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October 10, 1997

UNITED STATES:  Recent warm, dry weather in the Corn Belt pushed crops
to maturity and allowed fieldwork to rapidly proceed.  Near-record
warmth in the Great Plains promoted winter wheat planting and emergence
but reduced topsoil moisture.  Unseasonably hot weather helped dry
cotton fields in the Southwest after Tropical Storm Nora.  Heavy rain in
western Oregon and Washington slowed fieldwork.

CANADA:  Prairie grain and oilseed harvests are virtually complete,
aided by a late killing freeze and extended periods of dry, warm
weather.  In Ontario and Quebec, however, a recent frost raised concern
for immature corn, which has been plagued all season by sluggish growth

SOUTH AMERICA:  In Argentina, recent light to moderate rain improved
growing conditions for winter wheat, previously stressed by a lack of
rain in September.  In southern Brazil, periodic heavy rain since
September 25 halted winter wheat harvesting and early corn planting but
spurred flowering in coffee areas. 
EUROPE: Mild weather and below-normal precipitation in September favored
corn, sunflower, and soybean maturation and harvesting.  Weather
conditions in September also favored winter wheat planting, typically
underway in eastern Europe.  Since early October, rain benefitted winter
wheat development in the east and boosted topsoil moisture for early
planting in the west.

FSU-WESTERN: Cool, showery weather in Russia and Ukraine slowed summer
crop harvesting but provided topsoil moisture for winter grain emergence
and establishment.

FSU-NEWLANDS: Unseasonably warm, dry weather in September in Russia and
Kazakstan favored rapid spring grain harvesting.

SOUTH ASIA: The monsoon began its seasonal withdrawal in September about
on schedule.  However, late-season rains benefitted immature oilseeds,
grains, and cotton in central and southern India.  Unfortunately,
untimely rain may have negatively affected maturing cotton across the
north.  Continuing seasonal rains in the eastern rice areas are
increasing irrigation reserves.

EASTERN ASIA: In early September, much-needed rain in the North China
Plain benefitted immature summer crops and boosted moisture for winter
wheat planting.  Seasonal fieldwork is currently underway.  Farther
south, frequent showers have maintained moisture reserves for late
double-crop rice but accompanying coolness has slowed growth.  A drying
trend over Manchuria has been generally favorable for summer crop
maturation and harvesting.  In Japan and the Koreas, wet weather the
later half of September slowed rice maturation and possible caused
localized flooding.
SOUTHEAST ASIA:  Drought continues over Indonesia, with the lack of
rainfall exacerbating the region's problem with smoke and smog. Showers
had been sporadic over Malaysia, but heavy rain in early October brought
some relief.  Frequent bouts of heavy rain and localized flooding in
Indochina have hampered rice harvests but increased moisture reserves
for dry-season cropping.  

AUSTRALIA: Scattered showers continued until mid-September over the
western and southeastern winter grain belts, favoring vegetative
development.  Over the past few weeks, drier weather has developed over
South Australia and Victoria as crops advanced toward reproduction.  
Farther north, recent beneficial rain in the sorghum and cotton region
has improved planting prospects..

(More details are available in the Weekly Weather and Crop Bulletin.
USDA/Joint Agricultural Weather Facility

               PRODUCTION HIGHLIGHTS FOR 1997/987
                          OCTOBER 1997

               --------1997/98--------              CHANGE
                    CURRENT    MONTHLY    MONTHLY   FROM
COUNTRY             ESTIMATES  CHANGE     CHANGE    1996/97
                     MMT       MMT      (PERCENT) (PERCENT)

World               600.6     +4.5          +1       +3
Production is estimated higher due to increases in the United States 
and total foreign category.

United States        68.8     +0.5          +1      +11
Production is forecast up due to increases in yield and harvested area.

Total Foreign       531.9     +4.0          +1       +2
Production is forecast higher as increases in Russia, India, Australia, and
Canada more than offset decreases in the EU-15 and Kazakstan.

