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King County Archives
Seattle-King County Department of Public Health

Project files, 1984-1998

Box ID Folder # Title BegDate EndDate
Box 1 1 5-year plan, DPH (Seattle-King County Department of Public Health) 4/17/1989 5/7/1990
  2 Adolescent matrix 1991 1/10/1991 3/28/1991
  3 AIDS Advisory Committee / AIDS Advisory Task Force / Community AIDS Advisory 3/2/1987 6/17/1992
  4 AIDS Advisory Task Force [formerly AIDS Advisory Committee] [folder 1 of 2] 10/31/1985 1/4/1988
  5 AIDS Advisory Task Force [folder 2 of 2] 10/31/1985 1/4/1988
  6 AIDS case definitions 1/1/1992 12/31/1992
  7 AIDS and chemical dependencies research [folder 1 of 3] 11/6/1987 7/27/1988
  8 AIDS and chemical dependencies research [folder 2 of 3] 11/6/1987 7/27/1988
  9 AIDS and chemical dependencies research [folder 3 of 3] 11/6/1987 7/27/1988
  10 AIDS funding and activities model 1990 3/9/1990 1/20/1991
  11 AIDS funding and activities model 1991 2/20/1991 6/24/1991
  12 AIDS in daycare (J.B.) [Janice Boase] 6/11/1987 3/29/1988
  13 AIDS in jail [folder 1 of 2] 1/28/1987 12/6/1990
  14 AIDS in jail [folder 2 of 2] 1/28/1987 12/6/1990
  15 AIDS Long Term Care Advisory Task Force 10/7/1987 3/17/1988
  16 [AIDS Prevention and Services - Five Year Plan] [folder 1 of 2] 1/1/1989 7/3/1990
  17 [AIDS Prevention and Services - Five Year Plan] [folder 2 of 2] 1/1/1989 7/3/1990
  18 AIDS Prevention Project (APP) - staff meetings [folder 1 of 2] 10/5/1987 2/12/1993
  19 AIDS Prevention Project (APP) - staff meetings [folder 2 of 2] 10/5/1987 2/12/1993
  20 AIDS program description; upcoming conference call [between Bob Wood and Alonzo Plough] 4/10/1995 4/10/1995
  21 AIDS Project retreat, 5/20/88 5/3/1988 5/3/1988
  22 [AIDS Project staff (meeting minutes; memoranda)] 12/26/1985 7/20/1989
  23 [AIDS reporting (activity forms; HIV partner notification/reporting brochure for health care workers)] 1/24/1991 6/4/1992
  24 AIDS resources [funding sources] 4/13/1990 12/31/1991
Box 2 1 APDP (AIDS Prescription Drug Program) 7/17/1996 10/1/1996
  2 [APP (AIDS Prevention Project)] 1992 goals and objectives 12/1/1990 4/20/1992
  3 APP - administrative - funding 10/25/1993 11/1/1993
  4 APP clinic form revisions 6/21/1996 6/21/1996
  5 APP computer needs/analyses [computer systems report by Susan Oatis] 5/2/1988 9/6/1988
  6 APP goals and objectives 1992 [end of year summary] 12/31/1992 2/2/1993
  7 APP goals and objectives 1993 [progress] 3/12/1993 8/4/1993
  8 APP grants 1/1/1993 1/1/1993
  9 [APP history] Update on AIDS Assessment Education and Surveillance Project 4/17/1986 2/1/1987
  10 APP mission statement 1/1/1990 1/27/1994
  11 APP retreat 8/18/1992 10/13/1992
  12 APP retreat follow-up, fall 1992 9/2/1992 12/16/1993
  13 APP space planning [8 color photos of] 1/21/1986 11/7/1989
  14 APP-STD comparison [proposed paper describing HIV testing and risk groups at APP and STD clinics] 5/17/1990 2/24/1992
  15 APU (AIDS Prevention Unit) 1992-93 [funding cuts] 6/25/1992 3/17/1993
  16 APU activities - personnel and duties 1/1/1995 12/31/1995
