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World Agricultural Production
Crop Production Tables

October 1999

U.S. Crop & World Summary .pdf 17KB .wk3 119KB
World Grains by Commodity .pdf 46KB .wk3 220KB
World Oilseeds by Commodity .pdf 45KB .wk3 72KB
World Cotton .pdf 43KB .wk3 6KB
Reliability Table .pdf 15KB .wk3 47KB


The tables are available in Adobe Acrobat and Lotus version 3 format. You may need to GET the Acrobat reader.
Download the trade tables in Lotus 123 version 3 format. Please note that some versions of Netscape Navigator will change the filename extension; if this happens, you MUST rename the file to .wk4 to access it.

Last modified: Thursday, December 11, 2003