Russia               42.0    +3.0           +8      +20

Production is forecast higher due to reports of higher yield as harvest

India                68.7    +1.7           +3      +10
Production is forecast higher as post-harvest reports indicate an 
increase in area and slightly larger yield.

Australia            17.0    +1.0           +6      -28     

Production is forecast higher due to recent above-normal rainfall in the
drought-stricken eastern growing regions, allowing yield to recover.

Canada               23.5    +0.5           +2      -21

Production is forecast higher based on a recent Statistics Canada report,
raising yield.

EU-15               95.8     -1.3           -1       -3     

Production is forecast lower due to a reduction in area and yield for the
wheat crop in France.  Also, yields were decreased in the United Kingdom 
but increased in Germany.

Kazakstan           9.0      -1.0          -10      +17
Production is forecast lower due to initial harvest progress reports that
indicate reduced yield.

                          COARSE GRAINS

World              878.9     -2.9           -0        -3
Production is estimated lower as a decrease in the total foreign 
category more than offsets an increase in the United States.

United States       264.3    +1.1           +0        -1
Production is forecast higher as increases in corn and sorghum more than
offset decreases in barley, oats, and rye.  Corn production is the third
highest on record.
Total Foreign        614.5   -4.0           -1         -3
Production is projected lower mainly due to decreases in China, India, 
Brazil, Canada, North Korea, and several countries in Central and 
South America that more than offset increases in Eastern Europe, 
Russia, Australia, and the EU-15.

China                 118.2  -5.0           -4        -16     

Production is forecast lower as a result of field travel by several 
USDA teams that confirmed drought and typhoon damage in the corn 
growing areas, reducing yield.

India                  31.2  -1.5            -5        -6     

Production is forecast lower as dry weather in the sorghum growing region
reduced area and yield prospects.

Brazil                 34.8   -1.0           -3        -6     

Production is forecast lower due to a downward revision of last 
season's corn area and production.  The 1997/98 corn area remains 
below last year's level.

Canada                 24.8    -0.6           -2       -11     

Production is forecast lower based on a recent Statistics  Canada report
reducing corn yield.

North Korea             0.8    -0.5           -38       -20
Production is forecast lower as corn area and yield are reduced due to 
earlier hot, dry weather and the premature harvest of corn for grain.

Eastern Europe          55.1    +2.3           +4        +11
Production is forecast higher as favorable rainfall throughout the growing
season boosted corn yield, especially in Hungary, Romania, and former

Russia                  38.4    +1.5           +4        +21

Production is forecast higher as preliminary harvest progress reports 
indicate an increase in barley yield.

Australia                7.6    +0.5           +7         -23     

Production is forecast higher as favorable wet weather in the southern 
and western barley growing areas relieved stress, allowing for yield recovery.
EU-15                  107.0    +0.2           +0          +3     

Production is forecast higher mainly due to an increase in Spain's 
corn yield potential.

                   WORLD RICE (MILLED BASIS)

World                   380.9   +2.2            +1         +0
Production is projected higher as an increase in the total foreign category
more than offsets a decrease in the United States.

United States             5.9   -0.1            -1         +5
Production is estimated lower due to a decrease in yield.

Total Foreign           375.0    +2.3           +1         +0
Production is forecast higher due to increases in China, India, and Brazil
that more than offset decreases in several Central American countries.

China                   136.0    +2.0           +1         -0

Production is forecast higher based on increased area and a bumper 
early-rice harvest.

India                   81.5     +0.5           +1          +1     

Production is forecast higher based on increased yield as a result 
of another favorable monsoon season.

Brazil                   6.5     +0.2            +2           -2     

Production is forecast higher based on increased yield potential 
as producers increase investment in farm inputs, such as seed and 

World                   276.4     +0.9            +0          +7

Production is forecast higher due to an increase in the total foreign 
category which more than offset decreases in the United States.

