unbounded knapsack problem

(classic problem)

Definition: Given types of items of different values and volumes, find the most valuable set of items that fit in a knapsack of fixed volume. The number of items of each type is unbounded. This is an NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem.

Formal Definition: There is a knapsack of capacity c > 0 and N types of items. Each item of type t has value vt > 0 and weight wt > 0. Find the number nt > 0 of each type of item such that they fit, ∑t=1N ntwt ≤ c, and the total value, ∑t=1N ntvt, is maximized.

Also known as UKP.

See also knapsack problem, fractional knapsack problem.

Author: PEB

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demonstration solutions using dynamic programming. formal definition and links to papers. Links to many papers.

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Entry modified 17 December 2004.
HTML page formatted Mon Sep 11 09:46:09 2006.

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Paul E. Black, "unbounded knapsack problem", in Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures [online], Paul E. Black, ed., U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology. 17 December 2004. (accessed TODAY) Available from:

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