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World Agricultural Production

April 14, 1997

This report draws on information from USDA's global network of agricultural attaches and counselors, official statistics of foreign governments, other foreign source materials, and results of office analysis. Estimates of U.S. acreage, yield and production are from the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board, except where noted. This report is based on unrounded data; numbers may not add to totals because of rounding. The report reflects official USDA estimates released in the World Agricultural Supply Estimates (WASDE-325) April 11, 1997.

The report was prepared by the Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division, FAS, AGBOX 1045, 14th and Independence Ave., Washington, DC 20250-1000. Further information may be obtained by writing to the division, or by calling (202) 720-0888, 9516, or by FAX (202) 720-8880.

The next issue of World Agricultural Production, Part 1, will be available electronically after 3:30 pm local time on April 14, 1997.


April 11, 1997

UNITED STATES: Paralyzing spring storms produced heavy snow and blizzard conditions across the northern Plains and upper Midwest, already inundated by significant snowmelt runoff into the river drainage basins. Beneficial rain fell over most hard red winter wheat areas in early April, but bitter cold air poured into the Great Plains breaking low temperature records and threatening jointing wheat in southern crop areas. Wet weather slowed fieldwork progress in eastern Texas and the lower Mississippi Valley, while dry weather favored planting progress in the Southeast.

SOUTH AMERICA: Below-normal rainfall continued throughout most of March, reducing soybean yields in Argentina. The dryness, however, favored corn and sunflower harvesting. In southern Brazil, below-normal March rainfall favored soybean maturation and harvesting. However, dryness late in the month stressed late-filling soybeans in Rio Grande do Sul.

EUROPE: Persistent dryness in Spain and Portugal lowered crop prospects for nonirrigated winter grains and limited topsoil moisture for spring-sown crops. Well-below-normal precipitation in March in France and the United Kingdom limited moisture for winter grain development but allowed rapid spring grain planting. Mild weather and periodic showers in Germany favored winter grain development and caused only minor planting delays. In eastern Europe, although near- to above-normal precipitation in March provided adequate moisture for winter grains which resumed spring tillering, it slowed spring grain planting, especially in southern areas.

FSU-WESTERN: Cold, wet weather during the second half of March prevented further greening of winter grains in Ukraine and kept winter grains dormant in Russia. Furthermore, the cold wet conditions halted early season fieldwork. In early April, a warming trend accomapnied several days of dryness, allowing a resumption in early season fieldwork and prompting further greening of winter grains.

NORTHWEST AFRICA: Drought continued to reduce yield prospects for winter grains in Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia. Recent showers helped stabilize conditions for drought-stressed crops.

SOUTH AFRICA: Frequent, locally heavy showers, accompanied by below-normal temperatures, kept filling to maturing corn unfavorably wet throughout March. Patchy frost in early April likely causes no significant corn damage. Coastal showers since late March preclude early sugarcane harvests. Winter wheat planting (April to June) prospects are favorable in Orange Free State and environs due to recent wetness. More rain is needed in western crop areas of Western Cape for wheat germination.

EASTERN ASIA: Near- to above-normal March rainfall covered most of China, aiding winter grains and boosting irrigation supplies. Only portions of Manchuria and the Yangtze Valley received below normal rainfall.

SOUTHEAST ASIA: Below normal March rainfall favored main-season rice harvesting in Java. Rain during late-March and early-April favored rainfed second-crop rice in northern and central Thailand, but slowed harvesting in the east. Below normal March rainfall prevailed across peninsular Malaysia and most of the Philippines, reducing moisture supplies.

AUSTRALIA: Heavy late-March showers along Queensland's coast increase moisture for sugarcane but reportedly cause local flooding and damage. The rain affects only fringe cotton and sorghum areas as dryness over the bulk of interior summer cropland favors maturation. Beneficial rain improves pre-planting moisture levels in winter grain areas of Western Australia but the southeast was dry.

(More details are available in the Weekly Weather and Crop Bulletin. USDA/Joint Agricultural Weather Facility


April 1997

               ------------1996/97-------------   Change
               Current     Monthly     Monthly    From
Country        Estimate    Change      Change     1995/96
                MMT        MMT       (PERCENT)   (PERCENT)

World           581.6       0.1          0           8     
Production is estimated higher this month due to an increase in the total
foreign category.