  17 APU priorities 7/17/1992 8/3/1992
  18 ARC (AIDS related complex) reporting 7/2/1986 6/16/1987
  19 BASA/OOA (Bureau of Alcohol and Substance Abuse/Office on HIV/AIDS) 7/26/1988 11/27/1988
  20 Bastyr University 10/11/1994 10/11/1994
  21 Behavioral prevalence 1988-90 1/14/1988 2/5/1991
  22 Bike 3/29/1991 8/13/1993
  23 Bleach focus group 6/14/1993 8/31/1993
  24 Bleach works [folder 1 of 2] 1/29/1993 6/3/1993
  25 Bleach works [folder 2 of 2] 1/29/1993 6/3/1993
  26 Blood bank study 3/12/1992 5/27/1992
  27 Budget system [grant and contract monitoring system] 8/15/1990 3/21/1991
  28 CAREvent '97, Washington State Department of Health 10/28/1997 10/29/1997
  29 CASU/APU All staff meeting minutes (Community AIDS Services Unit/AIDS Prevention Unit) 2/17/1997 5/7/1997
  30 CDI deployment (communicable disease investigation) 3/29/1990 8/17/1990
  31 City of Seattle Services 1997-98 [welfare reform data forms] 5/1/1997 5/29/1997
  32 Clinical team 8/9/1989 11/6/1991
  33 Commercial sex establishments 1/1/1984 6/11/1992
  34 Community AIDS Services Unit (CASU) - correspondence - Wood, Carol (Manager) [issues include CASU operations, needle exchange, Omnibus, NIDA, BHCDA, HIV/AIDS Planning Council] 12/14/1989 1/7/1993
  35 Community AIDS Services Unit (CASU) meetings 8/27/1990 1/7/1992
  36 [Community AIDS Services Unit (CASU) [Street Outreach Services] 10/18/1994 10/18/1994
  37 Community clinics funding 7/22/1996 7/22/1996
  38 Community clinics study 12/19/1989 7/1/1990
  39 [Community resource inventory (CRI), Region VI AIDS Services Network] 12/27/1995 12/27/1995
Box 3 1 Condom campaign [folder 1 of 2] 8/10/1994 12/15/1995
  2 Condom campaign [1 color photo of wall mural] [folder 2 of 2] 8/10/1994 12/15/1995
  3 Confidentiality 6/24/1993 6/24/1993
  4 [Cost of care for people with HIV/AIDS (care and services available)] 6/13/1990 11/20/1991
  5 Cryptosporidiosis [research, brochure, plans] [folder 1 of 4] 4/28/1994 1/24/1996
  6 Cryptosporidiosis [research, brochure, plans] [folder 2 of 4] 4/28/1994 1/24/1996
  7 Cryptosporidiosis [research, brochure, plans] [folder 3 of 4] 4/28/1994 1/24/1996
  8 Cryptosporidiosis [research, brochure, plans] [folder 4 of 4] 4/28/1994 1/24/1996
  9 Darmic HIV testing - correspondence 10/19/1989 2/8/1991
  10 Data, miscellaneous 6/8/1994 6/9/1994
  11 Data team 1/19/1989 11/18/1992
  12 Databases 8/13/1987 8/13/1987
  13 DCO docs 2/1991 (disease control officers) 2/25/1991 10/22/1991
  14 DCO meeting minutes 8/24/1993 8/24/1993
  15 [Department] AIDS Policy Task Force [retreat workshop, report] 5/6/1988 9/1/1988
  16 Department AIDS Task Force [agendas, minutes, notes, background material] 11/1/1988 7/24/1990
  17 Department AIDS Task Force 2/2/1990 10/18/1990
  18 Department AIDS Task Force minutes 7/26/1990 6/23/1992
  19 Department HIV counseling and testing policy [folder 1 of 3] 8/22/1991 5/10/1994
  20 Department HIV counseling and testing policy [folder 2 of 3] 8/22/1991 5/10/1994
  21 Department HIV counseling and testing policy [folder 3 of 3] 8/22/1991 5/10/1994
  22 DOH site visit (Washington State Department of Health) 9/28/1994 9/28/1994
