From: []
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 4:57 PM
Subject: Bk Court Info Request


To: Bankruptcy Petition Preparation Vendors

E-mail Contact List
Our court advisory group, the Bankruptcy CM/ECF Working Group, has suggested that the Administrative Office post a list of all the bankruptcy software petition vendors with their e-mail addresses.  This list would be posted on an internal network site where judiciary staff could access it, but no one else.  In this way if a court wanted to notify the bankruptcy software petition vendors about anything they would use this "official" e-mail contact list.  I have taken the liberty to start such a list, but of course, I need you all to verify that I have the one or two names and e-mail addresses your company wants listed as the contact for court communications.  
Please let me know by January 26 if you have any concerns/edits to the attached draft list. [Please refer to your original E-mail from Robby Robinson of the AOUSC to review the draft list of E-mail Contacts.]

Data Enabled Forms Update
Since we last spoke, some of you submitted written comments on the wisdom of making data enabled forms a mandatory technical standard.  All of your comments were passed to a Subcommittee of the Judicial Conference's Committee on the Bankruptcy System.  The Subcommittee is made up of judges and has one Clerk of Court advisor.  The Subcommittee met and wrote the US Trustees requesting additional information.  The US Trustees responded with answers to the Subcommittee's questions.  The Subcommittee will meet later this month to discuss the proposal further.  We will continue to keep you informed.
Beginning February 1, 2007, all credit card fee payment transactions will require the security code field completed.  The security code are digits printed on the back of the credit card.

We appreciate all that you do for the bankruptcy system.  Have a Happy New Year!