United States            84.2     -0.6            -1          +13
Production is forecast lower due to declines in soybean and peanut 
yields which more than offset an increase in sunflowerseed.

Total Foreign           192.3      +1.6           +1           +5
Production is estimated higher primarily on the basis of increases 
in Indian soybeans and French rapeseed and sunflowerseed.

France                    5.7       +0.5         +10          +11
Production is estimated higher based on higher rapeseed area and 
increased yields for rapeseed and sunflowerseed.

India                    26.2       +0.5          +2           +1
Production is estimated higher due to increased soybean area 
estimates and a favorable monsoon.

Poland                    0.5        +0.1        +35          +20
Production is forecast higher based on post-harvest estimates 
which indicates more spring planting of rapeseed than was previously 

Turkmenistan              0.4        +0.1        +43          +65
Production of cottonseed is estimated higher based on favorable 
weather and increased fertilizer application.

                            PALM OIL
World                    17.6         0.1        +1            +3
Production is forecast higher due to an increase in Malaysia which 
more than offset a decline in Indonesia.

Malaysia                  9.0        +0.2        +2            +1
Production is forecast higher based on higher-than-expected production in
1996/97 and a strong upward trend for palm oil production.

Indonesia                 5.4       -0.1         -2            +6
Production is forecast lower based on dryer than normal conditions, 
especially in central Sumatra and Kalimantan.

World Total              89.9       +1.0         +1            +1
Production is forecast higher due to an increase in the total foreign
category, more than offsetting a very slight decrease in the United States.

United States            18.4       -0.0         -0            -3
Production is virtually unchanged from last month.  

Total Foreign            71.5       +1.1         +1            +2
Production is forecast up due to higher production in India, Argentina,
Turkmenistan, Brazil, and Syria, offsetting lower output in a few minor

India                     13.1      +0.3          +2           -5

Production is estimated up due to higher yield as official government 
data now includes cotton that is  not baled or pressed but used in 
loose form by the local textile industry.

Argentina                  2.1      +0.3        +14            +41     

Production is forecast up due to higher area.  The increase in area is 
mainly a result of high prices as the demand pull from Brazil has 
forced Argentine prices upward.

Turkmenistan               1.0      +0.3        +43            +67
Production is forecast up due to improved yield prospects based on higher
fertilizer application, farmers economic incentives and favorable maturation
and harvest weather.

Brazil                      1.8      +0.2         +9            +35     

Production is forecast up due to higher area.  Area is forecast at 
0.9 million hectares.  Yields are forecast above average due to 
anticipated increase use of farm inputs and equipment.

Syria                       1.2      +0.1        +10             +15

Production is estimated up due to improving yield prospect as good 
weather has continued through maturation and into the start of 
harvest activities.

     WHEAT : World Production Estimates
    1995/96 - 1996/97 and Forecast 1997/98
    Production, Area, and Yield for Selected Producers

