National Institute for Literacy

[FocusOnBasics 460] NAAL Webcast to be Archived

Nguyen, My Linh Mylinh.Nguyen at
Wed Aug 16 08:54:57 EDT 2006

On behalf of the National Institute for Literacy, thank you to everyone who
tuned in to yesterday's live webcast on the results of the NAAL findings for
adults who scored in the Basic and Below Basic categories. And thank you to
our panelists: Dr. Sheida White of the National Center for Education
Statistics, Dr. John Strucker of the National Center for the Study of Adult
Learning and Literacy, and Mr. Brian Bosworth of FutureWorks. For those who
missed the live webcast or would like to see it again, we will be archiving
the webcast on our website in about one week. We'll send an
announcement when it is ready. Thank you.

My Linh Nguyen
Associate Director of Communications
National Institute for Literacy
(202) 233-2041
fax (202) 233-2050
mnguyen at

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