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Clues from the Past about our Future
Expanding Agriculture and Population
Night Lights and Urbanization
Patterns in Plant Diversity
Baltimore-Washington Urbanization
Great Lakes Landscape Change
Upper Mississippi River Vegetation
Greater Yellowstone Biodiversity
Southwestern US Paleoecology
Palouse Bioregion Land Use History
Northeastern Forest Dynamics

Land Use History of the Colorado Plateau

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Land Use History of North America 
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Figures and Tables from:
"Perspectives on the Land Use History of North America:
A Context for Understanding Our Changing Environment"


2-1    Population, 1790
2-2    Population, 1850
2-3    Percent of land in farms by county, 1850
2-4    Population, 1860
2-5    Percent of land in farms by county, 1860
2-6    Population, 1900
2-7    Percent of land in farms by county, 1900
2-8    Population, 1950
2-9    Percent of land in farms by county, 1950
2-10   Population, 1990 and percent of land in farms by county, 1992
2-11   Percent of land in farms by coundy, 1982, and 1992
3-1    Nighttime "city lights" image for the continental United States
3-2    Soils map of the united States
3-3    Percent of soil area covered by lights in the United States
3-4    Percent of soil area covered by lights for all 315 soil units for the United States
4-1    A field dominated by kudzu in northern Georgia
4-2    Published floras used to detect changing patterns in species number
4-3    Estimated size of the flora for specific areas in 1900 and 1996
4-4    Estimated proportion of exotic species for specific areas in 1900 and 1996
5-1    Study area for the Baltimore-Washington Regional Collaboratory
5-2    Two hundred years of urban growth for the Baltimore-Washington region
5-3    Simulated forest land cover showing 200 years of urban growth in Baltimore
5-4    Long-term ecological research location map in Baltimore
5-5    Spatial analysis for forest patch map comparison
5-6    Temporal analysis of land cover using 1972 and 1994 photos
5-7    Baltimore region counties' population densities for 1800, 1890, and 1990
6-1    Presettlement and modern forests, and changes in forest types in Great Lakes states
6-2    Changes in area covered by major forest types in the Great lakes states
6-3    The average size of contiguous presettlement and modern forest patches in the Great Lakes states
6-4    Pollen sites in the Great Lakes states
6-5    Scatterplots of squared cord distance values between pollen samples
7-1    Locations of navigation reaches 25 and 26, upper Mississippi River
7-2    Section lines of the U.S. General Land Office surveys permanently etched across the landscape
7-3    Prairie-forest continuum and tree density criteria used to generalize presettlement communitites
7-4    Presettlement land cover along navigation reaches 25 and 26 of the upper Mississippi River
7-5    Contemporary land cover along navigation reaches 25 and 26 of the upper Mississippi River
7-6    Conceptual model of the presettlement upper Mississippi River valley ecosystem
8-1    The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
8-2    Time periods examined for studying the natural and human drivers of biodiversity in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
8-3    Strong abiotic gradients in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
8-4    Bird abundance in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
8-5    Bird species richness in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
8-6    Portions of Yellowstone National Park burned by wildfires in 1988
8-7    Stages of lodgepole pine forests after fires
8-8    Past vegetation patterns in the Targhee National Forest
8-9    Remains of a homestead on a productive valley bottom near the Gallatin River
8-10   Frequency distribution of land allocation across elevation classes over the study area
8-11   Landscape patterns imposed by wildfire in Yellowstone National Park
8-12   The Gallatin Valley near Bozeman, Montana
8-13   Change in rural residential development in a portion of Gallatin County, Montana
8-14   New construction in Gallatin County, Montana, 1979-95
8-15   Primary productivity compared with human population density
9-1    Vegetation changes in southwestern landscapes since the end of the last ice age
9-2    Diagram showing fossil packrat midden records of pinyon in the Southwest
9-3    An isolated stand of Colorado pinyon at Owl Canyon in 1950 and 1989
9-4    Creosotebush at the Sevilleta Long-Term Ecological Research site in 1915 and 1989
9-5    Views from Acoma Pueblo to Enchante Mesa in 1899 and 1977
9-6    Photographs of Silver Lake in 1891 and 1982
9-7    The confluence of the west branch of the Santa Cruz River in Tucson, 1904 and 1981
9-8    Changes in montane grassland area between 1935 and 1981 in the Jemez Mountains
9-9    Roads in 1935 and 1981 from aerial photographs of the Bandelier National Monument area
9-10   A tree ring sample showing fire scars
9-11   Fire history study sites in the southwestern United States
9-12   Fire-scar chronologies for different forest sites in 27 southwestern mountain ranges
9-13   A cross-scale comparison of the largest regional fire year (1748) in the Southwest
9-14   Ponderosa pine forest changes
10-1    The Palouse bioregion
10-2    Human population change on the Palouse Prairie
10-3    Percent of total land area in farms through time in three counties
10-4    Changing proportion of the human population living in rural areas
10-5    Rural population and average farm size through time for Whitman County
10-6    Historical and current vegetation in the Palouse bioregion
10-7    Changing vegetation over time of an area near Viola, Idaho
10-8    Past vegetation predicted from soil characteristics for areas in Idaho
10-9    Cropland soil loss due to erosion, 1939-72


2-1    Large, historically non-farmed or unsustainably-farmed regions in the United States
3-1    U.S. soils grouped by number of physical factors limiting agricultural production
3-2    Results for soils of top-producing agricultural states
5-1    Historical trends of land use and land cover for the Chesapeake region
7-1    Presettlement tree composition within reaches 25 and 26 of the upper Mississippi River
10-1    Changes in species composition since European-American settlement
10-2    Noxious weeds in Latah County, Idaho

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