United States    62.1        NC         NC           5     
Production is unchanged.

Total Foreign   519.5       0.1          0           8     
Production is estimated higher due to increases in Egypt, Lithuania, and
the European Union which more than offset a decrease in Turkey.

Egypt             5.7       0.3          6           1     
Production is estimated higher due to increases in area and yield.

Lithuania         0.9       0.2         25          46     
Production is estimated higher due to increases in  area and yield.

European Union   99.4       0.1          0          15     
Production is estimated higher due to upward adjustments in output for
Ireland, Portugal, and Sweden.

Turkey           16.0      -0.5         -3           3     
Production is estimated lower due to a downward revision in yield. 

                       COARSE GRAINS
World           896.2       8.5          1          12     
Production is estimated higher this month due to an increase in the total
foreign category.

United States   267.6        NC         NC          28     
Production is unchanged.

Total Foreign   628.6       8.5          1           7     
Production is estimated higher due to increases in China, Brazil, the
European Union, and Hungary.  Reductions were made in output for Turkey
and Belarus.

China           135.4       5.0          4           9     
Production is estimated higher due to increases in corn area and yield
based upon official total grain statistics.

Brazil           37.8       3.0          9          14     
Production is estimated higher for corn due to increases in area and
yield. The main-season crop grew under generally favorable conditions; while the
area for the second crop expanded under generally favorable weather and
economic incentives.

European Union  104.5       0.5          0          18     
Production is estimated higher due to small increases  for Ireland,
Sweden, and Portugal.
Hungary           7.0       0.3          5          28     
Production is estimated higher due to an upward revision in corn yield.

Turkey            9.9      -0.5         -5           6     
Production is estimated lower due to a reduction in barley yield.

Belarus           5.1      -0.4         -7           2     
Production is estimated lower for barley and rye based  official
statistics indicating a reduction in total-grain output.

                     RICE (MILLED BASIS)

World           376.9         2          1           1     
Production is estimated higher this month due to an increase in the total
foreign category.

United States     5.6        NC         NC          -1     
Production is unchanged.

Total Foreign   371.3       2.0          1           1     
Production is estimated higher mainly due to increases in  China and

China           133.7       1.7          1           3     
Production is estimated higher based on official statistics indicating a
larger total-grain output.

Egypt             3.1       0.6         22           3     
Production is estimated higher based on an increase in area.  Producers
exceeded the Government target due to the higher profitability of rice
over other crops.

Iran              1.6       -0.3       -16           3     
Production is estimated lower due primary to a reduction in yield.



World            259.5       0.4         0            1     
Production is estimated higher this month due primarily to an increase in
the total foreign category as well as a slight increase in the United

United States     74.9       0.0         0            8     
Production is estimated higher due to a slight increase in U.S. peanut

Total Foreign    184.5       0.4         0           -2     
Production is forecast slightly higher mainly due to a revised cottonseed
estimate in China, which more than offset lower soybean output in

China             40.4       .07         2           -6     
Production is forecast higher based on improved cotton yield  reported by
China's State Statistical Bureau.

Argentina          19.8     -0.2        -1            2     
Production is estimated lower based on a reduction in soybean yield due to
dryness in southern Santa Fa and Cordoba Provinces.

                          PALM OIL

World              16.7       0.1        0            6     
Production is forecast higher based on historical and current
adjustments for Papua New Guinea.

              ------------1996/97-------------   Change
                Current     Monthly   Monthly      From
Country         Estimate    Change    Change       1995/96
                MBALES      MBALES   (PERCENT)    (PERCENT)
World              88.1       1.8        2           -4     
Production is estimated higher this month due to an increase in the total
foreign category.

United States      19.0        NC       NC            6     
Production is unchanged.

Total Foreign      69.2       1.8        3           -7     
Production is forecast higher primarily due to increased output in China
and Pakistan.

China              19.3       1.8       10          -12     
Production is forecast higher based on data from the State Statistical

Pakistan            7.1       0.1        1          -13     
Production is estimated higher due to improved yield prospects. 

