Big Thicket National Preserve

  Resources Education Programs

We really enjoy working with children! Our education programs are as rich in diversity as the children and teachers we have the privilege of working with. We work with more than 4,000 children each school year both in the Preserve and in their classrooms and we thank them for letting us be part of their world.

All Resources Education Programs offered at Big Thicket National Preserve are designed to meet the Texas Education Agency’s Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and the Texas Assessment of Academic Skills requirements (TAAS).    

    Pre-Elementary Level-- 

Preserve Activities: 1. Sounds of Silence & The Nose Knows, 2. I Live in This Tree, 3. I Spy a Tree

Curriculum: 1. Science / Awareness, 2. Science / Social Studies, 3. Math / Art / Science / Language

Lessons: 1. Our Senses are an important way to learn about the natural world. 2. People depend on other living things and other people. 3. Classification of trees is based on similarities and differences.

Synopsis: 1. Students use their Senses to learn more about the world of the Big Thicket. 2. Students discover diversity on a tree, compare it to their community. 3. Children search for different leaves and make rubbings.

        First Grade Level--

 Preserve Activities: 1. Animal Locomotion, 2. The Giving Tree,  3. Nature’s Kaleidoscope

Curriculum: 1. Science / Drama, 2. English / Social Studies / Drama and, 3. Math / Drama

Lesson: 1. Animal movements are directly related to survival, 2. People and other living things are interdependent, 3. Color variety is protection in nature.

Synopsis: 1. Students mimic motions of animals found in Big Thicket and discuss the reasons for their habits, 2. Students role play the Shel Silverstein story, The Giving Tree©, 3. Kids search for various “animals” in a mini-world.

        Second Grade Level--

Preserve Activities: 1. Leaf Friend, 2. Nature’s Alphabet, 3. Organism Variation

Curriculum: 1. Science  2. English and Science  3. Science and Drama

Lesson: 1. Nature can be organized by patterns. 2. Observing nature is a lot of fun. 3. Variations in nature determine survival in the natural world.

Synopsis: 1. Children collect and match leaves in a game of concentration. 2. Students search for natural objects that start with letters from A to Z. 3. Students act out skits that show biological diversity.

       Third Grade Level--

Preserve Activity: 1. Safety Zone Tag, 2. Nature Quiz, 3. Hug-A-Tree

Curriculum: 1. Science and Drama,   2. Science and Math,  3. Science and Awareness

Lesson: 1. Many animals have territories, 2. All living things are interrelated, 3. All Senses are important to discovering nature.

Synopsis: 1. A game based on wildlife’s territorial behavior, 2. Children respond to questions of nature and trail observations, 3. Kids make a “friend” using their Senses.

     feather and small pine branch on the ground

    Fourth Grade Level--

Preserve Activities: SPICE of Life Hike

Curriculum: Science and Language

Lesson: Humans are a strand in the Web of Life.

Synopsis: Students hike and search for items listed on a task sheet.

    Fifth and Sixth Grades Levels--

Preserve Activities: Scavenger Hunt

Curriculum: Science and Language

Lesson: Natural cycles are found in the interdependence and interaction of all living things.

Synopsis: Students hike and search for items listed on their Scavenger Hunt Sheets.

    Secondary Level--

The Big Thicket—Natural Diversity, Curriculum Guide for secondary students. Lessons merge with existing studies to increase insight into the value of the National Preserve. References, lesson plans, and work sheets for use in the classroom. Park Rangers will conduct field trips tailored to your goals.

Oil and Gas in the Big Thicket, A hands-on program designed for the classroom. A Park Ranger presents the information and conducts the activities. The program addresses the biological diversity of the Preserve while showing the interdependence of the Oil and Gas Industry.

Big Thicket Ecosystem Analysis, This Globe oriented program, is hands-on and involves time in the field and classroom. Students analyze various components of the Preserve ecosystem: Water, Soil, Atmosphere, and living organisms. Park Rangers and teachers provide the direction.

    Teacher Workshops--

Recognition credit for teachers is offered for all approved workshops through the Texas Environmental Education Advisory Committee (TEEAC) and State Board of Education Certification (SBEC). Project WILD, Aquatic Project WILD, Project Learning Tree, Informational Programs, Specific Programs, Specialists Programs, and Environmental Education Skills.

All programs are by reservation only. Teachers receive lesson plans with confirmation. There are no fees for Preserve programs. Contact us at: 409-951-6725 for reservations.

Program Coordinator: Leslie Dubey, Education Specialist,  Big Thicket National Preserve, 3785 Milam Street, Beaumont, Texas 77701.  409-951-6721, Fax: 409-951-6718, e-mail:
