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FHWA Delegation of Authority

FHWA Delegation of Authority and Organization Manual (Order M1100.1A) http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/legsregs/directives/orders/m11001a.htm

The following delegations related to hydraulic policy are found in SECTION 3. ENGINEERING AND OPERATIONS of PART I. DELEGATIONS OF AUTHORITY, CHAPTER 5. FEDERAL-AID http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/legsregs/directives/orders/m1100.1a/doa_ch05.htm

34 (J) Regional Administrators are delegated the authority to approve preliminary plans for major bridges or other structures, subject to the provisions of FAPG G 6012.01 (Preliminary Plan Review and Approval). This authority shall be redelegated to Division Administrators. [Note - The Director of the Office of Bridge Technology has preliminary plan approval authority for unusual bridges and structures on the Interstate system.]

34 (L) Regional Administrators are delegated the authority to make findings that highway encroachments on a flood plain are the only practicable alternative location, as outlined in FAPG 23 CFR 650A (Location and Hydraulic Design of Encroachments on Flood Plains). This authority shall be redelegated to Division Administrators.

62. BRIDGES EXEMPT FROM COAST GUARD PERMIT. Regional Administrators are delegated the authority to determine if a bridge is exempt from the Coast Guard permits required by section 502(b) of the General Bridge Act of 1946 and section 9 of the Act of March 3, 1899, in accordance with 23 U.S.C. 144(h). This authority shall be redelegated to Division Administrators.

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United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration - Office of Bridge Technology