. Enter the directory where the Web site files are physically located, such as C:\CBRNE\CBRNE_Survey\Sites\CBRNESurveyApp\CBRNESurveyAdmin (Figure 17).

Figure 17:  Physical Web site Directory

Screen shot shows the Virtual Directory Creation Wizard.  Text reads: 'Web Site Content Directory. Where is the content you want to publish on the Web site? Enter the path that contains the directory that contains the content.' In the field below 'Directory,' the path 'C:\CBRNE\CBRNE_Survey\Sites\CBRNESurveyApp\CBRNESurveyAdmin' has been entered.  At the bottom of the screen, the 'Next' button is highlighted.

 3e. Accept the default setting for the "Access Permissions" (Figure 18).

Figure 18:  Access Permissions

Screen shot shows the Virtual Directory Creation Wizard.  Text reads: 'Access Permissions. What access permissions do you want to set for this virtual directory?' Below is a list of items with checkboxes: 'Read,' 'Run scripts (such as ASP),' 'Execute (such as ISAPI applications or CGI),' 'Write,' and 'Browse.'   'Read' and 'Run scripts (such as ASP)' have been checked. Beneath the list, text reads: 'Click Next to complete the wizard.'  At the bottom of the screen, the 'Next' button is highlighted.

3f. Select "Next" to complete the setting.  

  1. Edit the Web.Configuration file contained in the CBRNESurveyAdmin folder. 

Associated Steps:

4a. Update the path field of line 9 to a location where the log files are to be written.

Note: By default, the publisher mode is set to "Off." If you want to enable logging, then you should turn it on and give the ASPNET account write access permission to the folder. (Go to notes in section 6.1.2 on how to change permission to ASPNET).

a. In <appSettings> session, update the server, uid, and password fields for accessing the database:

     <add key="connectionString" value="server=servername;uid=username;pwd=password;database=ahraqdb"/>
     <add key="siteTitleName" value="AHRQ-HRSA Survey Administration" />
  1. Complete.

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