Preparedness for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive Events: Operations Manual (continued)

6.0  System Configuration and Administration Procedures

This section lists the steps needed to install and configure the questionnaire application.  Installing and configuring SQL Server, IIS, OS, and applying service packs are beyond the scope of the document. The document will be written at the level of system administrators. 

The Deployment package includes following folder structure;


  |____ CBRNESurveyApplication/

      |___ CBRNESurveyAdmin/

      |___ CBRNESurveyWeb/

      |___ Database        

      |___ Log    

CBRNESurveyAdmin/: This folder contains all the files and folder structure to set up the Survey Admin site.

CBRNESurveyWeb/: This folder contains all the files and folder structure to set up the Survey site.

Database/: This folder contains CBRNEDB.MDF and CBRNEDB.LDF files to set up the CBRNE SQL server database. It should be copied to a folder in the database server.

Log/: This folder is where the site will log run time exception.

The System Administrator should follow the package deployment instructions located in the next section to set up the applications.

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6.1.  Package Deployment Instructions

The CBRNE Preparedness Questionnaire is a Web-based application built utilizing ASP.NET on the .NET Framework v 1.1 and SQL Server 2000. No client side plug-in or applet needs to be installed. 

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6.1.1.  Database Deployment Description

The CBRNE Preparedness Web Questionnaire database was developed using SQL Server 2000. This step assumes that a SQL Server 2000 database server is available for use and that the database administrator is familiar with using SQL Server 2000. In order to install the database, follow the steps below:

  1. Copy the CBRNEDB.MDF and CBRNEDB.LDF files to the database server.
  2. Using SQL Server Enterprise, attach the CBRNEDB database.

Associated Steps:

2a. Open the SQL Server Enterprise Manager, and identify the database server where you want to put your database.
2b. Right-click on the database folder, and from the "All Tasks" option, select "Attach Database." This is shown in Figure 2 below.

Figure 2. CBRNEDB Attachment

Screen shot shows a File Manager titled 'SQL Server Enterprise Manager.' The file management tree is opened to select a folder labeled '(local) (Windows NT),' then a subfolder labeled 'Database'; from the menu beside this subfolder, the 'All Tasks' option and, 'Attach Database' are selected.

2c. Locate the "CBRNEDB.MDF" file on the server, select "sa" as database owner, and select "OK" to attach it to the database (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Database Attachment

Screen shot shows a box labeled 'Attach Database.'  Two items are checked in a list-- CBRNEDB_Data.MDF and CBRNEDB_Log.LDF. Below the list are two fields; one reads 'Attach as: CBRNEDB' and the other reads 'Specify Database Owner,' with 'aa' selected from a pull-down menu.

  1. Using the SQL Server Enterprise Manager, create a SQL server user account. An example could be "CBRNE_User." 

Associated Steps:

3a. Go to the "Security" folder, right-click, and select "New Login" (Figure 4).

Figure 4. SQL Server User Account

Screen shot the 'SQL Server Enterprise Manager.' The file management tree is opened to show a folder labeled '(local) (Windows NT),' then a subfolder labeled 'Security'; from the items within this subfolder, 'New Login' is selected.

3b. In the "Name" field, enter "cbrne_user."  
3c. Under "Authentication," select "SQL Server Authentication," and enter a new password. 
3d. Next, select "CBRNEDB" as the default Database (Figure 5).

Figure 5. New Login

Screen shot shows the New Login box, General tab.  In the field labeled 'Name,' the name 'cbrne_user' has been entered. Below, under 'Authentication,' a checkbox titled 'SQL Server Authentication' is selected; below this is a field labeled 'Password,' and three asterisks indicate that a password has been entered.  At the bottom, under 'Defaults,' 'CBRNEDB' is selected from a pull-down menu next to 'Database.'

3e. Next, select the "Database Access" tab.
3f. Select the checkbox in the row next to the "CBRNEDB" in the "Database" column and "cbrne_user" in the "User" column. Then, select OK (Figure 6). 

Figure 6.  New Login

Screen shot shows the New Login box, Database Access tab.  There are two checkbox lists; the first is headed 'Specify which databases can be accessed by this login:' and 'CBRNEDB' is selected; the second list is headed 'Database roles for CBRNEDB:' and 'public' is selected.

  1. Add the cbrne_user to the web_user role of the CBRNE database. The web_user role, already within the database, has the minimal set of permissions required to access the database, execute stored procedures, and update tables.

Associated Steps:

4a. Go to the database labeled "CBRNEDB," and select the node titled "Roles." You will see a role called "web_user." Select the "web_user" role (Figure 7).

Figure 7. Web User Role

Screen shot shows the 'SQL Server Enterprise Manager.' The file management tree is opened to show a folder labeled '(local) (Windows NT),' then a subfolder labeled 'Database.' Within the Database subfolder is a database icon labeled 'CBRNEDB,' and within it, an item labeled 'Roles' is highlightd.  A number of roles are listed on the right-hand portion of the screen and, from among these, 'web_user' is selected.

4b. Add "cbrne_user" to the "User" list, then select OK (Figure 8).

Figure 8:  Web User Role

Screen shot shows the Database Roles Properties box.  The name 'web_user' appears in a window labeled 'User,' and below, an 'Add' Button is highlighted.

  1. Process complete.

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