              |          |          |PRELIMINARY|1997/98 FORECAST
  PRODUCER    |  UNIT    | 1995/96  | 1996/97   |Sep. 12  Oct. 10
  Production   MIL. MT     537.311    582.724    596.108  600.640
  Area         MIL. HA     219.351    230.562    228.194  228.757
  Yield        MT/HA         2.450      2.527      2.612    2.626
  Production   MIL. MT      59.400     62.191     68.234   68.761
  Area         MIL. HA      24.664     25.466     25.696   25.729
  Yield        MT/HA         2.408      2.442      2.655    2.673
  Production   MIL. MT     477.911    520.533    527.874  531.879
  Area         MIL. HA     194.687    205.096    202.498  203.028
  Yield        MT/HA         2.455      2.538      2.607    2.620
  Production   MIL. MT       8.600     16.100     12.700   12.700
  Area         MIL. HA       4.500      7.000      5.800    5.800
  Yield        MT/HA         1.911      2.300      2.190    2.190
  Production   MIL. MT      16.504     23.586     16.000   17.000
  Area         MIL. HA       9.721     11.327     10.800   10.800
  Yield        MT/HA         1.698      2.082      1.481    1.574
  Production   MIL. MT      25.037     29.801     23.000   23.500
  Area         MIL. HA      11.141     12.262     11.400   11.400
  Yield        MT/HA         2.247      2.430      2.018    2.061
  Production   MIL. MT      86.161     99.000     97.050   95.750
  Area         MIL. HA      16.161     16.802     17.126   17.076
  Yield        MT/HA         5.331      5.892      5.667    5.607
  Production   MIL. MT      59.320     62.944     75.720   77.720
  Area         MIL. HA      45.358     47.790     47.605   47.605
  Yield        MT/HA         1.308      1.317      1.591    1.633
  Production   MIL. MT      34.970     26.300     34.750   34.750
  Area         MIL. HA       9.710      8.689      9.855    9.855
  Yield        MT/HA         3.601      3.027      3.526    3.526
  Production   MIL. MT     102.215    110.570    121.000  121.000
  Area         MIL. HA      28.860     29.610     30.000   30.000
  Yield        MT/HA         3.542      3.734      4.033    4.033
  Production   MIL. MT      65.470     62.620     67.000   68.700
  Area         MIL. HA      25.600     25.100     25.400   25.900
  Yield        MT/HA         2.557      2.495      2.638    2.653
  Production   MIL. MT      17.002     16.907     17.000   17.000
  Area         MIL. HA       8.170      8.376      8.100    8.100
  Yield        MT/HA         2.081      2.019      2.099    2.099
  Production   MIL. MT      15.500     16.000     16.000   16.000
  Area         MIL. HA       8.550      8.450      8.500    8.500
  Yield        MT/HA         1.813      1.893      1.882    1.882
  Production   MIL. MT       3.460      3.375      3.800    3.800
  Area         MIL. HA       0.870      0.809      0.919    0.919
  Yield        MT/HA         3.977      4.172      4.135    4.135
  Production   MIL. MT       0.946      0.967      1.000    0.910
  Area         MIL. HA       0.167      0.165      0.163    0.160
  Yield        MT/HA         5.665      5.861      6.135    5.688
October 10, 1997         Timothy Rocke, Grains Chairperson, PECAD

    CORN : World Production Estimates
    1995/96 - 1996/97 and Forecast 1997/98
    Production, Area, and Yield for Selected Producers