    WHEAT : World Production Estimates
    1994/95 - 1995/96 and Forecast 1996/97
    Production, Area, and Yield for Selected Producers

              |         |          |PRELIMINAR | 1996/97 FORECAST
  PRODUCER    |  UNIT   | 1994/95  | 1995/96   | Mar. 11  Apr. 11
  Production   MIL. MT    524.568     538.372     581.459  581.564
  Area         MIL. HA    215.162     219.583     229.753  229.893
  Yield        MT/HA        2.438       2.452       2.531    2.530
  Production   MIL. MT     63.167      59.400      62.099   62.099
  Area         MIL. HA     24.998      24.664      25.435   25.435
  Yield        MT/HA        2.527       2.408       2.441    2.441
  Production   MIL. MT    461.401     478.972     519.360  519.465
  Area         MIL. HA    190.164     194.919     204.318  204.458
  Yield        MT/HA        2.426       2.457       2.542    2.541
  Production   MIL. MT     11.300       9.200      15.500   15.500
  Area         MIL. HA      5.100       4.781       6.700    6.700
  Yield        MT/HA        2.216       1.924       2.313    2.313
  Production   MIL. MT      8.903      16.975      23.500   23.500
  Area         MIL. HA      8.003       9.721      11.000   11.000
  Yield        MT/HA        1.112       1.746       2.136    2.136
  Production   MIL. MT     23.122      25.037      30.500   30.500
  Area         MIL. HA     10.838      11.141      12.650   12.650
  Yield        MT/HA        2.133       2.247       2.411    2.411
  Production   MIL. MT     84.541      86.161      99.305   99.444
  Area         MIL. HA     15.786      16.161      16.905   16.904
  Yield        MT/HA        5.355       5.331       5.874    5.883
  Production   MIL. MT     59.892      59.320      62.950   62.970
  Area         MIL. HA     42.199      45.310      47.310   47.310
  Yield        MT/HA        1.419       1.309       1.331    1.331
  Production   MIL. MT     33.962      34.970      26.470   26.220
  Area         MIL. HA     10.072       9.710       8.730    8.703
  Yield        MT/HA        3.372       3.601       3.032    3.013
  Production   MIL. MT     99.300     102.215     109.000  109.000
  Area         MIL. HA     28.981      28.860      29.500   29.500
  Yield        MT/HA        3.426       3.542       3.695    3.695
  Production   MIL. MT     59.840      65.470      62.620   62.620
  Area         MIL. HA     25.100      25.600      25.100   25.100
  Yield        MT/HA        2.384       2.557       2.495    2.495
  Production   MIL. MT     15.212      17.002      16.907   16.907
  Area         MIL. HA      8.034       8.170       8.376    8.376
  Yield        MT/HA        1.893       2.081       2.019    2.019
  Production   MIL. MT     14.700      15.500      16.500   16.000
  Area         MIL. HA      8.600       8.550       8.450    8.450
  Yield        MT/HA        1.709       1.813       1.953    1.893
  Production   MIL. MT      4.151       3.460       3.200    3.200
  Area         MIL. HA      0.965       0.870       0.800    0.800
  Yield        MT/HA        4.302       3.977       4.000    4.000

  Production   MIL. MT      0.805       0.946       0.921    0.921
  Area         MIL. HA      0.171       0.166       0.163    0.163
  Yield        MT/HA        4.708       5.699       5.650    5.650
Apr. 11, 1997             Timothy Rocke, Grains Chairperson, PECAD

