Select first a library, then a sublibrary and finally click on a chemical element to obtain results.
Data is available for materials with a cyan background.

Library:    Sublibrary:


New in version 2.0:
  • Angular distributions of emitted neutrons (if available in MF=4)
  • Energy distributions of emitted neutrons and photons (if available in MF=5)
  • Computations (mathematical operations) on cross sections (MF=3)
In pipeline for 3.0: Energy-angle distributions (MF=6), covariances (MF=33)

Database Manager: Mike Herman, NNDC, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Web and Programming: B. Pritychenko, A.A. Sonzogni, NNDC, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Data Source: CSEWG and NEA-WPEC