King County Archives
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An easement allows one party the right to use another party's land for a specific purpose. Common easements are for storm drainage pipes and ditches, for walkways, and for access roads. Easements are also granted to public utility companies to run lines on or under private property. King County also enters into various types of easements with private parties, for example, avigation (airplane flight path) or conservation easements.

What type of easement are you looking for?  
Easement granted from one private individual to another, or from a private citizen to King County
This information can be found at the King County Recorder's Office.

You will need the easement date, and the name(s) of the person(s) involved in the granting of the easement in order to obtain the easement through the Recorder's Office.

If you do not have this information you will need to contact a title company to obtain the information or locate the easement.
Easement involving a public road or a utility line
For this information, please visit the Map and Record Counter, at the Department of Transportation, Road Services Division.