    CORN : World Production Estimates
    1994/95 - 1995/96 and Forecast 1996/97
    Production, Area, and Yield for Selected Producers

              |         |          |PRELIMINAR | 1996/97 FORECAST
  PRODUCER    |  UNIT   | 1994/95  | 1995/96   | Mar. 11  Apr. 11
  Production   MIL. MT    561.403     515.690     575.630  584.844
  Area         MIL. HA    135.446     134.364     139.586  141.135
  Yield        MT/HA        4.145       3.838       4.124    4.144
  Production   MIL. MT    256.621     187.305     236.064  236.064
  Area         MIL. HA     29.496      26.303      29.602   29.602
  Yield        MT/HA        8.700       7.121       7.975    7.975
  Production   MIL. MT    304.782     328.385     339.566  348.780
  Area         MIL. HA    105.950     108.061     109.984  111.533
  Yield        MT/HA        2.877       3.039       3.087    3.127
  Production   MIL. MT     11.360      11.100      14.500   14.500
  Area         MIL. HA      2.550       2.700       3.300    3.300
  Yield        MT/HA        4.455       4.111       4.394    4.394
  Production   MIL. MT      4.845      10.200       8.500    8.500
  Area         MIL. HA      2.952       3.300       3.400    3.400
  Yield        MT/HA        1.641       3.091       2.500    2.500
  Production   MIL. MT      3.800       3.700       4.000    4.000
  Area         MIL. HA      1.200       1.140       1.200    1.200
  Yield        MT/HA        3.167       3.246       3.333    3.333
  Production   MIL. MT     22.716      25.371      25.355   25.705
  Area         MIL. HA      7.068       6.949       7.080    7.033
  Yield        MT/HA        3.214       3.651       3.581    3.655
  Production   MIL. MT     28.298      29.063      34.782   34.882
  Area         MIL. HA      3.717       3.727       4.105    4.155
  Yield        MT/HA        7.613       7.798       8.473    8.395
  Production   MIL. MT      4.037       7.010       4.505    4.535
  Area         MIL. HA      1.864       2.465       2.097    2.097
  Yield        MT/HA        2.166       2.844       2.148    2.163
  Production   MIL. MT     17.005      17.780      19.000   19.000
  Area         MIL. HA      8.022       7.800       8.200    8.200
  Yield        MT/HA        2.120       2.279       2.317    2.317
  Production   MIL. MT     99.280     112.000     117.000  122.000
  Area         MIL. HA     21.152      22.767      23.500   24.300
  Yield        MT/HA        4.694       4.919       4.979    5.021
  Production   MIL. MT     37.440      32.480      34.000   37.000
  Area         MIL. HA     14.189      13.767      14.000   14.200
  Yield        MT/HA        2.639       2.359       2.429    2.606
  Production   MIL. MT      4.534       4.324       4.300    4.300

  Area         MIL. HA      2.967       2.760       2.700    2.700
  Yield        MT/HA        1.528       1.567       1.593    1.593
  Production   MIL. MT      6.100       6.000       6.600    6.600
  Area         MIL. HA      3.652       3.531       3.550    3.550
  Yield        MT/HA        1.670       1.699       1.859    1.859
  Production   MIL. MT      7.043       7.271       7.200    7.200
  Area         MIL. HA      0.955       1.003       1.040    1.040
  Yield        MT/HA        7.375       7.249       6.923    6.923
Apr. 11, 1997             Timothy Rocke, Grains Chairperson, PECAD

    SOYBEANS : World Production Estimates
    1994/95 - 1995/96 and Forecast 1996/97
    Production, Area, and Yield for Selected Producers

