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National Radon Action Month


Welcome National Radon Action Month Partners! Within these pages you can share, plan, or find activities, and access the Event Planning Kit and graphics. You'll also find a collection of other useful resources and materials.

Consumers: Go to the Consumer Information page to learn how you can take action during National Radon Action Month.

Join the National Effort
States With The Most 2008 National Radon Action Month Activities
States # of Activities
Alabama 111
New Jersey 100
Michigan 82
Iowa 72
Nevada 51

Final totals - 2/11/08

Join the National Effort to Double the Lives Saved from Radon Exposure Over the Next Five Years

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has designated January as National Radon Action Month. In January, communities lead activities and host special events to raise awareness of the health effects of radon exposure, promote radon testing and mitigation, and advance the use of radon resistant new construction.

Conduct a National Radon Action Month activity or event in your community and join EPA, the states, radon professionals, and partner organizations in a national campaign to double the lives saved from radon induced lung cancer over the next five years.

News Updates

More than 700 Activities Organized by Local Groups in January 2008

More than 700 National Radon Action Month activities and events were conducted by local groups across the country in January 2008.  Organizations from 39 states, 3 territories, and 3 tribal nations joined together to increase radon awareness and help save lives from radon induced lung cancer.  View the 2008 activities map to learn about innovative radon outreach and start getting ideas for next year.

Click on the image for a larger version

2008 National Radon Poster Contest Winners

Nearly 2,000 students from 26 states and two U.S. Department of Defense schools entered the 2008 National Radon Poster Contest. The Contest was conducted in 2007 and winners were announced in January 2008. Read the National Safety Council press release.

View and download all the 2008 state and national poster winners on the NSC Web site .

2008 Radon Leaders

The 2008 Radon Awards and Recognition Ceremony.  Click on the image for a larger version.

Five Ways You Can Participate in National Radon Action Month

Below you'll find five simple ways to promote radon risk reduction during National Radon Action Month and throughout the year.

  1. Set a bold goal for your community to reduce radon risk. Whether you are conducting a single National Radon Action Month event, or developing an entire radon risk reduction program for your community, it is important to set goals to define what you will achieve. See the Event Planning Kit for more information.
  2. Plan a National Radon Action Month activity or event to kick off your campaign. Conduct activities and events designed to raise awareness, recognize successful efforts, and share best practices. Set goals and establish ways to measure results from your activities and events. See the Event Planning Kit for tips and tools.
  3. Promote your activity or event on EPA’s Web site and elsewhere. In addition to promoting radon outreach and education through your Web site, newsletters, and listservs, use EPA’s online Activity Submittal Form (available September 2008) to register your event and have it featured on the National Radon Action Month Web site. This Web site is a great way to promote your event and get exposure for your important work.
  4. Collaborate with local radon partners. Coordinate with your state radon program and local radon professionals to hold events and measure results.
  5. Work with the media to spread your message. Work with your local media outlets to run Public Service Announcements (PSAs) and generate media coverage of radon topics, events, and activities in your community. View and order customizable radon PSAs .  See the Event Planning Kit for tips on preparing press releases and Op-Eds.
Sign Up for the National Radon Action Month Newsletter

Receive updates featuring National Radon Action Month news, reminders, and tips for partners. To sign up for the newsletter, send an e-mail to the radon events coordinator (radonevents@cadmusgroup.com) with your name and e-mail address.  Please write “subscribe” in the subject line. Look for the next series of newsletter updates in Fall 2008.

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