              |          |          |PRELIMINARY |1997/98 FORECAST
  PRODUCER    |  UNIT    | 1995/96  | 1996/97    |Sep. 12  Oct. 10
  Production   MIL. MT     516.149    589.817    573.681  570.399
  Area         MIL. HA     134.282    140.907    141.517  140.820
  Yield        MT/HA         3.844      4.186      4.054    4.051
  Production   MIL. MT     187.305    236.064    235.409  236.528
  Area         MIL. HA      26.303     29.602     29.967   29.967
  Yield        MT/HA         7.121      7.975      7.856    7.893
  Production   MIL. MT     328.844    353.753    338.272  333.871
  Area         MIL. HA     107.979    111.305    111.550  110.853
  Yield        MT/HA         3.045      3.178      3.032    3.012
  Production   MIL. MT      11.100     14.700     13.000   13.000
  Area         MIL. HA       2.700      3.225      3.000    3.000
  Yield        MT/HA         4.111      4.558      4.333    4.333
  Production   MIL. MT      10.200      9.012      8.500    8.500
  Area         MIL. HA       3.300      3.360      3.200    3.200
  Yield        MT/HA         3.091      2.682      2.656    2.656
  Production   MIL. MT       3.700      3.900      3.200    3.200
  Area         MIL. HA       1.140      1.200      1.150    1.150
  Yield        MT/HA         3.246      3.250      2.783    2.783
  Production   MIL. MT      25.371     25.715     26.225   28.525
  Area         MIL. HA       6.949      7.023      6.830    6.830
  Yield        MT/HA         3.651      3.662      3.840    4.176
  Production   MIL. MT      29.224     34.625     36.125   36.425
  Area         MIL. HA       3.732      4.091      4.230    4.230
  Yield        MT/HA         7.831      8.464      8.540    8.611
  Production   MIL. MT       7.010      4.824      7.735    7.735
  Area         MIL. HA       2.465      2.136      2.753    2.753
  Yield        MT/HA         2.844      2.258      2.810    2.810
  Production   MIL. MT      17.780     19.500     19.500   19.500
  Area         MIL. HA       7.800      8.200      8.500    8.500
  Yield        MT/HA         2.279      2.378      2.294    2.294
  Production   MIL. MT     112.000    127.470    110.000  105.000
  Area         MIL. HA      22.767     24.498     23.500   23.500
  Yield        MT/HA         4.919      5.203      4.681    4.468
  Production   MIL. MT      32.480     36.160     35.000   34.000
  Area         MIL. HA      13.767     13.877     14.000   13.600
  Yield        MT/HA         2.359      2.606      2.500    2.500
  Production   MIL. MT       4.324      4.250      4.200    4.200
  Area         MIL. HA       2.760      2.730      2.700    2.700
  Yield        MT/HA         1.567      1.557      1.556    1.556
  Production   MIL. MT       6.000      6.500      7.000    7.000
  Area         MIL. HA       3.531      3.550      3.580    3.580
  Yield        MT/HA         1.699      1.831      1.955    1.955
  Production   MIL. MT       7.271      7.200      7.500    6.900
  Area         MIL. HA       1.003      1.040      1.050    1.050
  Yield        MT/HA         7.249      6.923      7.143    6.571
October 10, 1997         Timothy Rocke, Grains Chairperson, PECAD

    SOYBEANS : World Production Estimates
    1995/96 - 1996/97 and Forecast 1997/98
    Production, Area, and Yield for Selected Producers

              |          |          |PRELIMINARY |1997/98 FORECAST
  PRODUCER    |  UNIT    | 1995/96  | 1996/97    |Sep. 12  Oct. 10
  Production   MIL. MT     124.440    131.356    147.396  147.242
  Area         MIL. HA      61.246     62.709     67.679   68.074
  Yield        MT/HA         2.032      2.095      2.178    2.163
  Production   MIL. MT      59.243     64.837     74.731   74.077
  Area         MIL. HA      24.938     25.661     28.254   28.254
  Yield        MT/HA         2.376      2.527      2.645    2.622
  Production   MIL. MT      65.197     66.519     72.665   73.165
  Area         MIL. HA      36.308     37.048     39.425   39.820
  Yield        MT/HA         1.796      1.795      1.843    1.837
  Production   MIL. MT      12.430     11.500     14.200   14.200
  Area         MIL. HA       5.980      6.200      6.500    6.500
  Yield        MT/HA         2.079      1.855      2.185    2.185
  Production   MIL. MT      23.700     26.500     28.000   28.000
  Area         MIL. HA      10.950     11.800     12.600   12.600
  Yield        MT/HA         2.164      2.246      2.222    2.222
  Production   MIL. MT       2.400      2.600      2.700    2.700
  Area         MIL. HA       1.100      1.200      1.250    1.250
  Yield        MT/HA         2.182      2.167      2.160    2.160
  Production   MIL. MT      13.500     13.220     13.500   13.500
  Area         MIL. HA       8.127      7.470      8.200    8.200
  Yield        MT/HA         1.661      1.770      1.646    1.646
  Production   MIL. MT       1.560      1.500      1.500    1.500
  Area         MIL. HA       1.346      1.300      1.300    1.300
  Yield        MT/HA         1.159      1.154      1.154    1.154
  Production   MIL. MT       0.288      0.344      0.306    0.306
  Area         MIL. HA       0.166      0.201      0.189    0.174
  Yield        MT/HA         1.735      1.711      1.619    1.759
  Production   MIL. MT       0.939      1.153      1.412    1.442
  Area         MIL. HA       0.291      0.335      0.418    0.428
  Yield        MT/HA         3.227      3.442      3.378    3.369
  Production   MIL. MT       2.293      2.170      2.700    2.700
  Area         MIL. HA       0.824      0.860      1.050    1.050
  Yield        MT/HA         2.783      2.523      2.571    2.571
October 10, 1997         Rod Paschal, Oilseeds Chairperson, PECAD