              |         |          |PRELIMINAR | 1996/97 FORECAST
  PRODUCER    |  UNIT   | 1994/95  | 1995/96   | Mar. 11  Apr. 11
  Production   MIL. MT    137.780     124.757     133.984  133.690
  Area         MIL. HA     62.207      61.337      63.038   63.000
  Yield        MT/HA        2.215       2.034       2.125    2.122
  Production   MIL. MT     68.493      59.243      64.837   64.837
  Area         MIL. HA     24.629      24.938      25.661   25.661
  Yield        MT/HA        2.781       2.376       2.527    2.527
  Production   MIL. MT     69.287      65.514      69.147   68.853
  Area         MIL. HA     37.578      36.399      37.377   37.339
  Yield        MT/HA        1.844       1.800       1.850    1.844
  Production   MIL. MT     12.650      12.640      13.500   13.250
  Area         MIL. HA      5.700       5.980       6.200    6.200
  Yield        MT/HA        2.219       2.114       2.177    2.137
  Production   MIL. MT     25.900      23.700      27.000   27.000
  Area         MIL. HA     11.680      10.950      11.800   11.800
  Yield        MT/HA        2.217       2.164       2.288    2.288
  Production   MIL. MT      2.200       2.400       2.700    2.700
  Area         MIL. HA      1.100       1.100       1.200    1.200
  Yield        MT/HA        2.000       2.182       2.250    2.250
  Production   MIL. MT     16.000      13.500      13.000   13.000
  Area         MIL. HA      9.222       8.127       7.500    7.500
  Yield        MT/HA        1.735       1.661       1.733    1.733
  Production   MIL. MT      1.680       1.560       1.550    1.550
  Area         MIL. HA      1.477       1.390       1.400    1.400
  Yield        MT/HA        1.137       1.122       1.107    1.107
  Production   MIL. MT      0.256       0.303       0.345    0.358
  Area         MIL. HA      0.164       0.178       0.213    0.216
  Yield        MT/HA        1.561       1.702       1.620    1.657
  Production   MIL. MT      1.029       0.939       1.070    1.075
  Area         MIL. HA      0.352       0.291       0.314    0.317
  Yield        MT/HA        2.923       3.227       3.408    3.391
  Production   MIL. MT      2.251       2.293       2.170    2.170
  Area         MIL. HA      0.820       0.824       0.860    0.860

  Yield        MT/HA        2.745       2.783       2.523    2.523
Apr. 11, 1997            Rod Paschal, Oilseeds Chairperson, PECAD

    COTTON : World Production Estimates
    1994/95 - 1995/96 and Forecast 1996/97
    Production, Area, and Yield for Selected Producers

              |         |          |PRELIMINAR | 1996/97 FORECAST
  PRODUCER    |  UNIT   | 1994/95  | 1995/96   | Mar. 11  Apr. 11
  Production   MIL. BALES  85.520      92.174      86.337   88.122
  Area         MIL. HA     32.149      35.878      33.805   33.775
  Yield        KG/HA          579         559         556      568
  Production   MIL. BALES  19.662      17.900      18.951   18.951
  Area         MIL. HA      5.391       6.478       5.193    5.193
  Yield        KG/HA          794         602         795      795
  Production   MIL. BALES  65.858      74.274      67.386   69.171
  Area         MIL. HA     26.758      29.400      28.612   28.582
  Yield        KG/HA          536         550         513      527
  Production   MIL. BALES   1.539       1.929       2.500    2.500
  Area         MIL. HA      0.222       0.304       0.390    0.390
  Yield        KG/HA        1,509       1,382       1,396    1,396
  Production   MIL. BALES   0.052       0.065       0.047    0.047
  Area         MIL. HA      0.017       0.019       0.013    0.013
  Yield        KG/HA          666         745         787      787
  Production   MIL. BALES   1.170       1.088       1.600    1.600
  Area         MIL. HA      0.305       0.306       0.387    0.387
  Yield        KG/HA          835         774         900      900
  Production   MIL. BALES   0.458       0.860       1.150    1.150
  Area         MIL. HA      0.146       0.242       0.300    0.300
  Yield        KG/HA          683         774         835      835
  Production   MIL. BALES   6.250       8.200       7.000    7.100
  Area         MIL. HA      2.650       3.048       3.200    3.200
  Yield        KG/HA          514         586         476      483
  Production   MIL. BALES   0.400       0.490       0.450    0.450
  Area         MIL. HA      0.174       0.220       0.230    0.230
  Yield        KG/HA          501         485         426      426
  Production   MIL. BALES   2.886       3.911       3.650    3.650
  Area         MIL. HA      0.582       0.757       0.750    0.750
  Yield        KG/HA        1,080       1,125       1,060    1,060
  Production   MIL. BALES   8.778       8.260       6.570    6.500
  Area         MIL. HA      2.707       2.573       2.545    2.545
  Yield        KG/HA          706         699         562      556
  Production   MIL. BALES   1.608       1.930       1.900    1.900
  Area         MIL. HA      0.700       0.960       0.900    0.900
  Yield        KG/HA          500         438         460      460
  Production   MIL. BALES   2.526       1.791       1.400    1.400
  Area         MIL. HA      1.220       1.130       0.750    0.750
  Yield        KG/HA          451         345         406      406

