October 1999

This month's cover
Production Briefs
Crop Production Tables

Final Edition

Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division Links

PECAD Homepage
Crop Condition Assessment: Remote Sensing
Weekly Weather Maps
USDA Production, Supply and Distribution Database

Crop and Weather Information Below Provided by WAOB/JAWF

Crop Calendar by Month for Winter and Summer Crops
FSU Weather and Crop Highlights
China Weather and Crop Highlights
World Agricultural Weather Highlights

The following tables are available in Adobe Acrobat and Lotus version 3 format. You may need to GET the Acrobat reader.
Download the trade tables in Lotus 123 format. Please note that some versions of Netscape Navigator will change the filename extension; if this happens, you MUST rename the file to .wk4 to access it.

Last modified: Thursday, December 11, 2003