  23 [Drug use and AIDS] 6/9/1993 6/9/1993
  24 Drugs: harm reduction, alternative therapies, legislation and methadone 7/25/1988 6/4/1991
  25 [Education - "Girlfriends" project; HIV positive workbook] 3/19/1996 9/24/1996
Box 4 1 Education/Prevention overview 1993 RFP (request for proposal) [Review Committee Orientation to Prevention/Education Services/Systems] 3/9/1993 11/1/1993
  2 Education/prevention planning 11/3/1992 1/21/1994
  3 Education Team 11/2/1989 12/30/1991
  4 Education Team quarterly report 4th Quarter 1995 1/1/1996 1/1/1996
  5 Elderly and HIV 1/29/1995 1/29/1995
  6 [Epidemic forecasting] 4/2/1992 11/17/1994
  7 Epidemiology 11/14/1988 11/14/1988
  8 [Epidemiology - men who have sex with men (articles)] 1/1/1990 12/31/1994
  9 [Epidemiology - youth] 9/13/1995 9/13/1995
  10 Fall supplemental RFP and planning process 8/28/1990 12/18/1990
  11 Family seroprevalence surveys 1990 5/15/1990 1/1/1992
  12 Forms 7/1/1989 8/31/1989
  13 The Friend to Friend Project [1997 supplemental grant report; draft report to the community about survey] 8/18/1997 8/18/1997
  14 Funding; council hearings; community 5/6/1987 11/30/1987
  15 Funding cuts 1990 4/7/1990 11/19/1991
  16 Funding overview 3/23/1990 3/23/1990
  17 Funding resources 3/19/1993 7/19/1993
  18 [Goals and objectives 1989] 1/1/1989 12/31/1989
  19 Goals and objectives 1990 [1992] 5/8/1990 1/22/1992
  20 [Grant projects] 7/28/1998 12/31/1990
  21 [Grant projects] Miscellaneous MIS (machine information systems, data reports) 2/5/1988 8/3/1988
  22 HCWs (health care workers) [dentist's case and publicity] 11/26/1991 11/26/1991
  23 HCWs - news/commentary 1/1/1990 12/31/1991
  24 HCWs - references 1/1/1988 12/31/1988
  25 [Health care workers and public employees (exposure issues, policies)] 1/4/1991 12/30/1994
  26 [Health care workers, University of Washington policy] 6/21/1990 7/10/1991
  27 Hepatitis 2/3/1986 9/11/1987
  28 Hepatitis C virus [RAVEN study] 8/15/1997 8/15/1997
  29 High risk HIV communities 1/1/1988 12/31/1990
  30 Hiring guidelines 7/26/1988 1/30/1992
  31 HIV/AIDS - prisons 4/1/1996 9/21/1996
  32 HIV and tuberculosis 4/23/1993 4/23/1993
  33 HIV antibody testing issues '85-'87 [folder 1 of 3] 7/15/1985 8/11/1987
Box 5 1 HIV antibody testing issues '85-'87 [folder 2 of 3] 7/15/1985 8/11/1987
  2 HIV antibody testing issues '85-'87 [folder 3 of 3] 7/15/1985 8/11/1987
  3 [HIV at-risk population spreadsheet estimation project (incidence and)] 3/4/1991 4/9/1991
  4 HIV Counseling and Testing [Task Force] 11/27/1991 2/18/1997
  5 [HIV counseling, testing, prevention projects] 3/31/1993 12/31/1996
  6 HIV/HIP (HIV Intervention Program) 11/20/1990 5/12/1992
  7 HIV/HTLV study 1990 1/7/1991 1/7/1991
  8 HIV reporting 10/3/1990 10/28/1991
  9 HIV reporting 9/21/1994 12/31/1998
  10 [HIV surveillance and forecast] 1/27/1992 10/15/1992
  11 HMC (Harborview Medical Center) AIDS Services 2/13/1991 4/15/1991
  12 [Housing facilities for people living with AIDS] 8/1/1991 1/23/1995
  13 Housing for special populations study 1/28/1987 1/28/1987
  14 [Human subjects] 3/24/1995 3/24/1995