    COTTON : World Production Estimates
    1995/96 - 1996/97 and Forecast 1997/98
    Production, Area, and Yield for Selected Producers

              |          |          |PRELIMINARY |1997/98 FORECAST
  PRODUCER    |  UNIT    | 1995/96  | 1996/97    |Sep. 12  Oct. 10
  Production   MIL. BALES   92.982     89.009     88.824   89.866
  Area         MIL. HA      35.933     33.796     33.883   34.088
  Yield        KG/HA       563.400    573.429    570.768  573.991
  Production   MIL. BALES   17.900     18.942     18.418   18.410
  Area         MIL. HA       6.478      5.208      5.438    5.438
  Yield        KG/HA       602.000    792.000    737.000  737.000
  Production   MIL. BALES   75.082     70.067     70.406   71.456
  Area         MIL. HA      29.455     28.588     28.445   28.650
  Yield        KG/HA       555.000    534.000    539.000  543.000
  Production   MIL. BALES    1.970      2.800      2.800    2.800
  Area         MIL. HA       0.301      0.384      0.420    0.420
  Yield        KG/HA      1425.000   1588.000   1452.000 1452.000
  Production   MIL. BALES    0.065      0.029      0.024    0.024
  Area         MIL. HA       0.019      0.011      0.010    0.010
  Yield        KG/HA       745.000    574.000    523.000  523.000
  Production   MIL. BALES    1.088      1.568      1.600    1.600
  Area         MIL. HA       0.306      0.387      0.370    0.370
  Yield        KG/HA       774.000    882.000    942.000  942.000
  Production   MIL. BALES    0.974      1.077      0.800    0.800
  Area         MIL. HA       0.318      0.246      0.200    0.200
  Yield        KG/HA       667.000    953.000    871.000  871.000
  Production   MIL. BALES    8.200      7.300      8.000    8.000
  Area         MIL. HA       3.048      3.200      3.200    3.200
  Yield        KG/HA       586.000    497.000    544.000  544.000
  Production   MIL. BALES    0.490      0.450      0.500    0.500
  Area         MIL. HA       0.220      0.230      0.260    0.260
  Yield        KG/HA       485.000    426.000    419.000  419.000
  Production   MIL. BALES    3.911      3.600      3.500    3.500
  Area         MIL. HA       0.757      0.750      0.750    0.750
  Yield        KG/HA      1125.000   1045.000   1016.000 1016.000
  Production   MIL. BALES    8.260      6.500      7.700    8.000
  Area         MIL. HA       2.573      2.545      2.630    2.630
  Yield        KG/HA       699.000    556.000    637.000  662.000
  Production   MIL. BALES    1.929      1.493      1.850    2.100
  Area         MIL. HA       0.960      0.880      0.900    1.000
  Yield        KG/HA       437.000    369.000    448.000  457.000
  Production   MIL. BALES    1.791      1.300      1.600    1.750
  Area         MIL. HA       1.130      0.695      0.775    0.900
  Yield        KG/HA       345.000    407.000    450.000  423.000
  Production   MIL. BALES   21.900     19.300     17.500   17.500
  Area         MIL. HA       5.422      4.722      4.500    4.500
  Yield        KG/HA       879.000    890.000    847.000  847.000
  Production   MIL. BALES   13.250     13.781     12.800   13.100
  Area         MIL. HA       9.063      9.166      9.000    9.000
  Yield        KG/HA       318.000    327.000    310.000  317.000
October 10, 1997          Ron Roberson, Cotton Chairperson, PECAD

