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October 2001

Graph showing the Durum Wheat Production in Selected Countries (MY 92/93 - 01/02; as of October 2001)

Durum wheat production for 2001/02 in selected countries is forecast at 22.2 million tons, down 4.2 million or 15 percent from last year and the lowest since 1993/94 when production was 21.3 million tons. Harvest area is forecast at 14.8 million hectares down 0.9 million or 6 percent from last season while yields dropped 11 percent to 1.5 tons per hectare. The downturns in production were all weather related as drought hit the western prairies of Canada and dipped southward into the United States. The European Union (EU), Canada, and the United States accounted for the total drop in production falling 4.9 million tons. The largest drop occurred in Canada of more than 2.1 million tons, lowering output to 3.1 million tons for 2001/02. Durum output in the United States dropped 0.7 million to 2.3 million tons for 2001/02. The EU's production fell 2.1 million to 6.9 million tons as unfavorable weather reduced yields. Slight output gains were made in minor producing countries of North Africa and Middle Eastern countries.

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Updated: December 03, 2003

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