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Integrated Science Program

Theodore S. Melis

Theodore S. Melis
Integrated Science Program Manager
Phone: 928.556.7282

Detailed Biography

The Integrated Science Program (ISP) represents the GCMRC’s initial reorganization to achieve science integration between physical, biological and socio-cultural elements of the monitoring and research program. Under the new organizational approach, integrated analysis of data on the Colorado River ecosystem is driven by team-based initiatives aimed at acquiring resource data, with integrated objectives for analysis clearly identified prior to data acquisition. Following data acquisition and storage activities in FY05, integrated analyses will be possible in relatively short timeframes owing to the functionality of the GCMRC’s state-of-the-art Oracle relational data engine. Through a combination of technological advances in database and positioning methods, as well as a new organizational structure, barriers that have hindered past integration efforts are eliminated in the ISP. Following, are descriptions and updates on current knowledge related to the individual elements of the ISP.