Preparedness for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive Events: Administrator's Guide (continued)

2.2. The Questionnaire Administration Web Site

The administrator can use the Questionnaire Administration Web Site to log in and change his/her password, view the number of submitted questionnaires, and download the submitted questionnaire data. The Questionnaire Administration Web Site is a separate Web site from the Questionnaire Site. In order to access the site, the user must have a valid username and password.

Login screen for Questionnaire Administration Web Site.  A box form provides fields to enter Username and Password.

Please refer to the Operations Manual  (PDF File, 600 KB; PDF Help) for instructions on tool installation and set up. 

2.2.1.  How to Log In and Change your Administrative Password

When you log in to the Questionnaire Administration site for the first time, you can use the following username and password: 

User name:  surveyadmin
Password:  changepassword

After logging in for the first time, it is highly recommended that you change your password.

After logging in for the first time, it is highly recommended that you change your password. To change the password, select the "Change Password" link on the right side of the screen. Enter your current password and the new chosen password. The system validates the current password, updates the password with the new password, and displays a message indicating that the password has been successfully updated.

2.2.2.   How to View the Response Report

To monitor response rates and verify data receipt, the administrator can view a "Questionnaire Response Summary Report." The report will provide the organization name, State, and point of contact (POC) E-mail address. The total number of submitted responses is located at the bottom right corner of the screen. Please note that the report displays questionnaire responses only from respondents who have reached the end of the questionnaire and have clicked on the "Submit and Close Out of Questionnaire" link. 

Survey Response Summary Report

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