    RICE (Milled Basis) : World Production Estimates
    1995/96 - 1996/97 and Forecast 1997/98
    Production, Area, and Yield for Selected Producers

              |          |          |PRELIMINARY |1997/98 FORECAST
  PRODUCER    |  UNIT    | 1995/96  | 1996/97    |Sep. 12  Oct. 10
  Production   MIL. MT     371.600    380.035    378.683  380.890
  Area         MIL. HA     148.468    148.922    148.843  148.905
  Yield        MT/HA         2.503      2.552      2.544    2.558
  Production   MIL. MT       5.631      5.595      5.926    5.858
  Area         MIL. HA       1.252      1.133      1.229    1.229
  Yield        MT/HA         4.498      4.938      4.822    4.766
  Production   MIL. MT     365.969    374.440    372.757  375.032
  Area         MIL. HA     147.216    147.789    147.614  147.676
  Yield        MT/HA         2.486      2.534      2.525    2.540
  Production   MIL. MT       3.936      4.260      4.300    4.300
  Area         MIL. HA       2.162      2.230      2.200    2.200
  Yield        MT/HA         1.821      1.910      1.955    1.955
  Production   MIL. MT       9.860      9.000      9.600    9.600
  Area         MIL. HA       5.666      5.600      5.650    5.650
  Yield        MT/HA         1.740      1.607      1.699    1.699
  Production   MIL. MT      14.388     13.700     14.000   14.000
  Area         MIL. HA       9.032      9.175      9.200    9.200
  Yield        MT/HA         1.593      1.493      1.522    1.522
  Production   MIL. MT     129.650    136.570    134.000  136.000
  Area         MIL. HA      30.745     31.406     30.700   31.400
  Yield        MT/HA         4.217      4.349      4.365    4.331
  Production   MIL. MT      33.215     32.900     33.300   33.300
  Area         MIL. HA      11.570     11.300     11.500   11.500
  Yield        MT/HA         2.871      2.912      2.896    2.896
  Production   MIL. MT       4.694      5.320      4.870    4.900
  Area         MIL. HA       1.056      1.050      1.045    1.050
  Yield        MT/HA         4.445      5.067      4.660    4.667
  Production   MIL. MT       9.781      9.413      9.000    9.000
  Area         MIL. HA       2.118      1.977      1.960    1.960
  Yield        MT/HA         4.618      4.761      4.592    4.592
  Production   MIL. MT       6.834      6.628      6.350    6.500
  Area         MIL. HA       3.880      3.570      3.550    3.550
  Yield        MT/HA         1.761      1.857      1.789    1.831
  Production   MIL. MT       0.680      1.006      0.850    0.850
  Area         MIL. HA       0.149      0.166      0.160    0.160
  Yield        MT/HA         4.564      6.060      5.313    5.313
  Production   MIL. MT       7.263      7.300      7.300    7.300
  Area         MIL. HA       3.924      3.900      3.900    3.900
  Yield        MT/HA         1.851      1.872      1.872    1.872
  Production   MIL. MT      79.620     80.540     81.000   81.500
  Area         MIL. HA      42.300     42.700     42.800   42.200
  Yield        MT/HA         1.882      1.886      1.893    1.931
  Production   MIL. MT      17.687     18.420     18.500   18.500
  Area         MIL. HA       9.941     10.030     10.000   10.000
  Yield        MT/HA         1.779      1.836      1.850    1.850
October 10, 1997         Timothy Rocke, Grains Chairperson, PECAD