  Production   MIL. BALES  19.900      21.900      17.500   19.300
  Area         MIL. HA      5.530       5.422       4.800    4.800
  Yield        KG/HA          784         879         794      875
  Production   MIL. BALES  10.814      12.649      12.500   12.500
  Area         MIL. HA      7.861       9.063       8.865    8.865
  Yield        KG/HA          300         304         307      307
Apr. 11, 1997             Ron Roberson, Cotton Chairperson, PECAD

    RICE (Milled Basis) : World Production Estimates
    1994/95 - 1995/96 and Forecast 1996/97
    Production, Area, and Yield for Selected Producers

              |         |          |PRELIMINAR | 1996/97 FORECAST
  PRODUCER    |  UNIT   | 1994/95  | 1995/96   | Mar. 11  Apr. 11
  Production   MIL. MT    364.897     371.590     374.874  376.895
  Area         MIL. HA    147.996     148.498     148.734  148.791
  Yield        MT/HA        2.466       2.502       2.520    2.533
  Production   MIL. MT      6.648       5.631       5.595    5.595
  Area         MIL. HA      1.342       1.252       1.133    1.133
  Yield        MT/HA        4.954       4.498       4.938    4.938
  Production   MIL. MT    358.249     365.959     369.279  371.300
  Area         MIL. HA    146.654     147.246     147.601  147.658
  Yield        MT/HA        2.443       2.485       2.502    2.515
  Production   MIL. MT      3.447       3.936       4.260    4.260
  Area         MIL. HA      2.107       2.162       2.230    2.230
  Yield        MT/HA        1.636       1.821       1.910    1.910
  Production   MIL. MT      9.280      10.000       9.300    9.300
  Area         MIL. HA      5.517       5.700       5.700    5.700
  Yield        MT/HA        1.682       1.754       1.632    1.632
  Production   MIL. MT     14.124      14.388      13.900   13.900
  Area         MIL. HA      9.196       9.032       9.200    9.200
  Yield        MT/HA        1.536       1.593       1.511    1.511
  Production   MIL. MT    123.151     129.650     132.000  133.700
  Area         MIL. HA     30.171      30.745      30.700   30.700
  Yield        MT/HA        4.082       4.217       4.300    4.355
  Production   MIL. MT     32.333      32.800      33.500   33.500
  Area         MIL. HA     11.439      11.390      11.600   11.600
  Yield        MT/HA        2.827       2.880       2.888    2.888
  Production   MIL. MT      5.060       4.694       5.320    5.320
  Area         MIL. HA      1.102       1.056       1.050    1.050
  Yield        MT/HA        4.592       4.445       5.067    5.067
  Production   MIL. MT     10.903       9.781       9.413    9.413
  Area         MIL. HA      2.212       2.118       1.977    1.977
  Yield        MT/HA        4.929       4.618       4.761    4.761
  Production   MIL. MT      7.402       6.834       6.200    6.200
  Area         MIL. HA      4.242       3.880       3.700    3.700
  Yield        MT/HA        1.745       1.761       1.676    1.676
  Production   MIL. MT      0.813       0.680       1.050    1.050

  Area         MIL. HA      0.128       0.149       0.165    0.165
  Yield        MT/HA        6.352       4.564       6.364    6.364
  Production   MIL. MT      6.809       7.263       7.500    7.500
  Area         MIL. HA      3.668       3.924       4.000    4.000
  Yield        MT/HA        1.856       1.851       1.875    1.875
  Production   MIL. MT     81.160      79.460      80.000   80.000
  Area         MIL. HA     42.500      42.300      42.700   42.700
  Yield        MT/HA        1.910       1.878       1.874    1.874
  Production   MIL. MT     16.833      17.687      18.500   18.500
  Area         MIL. HA      9.922       9.941      10.000   10.000
  Yield        MT/HA        1.697       1.779       1.850    1.850
Apr. 11, 1997             Timothy Rocke, Grains Chairperson, PECAD

Last modified: Thursday, December 11, 2003