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Potato cyst nematode
Globodera pallida
Plant hosts
  • Major hosts: Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato), Solanum melongena (aubergine), Solanum tuberosum (potato)
  • Minor hosts: Datura stramonium (jimsonweed), Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium (currant tomato), Oxalis tuberosa (oca), Solanum aviculare (kangaroo apple), Solanum gilo (gilo), Solanum indicum, Solanum marginatum (white-edged nightshade), Solanum mauritianum (tree tobacco), Solanum nigrum (black nightshade), Solanum quitoense (Narangillo), Solanum sarrachoides (green nightshade (UK))
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Image provided by Bonsak Hammeraas, Norwegian Institute.

Means of movement and dispersal
Plant parts liable to carry the pest in trade and transport:
  • Bulbs, tubers, corms and rhizomes: juveniles, adults and sclerotia are born internally and externally and are visible under light microscope.
  • Roots: juveniles, adults and sclerotia are born internally and externally.
  • Stems: juveniles, adults, and sclerotia are born internally and externally and are visible under light microscope.
Plant parts not known to carry the pest in trade and transport:
  • Bark.
  • Fruits.
  • Growing medium accompanying plants.
  • Flowers.
  • Leaves.
  • Seedlings and micropropagated plants.
  • Seeds.
  • Wood.
Transport pathways for long distance movement:
  • Conveyances (transport Vehicles): cysts.
  • Non-host plant material: cysts as contamination.
  • Containers and packing: cysts as contamination
  • Soil, gravel, water, etc.: cysts in water and dust storms.

Potato cyst nematodes, in common with other cyst nematodes, do not cause specific symptoms of infection. Initially, crops display patches of poor growth and affected plants may show chlorosis and wilting, with poor top growth. Good top growth is essential for photosynthesis and production of sufficient nutrients for the health of the plant and production of new tubers. Affected plants suffer yield loss and tubers are smaller. To be confident that these symptoms are caused by potato cyst nematode and to give an indication of population density, soil samples must be taken or the females or cysts must be observed directly on the host roots.
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Page updated: October 01, 2007

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