World  Agricultural Production OnLine

Foreign Agricultural Service

Circular Series

WAP 08-05

August 2005


Table of Contents

World Agricultural Production in PDF Format 

Key Production Briefs

China: Larger Than Expected Wheat Crop in 2005/06

Argentina: Drought Reduces Wheat Production for 2005/06

European Union: Wheat And Barley Crops Drop Due to Dryness

China: Lower Rapeseed Production in 2005/06

China: Peanut Production Expected To Rise in 2005/06

Canada: Rapeseed Output Forecast Higher

Russia: Sunflowerseed Production Forecast at Record Level

India: Rice Production Forecast Lower on Monsoon Delay

Tanzania: Record Corn Output Forecasted For 2005/06

China: Corn Production in 2004/05 Revised Upward

Brazil: Cotton Area in 2005/06 Forecast to Decline



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