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Did you know?

Before 1995, astronomers were only certain of the nine planets in our solar system. Since then, they have found dozens of planets orbiting other stars.
Astronomy Data

To understand what they are seeing, astronomers must examine vast amounts of data gathered by telescopes in space and on the ground. Astronomers are aided in this task by data centers, which process, analyze, and archive the information.
Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex
Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex

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Thin line

The following list includes sites that handle space data.
(Unless otherwise noted, the missions are managed by JPL.)

Deep Space Network Deep Space Network
   When the Deep Space Networks' antennae are not being used for communicating with spacecraft, they are used as science instruments to observe the universe through radio astronomy, radar astronomy and radio science.
Infrared Processing and Analysis Center Infrared Processing and Analysis Center
   This center processes data for the Two Mass All-Sky Survey and will handle data processing for the Space Infrared Telescope Facility.
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  Susan Watanabe
Tony Greicius, Martin Perez