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News Releases and Statements For 2000


November 2000

Nov. 30, 2000World AIDS Day 2000: NIH Announces New Plan for Global AIDS Research
Nov. 29, 2000Novel Vaccine Protects Monkeys from Ebola Infection, NIAID News Advisory
Nov. 29, 2000Live Recombinant Vaccine Protects Against Fungal Disease, NIAID News Release
Nov. 20, 2000T Cell's Internal Housekeeping Service Plays Role in HIV Infection
Nov. 16, 2000Dr. Bernard Moss Wins Bristol-Myers Squibb Award
Nov. 15, 2000Researchers Identify New Genetic Risk Factor for HIV Infection, NIAID News Advisory

October 2000

Oct. 30, 2000Scientists Report Advance in Tackling Common Viral Respiratory Disease
Oct. 25, 2000Interleukin-2 May Help Patients With Advanced HIV Disease, New Study Shows, NIAID News Advisory
Oct. 19, 2000Single Gene Makes Killer Malaria Parasite Resistant to Chloroquine, NIAID News Release
Oct. 18, 2000NIAID Awards Major Malaria Vaccine Research Contract, NIAID News Release
Oct. 16, 2000Transgenic Mice Aid Research Into Deadly Cancer
Oct. 11, 2000Genome Sequencing Sheds Light on Bacterium Harmful to Newborns
Oct. 10, 2000Gene Alterations for Cystic Fibrosis May Also Account for Chronic Sinus Problems in Some

September 2000

Sept. 29, 2000Hepatitis C Initiative Expands to New Centers
Sept. 29, 2000Government and Industry Team Up to Battle Infectious Diseases
Sept. 20, 2000New Malaria Research Facility Dedicated in Mali, West Africa
Sept. 20, 2000Promising HIV Vaccine Strategy Identified in Monkey Studies
Sept. 18, 2000Largest Ever Randomized Study of IL-2 in the Treatment of HIV to be Presented at ICAAC
Sept. 8, 2000NIH study demonstrates surprising complication in HIV infection
Sept. 6, 2000International Team Accelerates Investigation of Immune-Related Genes

August 2000

Aug. 30, 2000NIH Researchers Discover "Feeding Channel" Created by Malaria Parasite Discovery Provides New Target for Malaria Treatments
Aug. 29, 2000B Cells May Help Maintain HIV Infection
Aug. 2, 2000DNA Blueprint of Deadly Cholera Bacterium Unveiled

July 2000

July 31, 2000NIH Scientists Unravel Clues to Ebola Hemorrhaging
July 13, 2000NIH Announces New Clinical Trials of Promising Transplant Therapy for Diabetes
July 13, 2000Identification of Yeast Mating Habits Opens New Doors to Candida Research
July 13, 2000Inexpensive AIDS Drug Still Reduces HIV Transmission from Mother to Child After One Year
July 12, 2000NIAID Creates Global Network to Advance Development of HIV Vaccines
July 12, 2000NIH Announces New International Network to Study HIV Prevention Strategies
July 11, 2000Fauci Presents New Data on Structured Intermittent Therapy at XIIIth World AIDS Conference in Durban, South Africa
July 8, 2000Adding IL-2 to Potent Anti-HIV Drugs Increases CD4+ T-Cell Counts Without Raising HIV Levels
July 6, 2000Researchers Create Blueprint for Tuberculosis Vaccine Development

June 2000

June 29, 2000Scientists Discover Fruit Fly Can Open Doors to Malaria Research
June 27, 2000NIAID Public-Private Partnerships Seek to Develop HIV/AIDS Vaccine
June 21, 2000NIAID-Industry Partnership Leads to Promising New Tuberculosis Drug

May 2000

May 25, 2000NIAID Creates Global Network to Advance Development of HIV Vaccines
May 15, 2000Third Annual HIV Vaccine Awareness Day Honors Volunteers, Promotes Research

April 2000

April 13, 2000Dr. Susan Pierce Named Chief of NIAID's Laboratory of Immunogenetics
April 13, 2000NIH Researchers Zero in on Viral Changes that Lead to Chronic Hepatitis C

March 2000

March 29, 2000Low Blood Levels of HIV Reduce Risk of Heterosexual Transmission
March 15, 2000NIAID Researchers Discover Why Some HIV-Infected People Don't Develop AIDS

February 2000

Feb. 24, 2000NIAID Researchers Identify New Drugs to Treat "Mad Cow"-Like Disease in Mice
Feb. 11, 2000NIAID and the Malaria Vaccine Initiative/PATH Sign Agreement to Accelerate Malaria Vaccine Research
Feb. 10, 2000NIH Clinical Center study demonstrates dangerous interaction between St. John's wort and an HIV protease inhibitor
Feb. 8, 2000Nasal Spray Vaccine Protects Against Unexpected Flu Strain

January 2000

Jan. 28, 2000Newly Updated HIV Treatment Guidelines for Adults and Adolescents Available on the World Wide Web
Jan. 18, 2000HHS Secretary Names Five to NIAID Advisory Council


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