  15 Human Subjects Review Committee 1/28/1994 5/4/1994
  16 Hustler Network 9/14/1993 10/31/1993
  17 [Internal Omnibus allocations] 1/3/1997 4/28/1998
  18 IV drug program (intravenous) 6/23/1987 4/1/1989
  19 IVDU projects (intravenous drug users) 5/19/1987 10/15/1991
  20 [IVDUs - data and articles] 1/26/1990 12/15/1992
  21 Jail quality assurance [Jail Health Services Quality Assurance Committee] 2/8/1991 10/20/1992
  22 King County AIDS risk target groups 11/14/1988 4/8/1991
  23 [Laboratory reporting of CD4 cell counts] [folder 1 of 2] 8/12/1993 12/30/1994
  24 [Laboratory reporting of CD4 cell counts] [folder 2 of 2] 8/12/1993 12/30/1994
  25 Long term care 1988 2/1/1987 5/9/1988
  26 Management meetings 3/8/1989 10/30/1990
  27 Medical Examiner study [HIV surveillance in medical examiner population] 9/13/1990 2/28/1991
Box 6 1 Meetings with Jack Jourden [Public Health Administrator AIDS & STDS, Regional] 8/9/1991 6/9/1993
  2 [Memoranda (includes memos to staff from Bob Wood, AIDS Control Program Director, and Gary Goldbaum, AIDS Prevention Project Associate Medical Director)] 3/28/1995 5/10/1995
  3 MOD Project evaluation 2/26/1990 7/25/1990
  4 MSM-IDU '93 (men who have sex with men - injection drug use) 5/28/1993 7/28/1994
  5 MSM Retreat [Leadership Retreat, HIV/AIDS prevention programs for men who have sex with men, August 5th and 6th, 1994] 5/20/1994 6/22/1995
  6 National AIDS Mailout 5/9/1988 5/27/1988
  7 Needle exchange [folder 1 of 2] 1/1/1991 8/13/1993
  8 Needle exchange [folder 2 of 2] 1/1/1991 8/13/1993
  9 Needle exchange administration 7/20/1988 8/28/1990
  10 [Needle exchange] bleach and teach 6/23/1988 8/2/1992
  11 Needle exchange - correspondence - Price, Charles (Program Coordinator) 5/4/1992 6/16/1992
  12 Needle exchange data [folder 1 of 4] 4/12/1989 4/27/1993
  13 Needle exchange data [folder 2 of 4] 4/12/1989 4/27/1993
  14 Needle exchange data [folder 3 of 4] 4/12/1989 4/27/1993
  15 Needle exchange data [folder 4 of 4] 4/12/1989 4/26/1993
  16 [Needle exchange - Disease prevention fact sheet] 1/1/1997 1/1/1997
  17 Needle exchange evaluation questionnaire 4/4/1989 9/13/1989
  18 [Needle exchange - legality issues (Tacoma case, Spokane case)] [folder 1 of 3] 10/26/1990 11/5/1992
  19 [Needle exchange - legality issues (Tacoma case, Spokane case)] [folder 2 of 3] 10/26/1990 11/5/1992
  20 [Needle exchange - legality issues (Tacoma case, Spokane case)] [folder 3 of 3] 10/26/1990 11/5/1992
  21 [Needle exchange] NIDA/SAMHSA/CSAT/CDC workshop on sterile needles and syringes for drug users (National Institute on Drug Abuse/Substance Abuse, Mental Health Services Administration/Center for Substance Abuse 2/2/1995 11/16/1995
  22 [Needle exchange] North American Syringe Exchange Convention 10/25/1990 10/27/1990
  23 [Needle exchange] Outreach [primarily] 3/7/1990 2/7/1991
Box 7 1 Needle exchange - press 8/10/1988 5/19/1992
  2 Needle exchange program coordinator 5/6/1992 7/1/1992
  3 Needle exchange programs, history and recommendations - correspondence, 1989-92 [folder 1 of 2] 2/24/1989 3/1/1992
