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Research Technologies Branch

Mass Spectrometry Unit


Analyses and Technical Support

Molecular Mass Determinations of Organic Molecules, Peptides, Protein Digests, and Intact Proteins (API 365 TQMS)

  • Electrospray Ionization and Direct Infusion
    • Small ionizable molecules
    • Semi-purified and pure bio-molecules
    • Limited peptide and protein mixtures

  • Chromatography-Coupled Electrospray
    • Samples with salt and other contaminants
    • Complex mixtures and digests not amenable to direct infusion

  • Automated High Throughput Mass Analyses by Electrospray
    • Samples without detrimental salts by direct flow injection
    • Samples with salts removable with reverse phase trapping

    • Crude mixtures not amenable to electrospray
    • Tryptic digest analysis

Other Techniques (Presently Require Picomolar Amounts)

  • Estimation of peptide and protein purity by electrospray

  • Disulfide bond analysis

  • Chemically modified amino acids

  • MS/MS product ion analysis for structural information

Q-TOF2 Hybrid MS for Protein Identification and

Characterization (Shared Instrumentation, Bldg. 8)

  • Identification of proteins by peptide map LC/MS and combined LC/MS/MS (amino acid sequence data) from complex sources

  • Presently analyses are available for gel extracted protein digests and solution digests at low picomole amounts

  • Amenable to extensive peptide mapping of protein digests

  • Suited for de novo peptide sequencing

Qstar XL

  • Flexible MS/MS platform for both nano-electrospray coupled with LC Packings nano-flow HPLC system and o-MALDI analysis for rapid femtomole sensitivity protein identification

  • Suited for de novo peptide sequencing and extensive peptide mapping of protein digests

  • High sensitivity and accurate mass accuracy yield unequivocal molecular weights and protein structural information

  • Bioanalyst, Pro ID, and Pro ICAT software for advanced and automated analysis of mass spectrometry data 

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See Also

  • Division of Intramural Research (DIR)
  • Vaccine Research Center
  • Search in Labs at NIAID
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    See Also

  • Division of Intramural Research (DIR)
  • Vaccine Research Center