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TOC\ Web Developer References\ Programming Languages\ < ColdFusion >\ <CF_Regular Expressions> 

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Advanced ColdFusion Development: Chapter 4 Regular Expressions *** - This chapter describes how regular expressions work in ColdFusion. As a prerequisite to understanding this material, a CFML developer should be thoroughly familiar with ColdFusion expressions. Covers: Regular Expressions, Single-Character Regular Expressions, Character Classes, Multi-Character Regular Expressions, Using Backreferences, Returning Matched Sub-Expressions, Anchoring a Regular Expression to a String.   URL:
Allaire HomeSite Conference - Regular Expressions **** - Questions and Answers in a thread format. A couple very useful begining tips.   URL:
CNET: Regular-Expression Inspector  - Writing regular expressions that work the way you expect them to is no trivial task. Use the Regular-expression inspector Cool Tool to ensure that your regular expressions work before including them in your code.   URL:
Cold Fusion Documentation on Regex **** - Regular expressions (REs) are used to match patterns in character strings. They are a way to specify all the possible variants in a search. Ordinary characters are combined with special characters to define the pattern for the search.   URL:
ColdFusion Basics - Regular Expressions  - Using Regular Expressions with ColdFusion. This article is an introduction to regular expressions, and cannot hope to cover all aspects of the subject. My goal is to explain what Regular Expressions are, and what they can be used for. For a complete reference, I recommend "Mastering Regular Expressions" from O'Reilly. This book is extremely thorough, and covers many of the more obscure abilities of regex processing.   URL:
Funduc Software  - Some examples of Search &amp; Replace's Regular Expression functions. Regexps are supported using a subset of the UNIX grep notation for Searching and DOS style Batch file input parameter notation.   URL:
Posix Basic Regular Expressions  - The PBRE language is a notation for describing textual patterns. Regexps are typically used by comparing them to a string to see if that string matches the pattern, or by searching within a string for a substring that matches.   URL:
Script Meridian: Regex Project  - The Regex extension provides regular expression pattern matching and searching for Frontier 5.1 or later running on Win95/98, Win NT, or a PowerPC-based Macintosh.   URL:

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This file last modified: Monday September 22, 2008  4:34 PM