  4 Needle exchange programs, history and recommendations - correspondence, 1989-92 [folder 2 of 2] 2/24/1989 3/2/1992
  5 [Needle exchange] Rainier Valley needle exchange 1992 6/17/1992 7/7/1992
  6 Needle exchange staff schedule [January] 12/29/1997 12/29/1997
  7 [Needle exchange] White Center NXD (Needle exchange data?) - press 6/20/1990 7/18/1990
  8 Northwest Family Services [Northwest Family Center for Families affected by HIV] 9/28/1990 8/15/1996
  9 Office of Civil Rights - compliance review - contractors' bilingual 3/1/1992 3/31/1992
  10 OutLOUD/Shiftin' Gears Programs 4/24/1998 4/24/1998
  11 Outreach testing 9/6/1996 9/6/1996
  12 Oversight Committee - study of the impact of HIV/AIDS on community clinics 9/8/1989 10/4/1989
  13 [Papers] Bridge paper drafts [on MWM risks to females] 1/1/1990 12/31/1990
  14 [Papers - working files] [folder 1 of 2] 12/5/1990 10/5/1992
  15 [Papers - working files] [folder 2 of 2] 12/5/1990 10/5/1992
  16 Pediatric AIDS [Seattle Children's Hospital and Medical Center newsletter articles] 1/1/1989 1/1/1989
  17 PHIS information (Health Management Information System) 3/20/1985 10/30/1986
  18 Plasma Center problems [Doe v. Sno-Isle Community Blood Bank et al] 7/31/1986 2/26/1988
  19 Population-based surveys 1987-89 3/9/1987 9/19/1990
  20 Post exposure policy 6/14/1996 8/16/1996
  21 Prevention [primarily includes articles and transcripts of panel discussions; also some HIV/AIDS Planning Council documents] [folder 1 of 2] 10/11/1994 12/17/1994
  22 Prevention [primarily includes articles and transcripts of panel discussions; also some HIV/AIDS Planning Council documents] [folder 2 of 2] 10/11/1994 12/17/1994
  23 Prevention/CBOs (community-based organizations) 3/29/1993 4/5/1993
  24 Prevention Division - organization charts 5/1/1996 12/7/1998
  25 Prevention Division orientation 5/1/1996 1/21/1998
  26 Prevention Division Retreat, April 27, 1998 4/23/1998 4/27/1998
  27 Prevention/Education Inventory 8/1/1995 8/31/1995
  28 Prevention/Education services - correspondence - Bibus, David (Program Coordinator) 3/14/1989 11/6/1992
  29 Primary care providers [primarily articles] 1/31/1991 12/31/1992
Box 8 1 Primary Prevention for IVDUs and SPs (intravenous drug users and sexual partners) 7/19/1990 12/7/1990
  2 Prisons 11/1/1994 4/21/1995
  3 Program statistics 1989 6/28/1989 2/7/1990
  4 Program statistics 1995 11/30/1995 3/14/1996
  5 Program statistics 1996 5/29/1996 3/10/1997
  6 PSBC project (Puget Sound Blood Center) 3/9/1994 6/13/1994
  7 Quality improvement program and plan 7/3/1996 7/3/1996
  8 [Questionnaires and studies] AIDS Conference abstracts 1/29/1990 4/20/1990
  9 [Questionnaires and studies] Anal Papilloma Virus Study 9/21/1990 3/26/1992
  10 [Questionnaires and studies] Changing CT standards including encounter form [also jail encounter form] 4/7/1988 4/9/1992
  11 [Questionnaires and studies] CID process (Community Identification Process) - project level reports and summaries 1/1/1990 12/31/1990
  12 [Questionnaires and studies] [Having Sex and Condom Use paper] 1/1/1989 12/31/1989
  13 [Questionnaires and studies] HPV study (human papillomavirus) 8/10/1988 9/6/1988
  14 [Questionnaires and studies] Lesbian paper 2/4/1991 2/1/1991
  15 [Questionnaires and studies] Longitudinal Cohort Study [Wood correspondence with Centers for Disease Control; questionnaire] [folder 1 of 2] 8/21/1987 1/3/1990
  16 [Questionnaires and studies] Longitudinal Cohort Study [Wood correspondence with Centers for Disease Control; questionnaire] [folder 2 of 2] 8/21/1987 1/3/1990
  17 [Questionnaires and studies] Longitudinal Cohort Study - Atlanta-style questionnaires 8/23/1988 4/7/1989
  18 [Questionnaires and studies] Longitudinal Cohort Study - Fishbein supplemental questionnaires 12/6/1989 4/20/1990
  19 [Questionnaires and studies] Longitudinal Cohort Study - Prochaska stages of change pilot data 1/22/1991 3/20/1991
  20 [Questionnaires and studies] Longitudinal Cohort Study questionnaires 4/2/1987 10/28/1988
  21 [Questionnaires and studies] Longitudinal Cohort Study questionnaires - 3rd questionnaire [data coding] 11/1/1987 7/6/1988
  22 [Questionnaires and studies] Longitudinal Cohort Study - 4th questionnaire 3/18/1988 4/1/1988
  23 [Questionnaires and studies] Longitudinal Cohort Study questionnaires - new question, last sexual encounter 2/24/1989 6/8/1989
  24 [Questionnaires and studies] PPD analysis [tuberculin skin test reactivity in individuals at high risk for HIV infection] 12/18/1989 12/18/1989
  25 [Questionnaires and studies] Project stage    
  26 [Questionnaires and studies] Proposed analyses for "Be a Star," Carrell, 1991 3/26/1991 3/26/1991
  27 [Questionnaires and studies] Questionnaire used in R. Roffman study 7/1/1987 12/4/1987
  28 [Questionnaires and studies] Seattle HIVNET site [STD data] 2/28/1997 2/28/1997
  29 [Questionnaires and studies] Seattle style questionnaires 4/1/1988 4/1/1988
  30 [Questionnaires and studies] Seroconversion 3/14/1990 3/18/1991
  31 [Questionnaires and studies] Surveys/questionnaires 1/26/1988 2/8/1988
  32 [Questionnaires and studies] Systems summaries    
  33 [Questionnaires and studies] [Telephone survey, KABB (knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and behaviors)] 7/27/1990 7/27/1990
  34 [Questionnaires and studies] Telephone survey presentation materials 7/19/1993 7/19/1993
  35 [Recent Drug Abuse trends in the Seattle-King County area] 9/1/1988 12/1/1992
  36 Regional Division AIDS/STD Steering Committee [folder 1 of 4] 1/3/1989 1/9/1990
  37 Regional Division AIDS/STD Steering Committee [folder 2 of 4] 1/3/1989 1/9/1990
  38 Regional Division AIDS/STD Steering Committee [folder 3 of 4] 1/3/1989 1/9/1990
  39 Regional Division AIDS/STD Steering Committee [folder 4 of 4] 1/3/1989 1/9/1990
Box 9 1 Regional Division - Communicable Disease Control Steering Committee - pending 11/2/1988 11/21/1990
  2 Regional Division Disease Control Steering Committee [folder 1 of 2] 12/19/1989 11/24/1991
  3 Regional Division Disease Control Steering Committee [folder 2 of 2] 12/19/1989 11/24/1991
  4 Regional Division Disease Control Steering Committee meeting minutes 9/26/1989 9/23/1993
  5 Regional managers 1991 11/27/1990 12/13/1991
  6 Regional managers meetings [folder 1 of 2] 3/27/1989 12/3/1990
  7 Regional managers meetings [folder 2 of 2] 3/27/1989 12/3/1990
  8 Reporting and confidentiality 6/28/1993 12/20/1994
  9 Research 1993 7/19/1993 10/11/1993
  10 [Research (data, article list)] 11/9/1993 9/20/1994
  11 Resources - gay men [matrix, prevention programs] 6/12/1990 11/9/1990
  12 Retreat Committee 4/11/1990 10/8/1991
  13 Seattle AIDS Special Survey (SASS) [Seattle telephone survey] 9/17/1991 5/20/1993
  14 Seattle-King County Department of Public Health - AIDS-related committees 5/10/1990 12/6/1990
  15 Self-prediction paper [HIV status before testing among gay men] 4/12/1990 7/12/1990
  16 Seroprevalence estimates 9/2/1989 8/30/1990
  17 Services for HIV seropositive persons [seropositive services group, HIV early intervention program (HIP)] 1/29/1990 5/22/1992
  18 Space issues [1 color photo of 4th and Blanchard building] 4/16/1994 6/5/1997
  19 Spectrum study 1/8/1991 3/1/1992
  20 State funding 1991 11/1/1990 6/6/1991
  21 State-of-the-Art HIV Conference 6/29/1993 10/11/1993
  22 STD statistics 8/27/1989 8/27/1989
  23 STDs among MWM 2/5/1990 9/24/1992
  24 Straight talk 7/11/1997 7/11/1997
  25 Strategic planning process [5 year plan] [folder 1 of 2] 3/30/1988 1/22/1990
  26 Strategic planning process [5 year plan] [folder 2 of 2] 3/30/1988 1/22/1990
Box 10 1 Substantial exposure beeper protocol 8/20/1990 10/22/1990
  2 Sue Widenfeld's project 5/14/1986 6/17/1986
  3 Surveillance project 5587 (State DSHS, Department of Social and Health Services) 2/24/1986 7/22/1987
  4 Team leaders 1/4/1990 1/14/1991
  5 Team leaders 1/23/1991 12/31/1991
  6 Team leaders meetings 3/13/1995 5/2/1997
  7 [Testing issues] 8/2/1988 4/4/1991
  8 [Testing issues - HIV counseling and testing (orders to test)] 6/12/1990 7/21/1993
  9 [Testing issues - HIV counseling and testing for juveniles] 7/15/1991 7/15/1991
  10 [Testing issues - Mandatory HIV testing procedures - information on victim notification, partner notification, and SOAP (stay out of areas of prostitution)] 8/17/1990 10/11/1991
  11 [Testing issues] Routine hospital testing 8/13/1990 10/31/1991
  12 [Testing issues - Substantial exposure policy, Seattle-King County Department of Public Health] 4/26/1991 5/4/1992
  13 [Testing issues] Substantial exposure protocol, EMS (Emergency Medical Services) 2/7/1990 5/30/1990
  14 [Testing technology] 11/22/1997 11/22/1997
  15 [University of Washington School of Social Work, telephone interview project] 2/26/1987 2/17/1988
  16 USCOM (U.S. Conference of Mayors) site visit 6/96 [research data] 4/19/1996 9/11/1996
  17 [Vancouver, BC, Injection drug users and HIV] 5/1/1997 7/24/1997
  18 Washington State DOH (Department of Health) HIV Prevention Planning Retreat, October 23-24, 1997 10/8/1997 10/24/1997
  19 Western blot (WB) 12/8/1993 12/8/1993
  20 Western Pacific Mayors Conference on AIDS 11/15/1996 2/25/1997
  21 Women and AIDS - Voices of WOmen with HIV Conference 6/24/1996 6/24/1996
  22 [Women and HIV] 3/25/1992 8/19/1995


Updated: December 19, 2001

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